Ok, I need to vent because I am really creeped out. Warning, this post will likely be a garbled, stream-of-consciousness type deal!
So FI and I went to my home state of MA for our wedding tasting and I had a fitting. (yay!) I had gone to my parents on Thursday and he joined me on Friday. Since we had two cars I was able to stop at Providence Place (nice mall) to shop on the way back home to CT. I was behind FI by about an hour.
When FI arrived at my apartment, the front door was wide open. As he walked into my apartment, a woman came walking down the hall towards him. He said "Hi. Who the hell are you?" She replied. "You must be freaking out, I''m the previous owner." She went on to say that she had spoken to my landlord the previous day and he had given her permission to come by because she thought she may have left her wedding dress in the attic. She wanted to leave her name and number and asked that we call if we find her dress. She also asked my FI if she could try to get into the attic while he looked for a pen. He said she could try. She was back in about 30 seconds saying she wasn''t able to get up there. After leaving her name and number, she left.
I came home about and hour later and he told me the story. I was IRATE. I went back to my bedroom (the attic is above my closet) and noticed that my things had been disturbed. Drawers and trunks were open that I KNOW were shut. Objects were in the wrong place. Even my wedding band was placed in its box differently than I keep it! My passport was half in its place, etc. It was clear she had a field day going through my things. Even script bottles were slightly off from their normal resting place in my bathroom. Furious, I called my landlord.
He had never given her permission to enter my apartment. They had never had a discussion about a wedding dress. He had left her a message saying that a delivery of Poland Springs had arrived for her and to call him to arrange a time to come get it. He called her to find out what she was doing on the property. She informed him that my FI was already in the apartment and had given her permission to look around.
As for how she got in, we aren''t entirely sure. FI assumes he locked the front door, but does not specifically remember doing so on Friday morning. The screen door to the back was askew. It is possible the back door was left unlocked as that is how I get to the washer dryer. The place I rent is a house on a nature preserve, so it is entirely conceivable that the back door could have been left unlocked as I have (up to now!) felt completely safe!
I am really creeped out. Nothing is missing, but I feel violated that she was going through my things and walking around my home. (Which of course was horribly messy at the time!) Both my landlord and my Dad (attorney) told me to file a police report. I am just waiting for FI to come back to my apartment so we can go together. (I need him since he is the only witness.) I just can''t rid myself of this horrible feeling that a stranger was in my underwear drawer and likely tried on a wedding band that I haven''t even worn yet. Grrrrrr.
I just needed to vent. Thanks for the oppurtunity!
So FI and I went to my home state of MA for our wedding tasting and I had a fitting. (yay!) I had gone to my parents on Thursday and he joined me on Friday. Since we had two cars I was able to stop at Providence Place (nice mall) to shop on the way back home to CT. I was behind FI by about an hour.
When FI arrived at my apartment, the front door was wide open. As he walked into my apartment, a woman came walking down the hall towards him. He said "Hi. Who the hell are you?" She replied. "You must be freaking out, I''m the previous owner." She went on to say that she had spoken to my landlord the previous day and he had given her permission to come by because she thought she may have left her wedding dress in the attic. She wanted to leave her name and number and asked that we call if we find her dress. She also asked my FI if she could try to get into the attic while he looked for a pen. He said she could try. She was back in about 30 seconds saying she wasn''t able to get up there. After leaving her name and number, she left.
I came home about and hour later and he told me the story. I was IRATE. I went back to my bedroom (the attic is above my closet) and noticed that my things had been disturbed. Drawers and trunks were open that I KNOW were shut. Objects were in the wrong place. Even my wedding band was placed in its box differently than I keep it! My passport was half in its place, etc. It was clear she had a field day going through my things. Even script bottles were slightly off from their normal resting place in my bathroom. Furious, I called my landlord.
He had never given her permission to enter my apartment. They had never had a discussion about a wedding dress. He had left her a message saying that a delivery of Poland Springs had arrived for her and to call him to arrange a time to come get it. He called her to find out what she was doing on the property. She informed him that my FI was already in the apartment and had given her permission to look around.
As for how she got in, we aren''t entirely sure. FI assumes he locked the front door, but does not specifically remember doing so on Friday morning. The screen door to the back was askew. It is possible the back door was left unlocked as that is how I get to the washer dryer. The place I rent is a house on a nature preserve, so it is entirely conceivable that the back door could have been left unlocked as I have (up to now!) felt completely safe!
I am really creeped out. Nothing is missing, but I feel violated that she was going through my things and walking around my home. (Which of course was horribly messy at the time!) Both my landlord and my Dad (attorney) told me to file a police report. I am just waiting for FI to come back to my apartment so we can go together. (I need him since he is the only witness.) I just can''t rid myself of this horrible feeling that a stranger was in my underwear drawer and likely tried on a wedding band that I haven''t even worn yet. Grrrrrr.
I just needed to vent. Thanks for the oppurtunity!