
Stressed about proposal?

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Feb 4, 2009
Okay, this may come across as a rant or a complaint but let me just say as a little disclaimer that I am just voicing what I have stumbled across and looking for some advice as to if anyone has been in a similar situation.

As I have mentioned, I know that my boyfriend will propose before the semester is over. Now, that is in 47 days. I know he won''t wait till April (because its too close to exams and he said it''d be lame to wait till the last possible minute). So.. we''re looking at an upcoming engagement in about 40 days or less! YAYAYAYAYA *happy dance*

Anyway, obviously I am BEYOND excited! However, I was reviewing my day planner and looking at my obligations for the rest of the semester and realized that for the remainder of the semester I have SOMETHING due every day - be it a quiz, a presentation, a test, a major assignment, a thesis (I have 2
! )...

Which has now brought upon a new state of panic in my life as to WHEN and HOW we are possibly going to get engaged and enjoy it with all these things I have to do!

I hate to admit this, but part of me wishes it had happened earlier in the semester as there was more ''down time'' whereas now it really picks up. But obviously, I can''t change this.

My boyfriend says not to worry, as when it happens it will be the ''perfect'' time. And, I am sure he''s right but I don''t know if he realizes HOW MUCH I have to do...

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant. Has anyone felt this way?
For those that know that a proposal is coming soon, are you stressing about it for any of these reasons?

Again, I am obviously happy but I am not the type of person who goes out and has fun when I have homework.. my schooling has always come first.. I am crazy serious about my studies.. so really, I live breath and eat school.

I can''t say that I feel the exact same way because I''ve always been a laidback, low-stress kind of gal...especially when it comes to school and work deadlines. What does make me a little nervous though, is that whenever the proposal comes, I know I will be immediately consumed and obsessed with wedding planning and researching. It will totally interfere with my work and I almost wish the proposal could happen closer to June when I have more downtime (but ya...I really don''t want to wait

My advice is to try your best to focus on school. Change your countdown to a countdown till the end of school and not your proposal. You''re in the home stretch!!! Get ''er done... and I am sure your BF has taken everything into consideration to propose at the perfect time (not my words or your words, but HIS words!).

You''re right sammyj... It will be the perfect time whenever it happens.

And my countdown is till the end of school - it''s just exciting to think of all that will happen in the next 47 days... grad stuff, finding out the results of my master''s interview and whether I got into the program, and a proposal. I guess it''s easy to lose sight of the exciting stuff when I get really stressed :$
Maybe for you, the school and projects and exams and everything else are a good thing, because they can serve as a distraction from waiting to get engaged. With something due everyday, more of your time will be occupied with concentrating on your schoolwork and grades. That''s good right? If you were engaged now, you might be doing wedding planning AND school work. I feel your pain, but I hope this helps.
I understand us ladies getting stressed wondering when the engagement is going to happen, and being excited about it, but honestly getting engaged is the easy part. They ask, we say yes. We spend the night in lala land, then the next morning life goes on. It's not like we have to plan a grand vacation or celebration around the proposal.
Thanks for the replies!

You''re right - being so busy has been a helpful thing, preoccupying me. And although an upcoming engagement is distracting, it is truly motivating too. As someone else (SailorSweetie<3, I think...) mentioned - I can channel my LIW energy better!!

What you replied was helpful as well, thank you. You''re right - life does and will go on the next day. I think that is what I often lose sight of. Since (as is probably obvious from my other post "Today is not my day") my family has the impression that an engagement should be the be-all end-all all you (and everyone you know) eat-breathe-live-think-about until you''re married sort of thing. So, thank you for the reality reminder! :)
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