
Stupid Question

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Apr 22, 2004
I''m thinking really hard about this stone and probably irritated the vendor to death with my questions. Does it look too "neon-y"? I know it''s a stupid question.
If anyone looked at it, what would you think it is? Garnet? Tourmaline? etc?

Another picture of the same stone but on the hand this time.

I think it looks like a neon slightly bluish green tourmaline, but then again, it does sparkle an awful lot.
It does have neon look to it.........but honestly, my first thought was "HELLO GORGEOUS".
Is it a tourmaline? I love your pics BTW!!!
It does look like a tourmaline, especially in the first photo, not quite as much in the second photo.
I don''t know but it''s beautiful!
It looks like it''s almost glowing in that one pic. I love it!
Very pretty! And yes, there seems to be a slight neon quality i think, but I don''t know how much of that might have to do with lighting.
Looks neonish to me Chrono. I''m curious who the vendor is. Once you''ve made up your mind and the deal is in the bag, would you mind sharing?

I know you are into collecting and know what colors stones "should be" but some of the most basic advice here is buy what you like.

So I guess the question is - do you think the stone is too "neon-y," and regardless of what kind of stone it is, it is a color you love?

Edited: I do want to add a caveat to that. If this stone is a Tsav, (I can't ID stones from looking at them, so I don't know), and you want a Tsav that has traditional top tsav color, and you don't feel this is it, than pass on it.
Date: 4/6/2009 8:33:06 AM
I''m thinking really hard about this stone and probably irritated the vendor to death with my questions. Does it look too ''neon-y''? I know it''s a stupid question.
If anyone looked at it, what would you think it is? Garnet? Tourmaline? etc?

Can a colored stone be to bright and vibrant? I suspect from what I have seen the answer is yes. From my point of view I have yet to see one that pushes the envolepe that far... yet. IMO that is a very beautiful stone and have a sense that kind of color is few and far between.
Yes, it's a tsavorite. I was really concerned about getting it because it's coming from straight from Africa but the vendor has assured me that the return will be painless. It's 2.15 ct measuring 7.1 x 7.1 x 5.3 mm. I want something with blue undertone, vivid colour (I don't like the traditional medium dark but still want it to have at least a medium tone) and of course eye clean and not too pricey.

Knowing that it's a tsavorite, does it change your opinion/perception?

The vendor said it's really good quality and if I didn't like it, then maybe a tsavorite isn't for me. I was thinking about that too and maybe he's right. I'm not fond of greens and don't quite like the typical top grade tsavorite colour. I find those too dark but love the blue undertone and richness of colour. Still, I don't want to pay mucho dinero for a tsavorite that looks like a tourmaline.
A tsavorite that resembles an emerald. Nah, no change of mind from where I am sitting. Actually that info enhances my opinion of the stone !

chrono, everyone has an opinion. My opinion is that the tsavorite does not look like a tourmaline unless you are comparing it to a tourmaline with copper.
Wow, that''s a tsav?
If you don''t want it, I''ll take it, right after I also take Dreamer''s sapphire out from under her!
Don''t let Canuck-gal see it, I suspect she''d take it in a heartbeat!
Date: 4/6/2009 3:32:04 PM
Author: colormyworld
A tsavorite that resembles an emerald. Nah, no change of mind from where I am sitting. Actually that info enhances my opinion of the stone !

chrono, everyone has an opinion. My opinion is that the tsavorite does not look like a tourmaline unless you are comparing it to a tourmaline with copper.
Ditto this.

I think this stone is amazing. I''m with you on not loving the medium dark color, but I think this one is fab.
So you want a tsav that isn''t the ''breed standard'' for a tsav?

I think it''s pretty. I also think that those photos were taken under very strong lighting and that it may not be as strikingly brilliant in person.

Do you like the cut? Is it just the brilliance that''s bugging you?
That stone is ridiculous! I can''t believe how bright it is! I''d snap it up in a heartbeat!
Lovely stone!!! I bet it is gorgeous in person!
What do you plan to do with it? Did the vendor say it looks the same in person? It may be different in real life and if he says return is not a problem . . .

Undecided on if I think it looks like a tsav. or tourmaline, but I'd say tsav - probably.

"Stupid question" - not. I think you are one of the most intelligent, knowledgable people, btw.

Question for you, though. If you're not fond of green, why a tsav?
I agree with CMW, I also think it looks like a very neon copper bearing tourmaline, but a tsavorite in that color is probably very rare I would imagine. That''s probably the only one I''ve ever seen. I would take it.
I think that''s the only one I''ve ever seen in a photograph that didn''t have any yellow or brown modifier. They are difficult to photograph though.

The nice thing about having a neon tsavorite is that it will sparkle like nobody''s business. Tourmalines, as gorgeous as some are, don''t have the high RI like a garnet. It''s a very special stone IMO.
I thought it was probably garnet as it was pictured with the rough.

I''m afraid that as a ''tsavorite'' it would be my cup of tea, but I have a pretty narrow field of criteria for certain types of stone. As a nice green grossular garnet on the other hand, I would be interested.

It would all depend on whether the vendor was selling me a GGG at a tsavorite price or not... if so then I would turn it down.
Date: 4/6/2009 5:47:29 PM
Author: Pandora II
I thought it was probably garnet as it was pictured with the rough.

I'm afraid that as a 'tsavorite' it would be my cup of tea, but I have a pretty narrow field of criteria for certain types of stone. As a nice green grossular garnet on the other hand, I would be interested.

It would all depend on whether the vendor was selling me a GGG at a tsavorite price or not... if so then I would turn it down.

Pandora could you please define what a tsavorite is? What tone and saturation does it take for a green grossularite to be called a tsavorite?
Date: 4/6/2009 3:26:14 PM
Author: Chrono
Still, I don''t want to pay mucho dinero for a tsavorite that looks like a tourmaline.

If you like the color, and you know it''s a garnet, then why does it matter if it resembles a tourmaline? Are you concerned about how it will appear to others?

It''s a gorgeous tsavorite. I am not fond of the darker tsavs. This one looks gorgeous, because it is so vivid.
I don't know what, if any, the minimal tone and saturation levels are. But, I've been taught that tsavorites are coloured primarily by chromium and/or vanadium. If the main colouring agent of a green grossular is iron, it remains a green grossular.
ETA: I see that Coati's here. Maybe she will answer the saturation/tone question.

I think LTL and the vendor have given you sound advice. As a wise poster here said to me, "if you don't love the gem, let it go to someone who does."
Date: 4/6/2009 6:31:39 PM
Author: colormyworld

Date: 4/6/2009 5:47:29 PM
Author: Pandora II
I thought it was probably garnet as it was pictured with the rough.

I'm afraid that as a 'tsavorite' it would be my cup of tea, but I have a pretty narrow field of criteria for certain types of stone. As a nice green grossular garnet on the other hand, I would be interested.

It would all depend on whether the vendor was selling me a GGG at a tsavorite price or not... if so then I would turn it down.

Pandora could you please define what a tsavorite is? What tone and saturation does it take for a green grossularite to be called a tsavorite?
The reason I put the word tsavorite in inverted commas is precisely because it is primarliy a marketing name not a name that has a specific range of characteristics amongst GGG if that makes sense (I would say that in my opinion a Tsavorite MUST contain either vanadium or chromium to be sold as such - not all GGG will.)

Having looked at a very large number of tsavs over the last few years, there are plenty of dealers who try to charge top whack for what is still a green grossular garnet but probably wouldn't be what many people thought of as tsavorite as far as tone or saturation of colour is concerned.

For example "Merelani Mint Garnet" could also be called tsavorite, but is marketed under another name as a different beast and with a different price tag. However the minty green garnets from Merelani also contain vanadium/chromium, minty green garnets from other locations and green grossularite will not necessarily do so and so couldn't IMO be classed as tsavorites.

With rubies there are certain shades that will command top dollar and would be considered ultra-fine examples. Personally I prefer a different shade of red to what would be considered sublime in a ruby. It's cheaper so from my point of view - hooray! So personal preference is extremely important. However I would not be okay buying a ruby that was not what was considered 'ideal' and yet being charged on a similar scale to one that was - even if I much preferred the stone I was considering.

Where exactly does a ruby become a pink sapphire in terms of tone and saturation??? Same question applies and the answer will be very different if you are the vendor rather than the buyer...

Hope that makes sense...
It makes sense to me, at least.
Well that seems a pretty vague answer having nothing to do with the tone, saturation question I asked about. I get the impression that you consider this is a green grossularite which of course it is but seems you are of the opinion it would not live up to the tsavorite trade name. I am just trying to gauge where you consider the line to be. Of course as I said some where above we all have an opinion. Mine is that is a very bright and vibrant Tsavorite. Far and above what would be thought of as just a mere GGG in just about any group of experts no matter what the sales status may be. That is except for a very small minority of course.


Hope my post is not taken to be rude as it is not meant to be. I really just dislike to type and this seems to cause me to be rather blunt and to the point.
Date: 4/6/2009 5:01:20 PM
Author: sonomacounty
What do you plan to do with it? Did the vendor say it looks the same in person? It may be different in real life and if he says return is not a problem . . .

Undecided on if I think it looks like a tsav. or tourmaline, but I''d say tsav - probably.

''Stupid question'' - not. I think you are one of the most intelligent, knowledgable people, btw.

Question for you, though. If you''re not fond of green, why a tsav?
I''m not fond of orange but I bought a spessartite anyway.
Let''s say I didn''t like orange stones until I saw the ONE. I''m attempting the same with greens now.
Date: 4/6/2009 6:31:39 PM
Author: colormyworld

Date: 4/6/2009 5:47:29 PM
Author: Pandora II
I thought it was probably garnet as it was pictured with the rough.

I''m afraid that as a ''tsavorite'' it would be my cup of tea, but I have a pretty narrow field of criteria for certain types of stone. As a nice green grossular garnet on the other hand, I would be interested.

It would all depend on whether the vendor was selling me a GGG at a tsavorite price or not... if so then I would turn it down.

Pandora could you please define what a tsavorite is? What tone and saturation does it take for a green grossularite to be called a tsavorite?
CMW hit it on the nail.

1. What is a tsavorite (other than the chemistry)?
2. At what point does a green grossular garnet becomes a tsavorite?
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