
Stories of when you THOUGHT he was going to propose..


Apr 28, 2010
So this past weekend SO was at my house for his brothers wedding.

I decided to sleep in the living room (out of respect to my parents) and he slept in the basement.

So I was watching TV trying to fall asleep and I heard him walking up the steps (it was around 3 AM)

So he comes out of the basement with the ring box. My heart was racing a mile a minute...I was sure this was it and I definitely almost had a heart attack.

He walks over to me and I''m glaring at him
and I say "What are you doing??", he doesn''t answer and just grins at me and this time -excuse my language- I said "seriously, what the F are you doing?" hahahahahah. (I have a bad mouth sometimes).

He starts laughing and says how he just wanted to bring the ring upstairs to put it in a safe place since we''d be out all day the next day.

He figure out that I thought he was going to do it and told me his proposal is going to be way better then just that (which would have been JUST fine since he caught me so off guard)

Any stories ya got?

Also are there any "rules" you''ve asked SO to follow with the proposal?

I for example, asked SO to PLEASE PLEASE somehow get someone to record the whole proposal. I really want to be able to relive it at any time I want. He thinks I''m a weirdo for my request--oh well!

My friend asked her boyfriend to do it in warm weather.

Got any of your own?


Jun 8, 2010
WOW. I would have died. For serious.

Haven''t had this happen to me yet. I am still in the "shopping for styles" stage - I think? We were talking the other day and I suggested a diamond education link and he said "I have people already" EEEPS. So Who knows. He might have a ring and not tell me. (highly unlikely)


Dec 9, 2008
Our last dating anniversary BF told me to dress up and pack and overnight bag and meet him in town after work because he had a surprise for me. This is only a day or two after he bought me a self manicure kit "just because".
Anyway, it was a false alarm but turned out to be a realy good night out.


Feb 15, 2007
It''s so AWFUL when they do that!

Shortly before we actually got engaged DH told me he got a very special gift for me for the holidays. We don''t usually give gifts, so I already started thinking that it was going to be IT. THEN, he writes me this card that says something about how he searched all over for this gift, and how the color is special (I wanted a yellow sapphire at the time) and how it is one of a kind . . . yadda yadda yadda . . . I was SURE he was going to get down on one knee and propose when I finished reading the card.
AND . . .
He gave me a first edition of one of my favorite books. Which was a really wonderful, special gift. And he did have to search for a very long time to find this book. And the cover is a very unique color and it''s known for the color. BUT, I have to admit that I was SO disappointed that it was a book.


Mar 11, 2009
Haha these stories are too funny. I don''t have one to share but this thread made me think of Jim and Pam on the office and how he totally psyches her up that he''s going to propose and then at the end of the episode gets down on one knee (to purposely fool her)... and then ties his shoe. It''s such a funny cute moment. Since I will probably know when SO has the ring, I wouldn''t be surprised if he pulled something like that just to play a little trick on me.

As far as rules to follow, we''ve talked about it a little bit. I told him I wouldn''t want it in front of a million people and that I don''t want anything too orchestrated cause it reminds me of Prom. Where I''m from the way you ask people to Prom is always this elaborate scheme like a scavenger hunt or decorating their room so for me, a lot of over the top proposals just remind me of that. So I told him I''d prefer something simple and romantic.


Apr 18, 2008
Two Christmases ago, my dad invited FI to spend the holidays with us. This was a first after 5 yrs of dating, and I completely expected FI to decline. He enthusiastically accepted. At this point, I knew he already had a ring, so I suspected that he was using the holidays as a chance to talk to my dad, mano y mano, KWIM?

One day, he and my dad mysteriously disappear together to 'get gas' for the car... when I know good and well that that car had at least a half a tank of gas. Everyone in the house noticed their absence, and I totally thought that a proposal was imminent... it was set up perfectly, because he could have proposed with my family, and we were flying out to spend New Years with his family a few days later... I had these visions of flying out engaged to a warm reception by his family...

Needless to say, none of this happened.

He proposed seven months later at my family reunion, and caught me TOTALLY off-guard!


Jul 21, 2008
This is cut and pasted from my 1st dating anniversary thread I had about 3 months before we got engaged:

"After Valley Forge we wandered over to a huge mall near our house- King of Prussia. I thought maybe he was there to buy me an outfit for dinner that night. We went in through the entrance by Tiffany/Cartier. We walked a little past Cartier and then FF grabbed my hand and led me into the store. At this moment my heart started POUNDING. I thought that maybe he was there to buy me a ring!! I just let him do the talking as he informed the sales lady that we were there to look at engagement rings. I tried on pretty much every setting Cartier offers with the exception of the Declaration setting. I fell in love with the plain band 1895 round brilliant solitaire. It looked gorgeous on my hand combined with this new wedding band they have that is the thinnest eternity band of shared prong round brilliants. This wedding band was probably only 1.5 mm and it GLISTENED. The whole set was very very dainty and totally my style. It seems that their pricing is about the same as Tiffany’s and I decided that I liked their plain band solitaire better than the classic Tiffany 6-prong. FF was extremely curious in what I thought about everything so the longer we stood at the ring counter the more I believed he was about to propose. Eventually we left the store and sat down on a bench in the mall. I was so confused about what was going on and I didn’t know whether to be really happy or just a little peeved at this little game he was playing with me. He knew I had wanted to go check out Cartier rings with him but at the same time he had to have known it was a little difficult on me to go in there on such a big day. I know he meant well and was just trying to treat me on our big day but it ended up totally backfiring. I began to cry a little while sitting there talking about everything and I could hardly look him in the face. I think that my tears were mostly due to the roller coaster of emotions. I really didn’t want to make him feel bad about everything. "


Apr 28, 2010
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.


Jul 21, 2009
Three weeks ago my SO booked a really nice B&B in Down Town St Pete. We had a SUPER nice dinner in Chateau France, omg best food I''ve had since my grandmother (a tiny, angry. French woman) died. Anyway we were totally alone in the restaurant (it was kind of early. like 7:30ish). So we''re all alone, enjoying eachothers company and I knew that when we got back to the room there would be rose petals and champagne, Oh! and chocolate covered strawberries. He told me that on accident while sleeping.

Anyway, I digress, on the way to dinner SO told me "I have a suprise for you when we get back to the room..." He is the WORST at keeping suprises. Okay so to finish my jumble.. I walk back into the room.. expecting my "physically small suprise, not metaphorically small suprise." I HATE suprises so I wormed that much out of him.. and my suprise..? He shaved his patchy beard off, finally. So I drank pretty much the entire bottle of champagne by myself (he''s not a fan) and pretended to be excited. In the morning I was even less excited, lol, especially while eating breakfast alone with 11 couples at the most romantic waterfront B&B I''ve ever seen.


May 18, 2008
DH and I spent the week and a half prior to the engagement in Belgium. We spent 4 days of the trip in a hotel that was sited the "most romantic hotel in Belgium" in several of our travel books. He had the ring for a few months at that point.

On the trip he casually mentioned he didn''t bring the ring as part of another conversation we had. I semi-lost it. I just figured it would be so perfect. However, he had other plans in mind, and it was much better in the end. Still really thought it was going to happen in Belgium. . .


Jun 8, 2010
omg. these are probably a little funny for you to look back on, but they scare me! Like I said, I haven''t dealt with this - at all - I mean we just started looking, but my goodness. I don''t know how you ladies have the strength! I would die. and cry. and probably yell at someone (most likely not BF, future apologies to whoever is in my way...). and then go all quiet for the rest of the night. And then feel like the biggest jerk in the world for ruining something so sweet and thoughtful (whatever was so sweet and romantic that I thought he was proposing).



Feb 3, 2010
I haven''t had any false alarm proposal moments yet but, like Autumnovember, I really really want it to be recorded! I think it would be so sweet to show my family, friends, and future kids one day. I also asked that it not be at a restaurant because I want to be surprised and I think I would see that coming. All the rest is up to him and it really doesn''t matter to me how he does it.


Apr 20, 2010
The only one I have is that not too long after we bought the ring, then-BF spontaneously told me to put my shoes on one night. He grabbed my hand and ran me outside (this was shortly before sunset). I kept asking him what we were doing, and he wouldn''t say, but it became pretty evident that we were going somewhere to watch the sunset together.

I didn''t think the ring had been delivered yet, but I thought that maybe he had thrown me off somehow. I was really really nervous, but funnily enough, he couldn''t find a nice view. Weirdly enough, in this town, there aren''t really any unobstructed views that face west (I know this because I do some amateur photography).

I totally thought he was going to propose as we were watching the sunset. What''s weird though, is that I was very nervous that night. When he actually proposed a week or two later, I knew it was coming that night, but I really wasn''t nervous at all.


Jun 21, 2010
Date: 6/21/2010 11:48:24 PM

Also are there any ''rules'' you''ve asked SO to follow with the proposal?

I for example, asked SO to PLEASE PLEASE somehow get someone to record the whole proposal. I really want to be able to relive it at any time I want. He thinks I''m a weirdo for my request--oh well!

My friend asked her boyfriend to do it in warm weather.

Got any of your own?
I have asked for the world,

I want to be 75% sure its going to happen, so I can look nice, and be ready for it! Flowers, dinner, all dressed up, with people watching, down on a knee, massive scene, indoors, pictures, oh and little blue box...

I dont ask for much.


Apr 18, 2008
Date: 6/22/2010 2:34:53 PM
Author: Grlsbestfrnd
I haven''t had any false alarm proposal moments yet but, like Autumnovember, I really really want it to be recorded! I think it would be so sweet to show my family, friends, and future kids one day. I also asked that it not be at a restaurant because I want to be surprised and I think I would see that coming. All the rest is up to him and it really doesn''t matter to me how he does it.

OMG!!! Mine is recorded! And the only people who have seen it are me, and the recorder! I stood there like an idiot (the term deer in the headlights is totally apropo), and it is toooooo embarassing to me! I was in a room full of people, and I didn''t know hot to react! Anyway, when we were finally alone the night, I cried... then I cried half of the next day after he left...

but I was happy!


Apr 4, 2010
my boyfriend has joked that he''s going to have to come up with several fake proposals because I will know when he has the ring.

the only thing I asked him to do is to NOT do it at a Raiders game (he wouldn''t, this is a joke :D )


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM
Author: Autumnovember
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can''t come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I''m going to miss it when I move to CA.


Mar 31, 2010
SO hasn''t proposed yet and I suspect he won''t do it for a long while which is fine (at least that''s what I keep telling myself). I just told him I wanted it to involve him and I and no one else. He said that was fine and I guess that''s that.


Apr 28, 2010
Date: 6/22/2010 11:25:33 PM
Author: Clairitek
Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM

Author: Autumnovember

Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can''t come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I''m going to miss it when I move to CA.

No way! Really? I live right in Bucks County. I wonder what sections everyone else is from.

I''m sure you''ll love CA :)


Apr 4, 2010
C-tek where in CA are you moving?

also after reading all of these stories I hope my BF is kidding about preparing several "psych-out" proposals (he seems to be kidding...I think I would go crazy!!!)


Jun 10, 2010
Date: 6/22/2010 11:25:33 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM
Author: Autumnovember
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can''t come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I''m going to miss it when I move to CA.
Woah, Claritek, you live RIGHT near me!!! Wonder if we''ve ever crossed paths!! I split my childhood between South Philly and H-Town and did my undergrad in the KOP area. Now I live with my boyfriend right around you! Very small world!!!!

KOP is pretty cool...although I try not to go anywhere near it during the holidays. I am not a fan of crowds. The Mall of America in MN puts that one to shame x 1000!!


Jan 21, 2010
Date: 6/22/2010 11:25:33 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM
Author: Autumnovember
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can''t come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I''m going to miss it when I move to CA.
I''m from Philly too :) I grew up in Ardmore/Havertown and now I live in Center City. Small world.

getting excited

Apr 15, 2010
Haha I have had a few of these moments, but this has to be my favorite....

It was around Christmas last year and I love Christmas! He had told me it was going not going to happen that Christmas, but you always still hope, right?? Well a lot of our friends have gotten their rings from a small jeweler about an hour from our house. The SI and I talk a lot during the day through email so I thought it was weird when he hadn''t written me back all afternoon. I called his phone at work and still got nothing. I finally heard from him after work and he said he was about to leave the office, but I could tell he was in the car. I thought, "This is it! " I was sure he had gone to th jeweler and was going to propose. I practiced my surprised face and pcitured the house decorated with candles and rose petals. When I opened the door, he said, "close your eyes, I have a surprise for you." I closed my eyes and put out my hands!.....

And then when he told me to open them he was standing there with a brand new hair cut. I had been wanting him to go for a while. Talk about dissapointed!


Jul 21, 2008
Sorry to threadjack everyone!

Date: 6/23/2010 7:05:24 AM
Author: kateydid05

Date: 6/22/2010 11:25:33 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM
Author: Autumnovember
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can''t come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I''m going to miss it when I move to CA.
Woah, Claritek, you live RIGHT near me!!! Wonder if we''ve ever crossed paths!! I split my childhood between South Philly and H-Town and did my undergrad in the KOP area. Now I live with my boyfriend right around you! Very small world!!!!

KOP is pretty cool...although I try not to go anywhere near it during the holidays. I am not a fan of crowds. The Mall of America in MN puts that one to shame x 1000!!
Believe it or not, the Mall of America is smaller in square footage than KOP. KOP is the 2nd biggest mall in the country! I know MoA is builidng more though. One of my best friends lives in MN and I''ve been there twice with her. I was disappointed because I had already spent so much time at KOP. Its still a neat mall though since its all under one roof instead of two like KOP.

The town I actually live in is next to H-town but I had a GS troop there this last school year (friend''s kid was in my troop) so I''m really familiar with the town. In hindsight, I wish DH and I had bought in Havertown instead of where we ended up because the school system is so much better there. Now that we are selling, it would be a huge help to be in a better school system.


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 6/23/2010 1:49:17 AM
Author: slg47
C-tek where in CA are you moving?

also after reading all of these stories I hope my BF is kidding about preparing several ''psych-out'' proposals (he seems to be kidding...I think I would go crazy!!!)
SF Bay Area, on the Oakland side.


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 6/23/2010 7:37:10 AM
Author: damons

Date: 6/22/2010 11:25:33 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM
Author: Autumnovember
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can''t come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I''m going to miss it when I move to CA.
I''m from Philly too :) I grew up in Ardmore/Havertown and now I live in Center City. Small world.
I love the Armore area. DH hates it when I make him go to that Trader Joes on Route 30.


Apr 4, 2010
Date: 6/23/2010 12:47:36 PM
Author: Clairitek
Date: 6/23/2010 1:49:17 AM

Author: slg47

C-tek where in CA are you moving?

also after reading all of these stories I hope my BF is kidding about preparing several ''psych-out'' proposals (he seems to be kidding...I think I would go crazy!!!)

SF Bay Area, on the Oakland side.

oh cool! BF and I are in Berkeley.


Jun 10, 2010
Date: 6/23/2010 12:46:42 PM
Author: Clairitek
Sorry to threadjack everyone!

Date: 6/23/2010 7:05:24 AM
Author: kateydid05

Date: 6/22/2010 11:25:33 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM
Author: Autumnovember
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can''t come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I''m going to miss it when I move to CA.
Woah, Claritek, you live RIGHT near me!!! Wonder if we''ve ever crossed paths!! I split my childhood between South Philly and H-Town and did my undergrad in the KOP area. Now I live with my boyfriend right around you! Very small world!!!!

KOP is pretty cool...although I try not to go anywhere near it during the holidays. I am not a fan of crowds. The Mall of America in MN puts that one to shame x 1000!!
Believe it or not, the Mall of America is smaller in square footage than KOP. KOP is the 2nd biggest mall in the country! I know MoA is builidng more though. One of my best friends lives in MN and I''ve been there twice with her. I was disappointed because I had already spent so much time at KOP. Its still a neat mall though since its all under one roof instead of two like KOP.

The town I actually live in is next to H-town but I had a GS troop there this last school year (friend''s kid was in my troop) so I''m really familiar with the town. In hindsight, I wish DH and I had bought in Havertown instead of where we ended up because the school system is so much better there. Now that we are selling, it would be a huge help to be in a better school system.
I did not know that about MOA! I still love that mall. I fell in love with that whole cousins live there. It''s so clean and everyone is so nice! hehe

I know exactly what school district you are referring to. I am in one of the towns that butts up against H-Town as well. When in H-Town, I went to that high school. Very good education. The other school district is not that bad, it gets stellar reviews but if you fall through the cracks you get lost (boyfriend went there). I also think it''s way too big. I am just not a fan of the some of the neighborhoods near by. I can totally understand why you''d wish you lived elsewhere, it''s a hard selling point.


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 6/23/2010 1:07:16 PM
Author: kateydid05

Date: 6/23/2010 12:46:42 PM
Author: Clairitek
Sorry to threadjack everyone!

Date: 6/23/2010 7:05:24 AM
Author: kateydid05

Date: 6/22/2010 11:25:33 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 6/22/2010 11:01:26 AM
Author: Autumnovember
Clair!!! I live 40 minutes from KOP :) What a small world.

There are a ton of Philly people on this forum. Octavia, PrincessPlease, Stephb0lt, jstarfireb, MakingTheGrade, and Kaleigh to name a few. I know there are more but its late so I can't come up with them right now.

When I first moved here I thought KOP was the most amazing mall on the planet. Since I am only 25 minutes away (I live off of the Blue Route in the Havertown/Springfield area) its just my hometown mall! I'm going to miss it when I move to CA.
Woah, Claritek, you live RIGHT near me!!! Wonder if we've ever crossed paths!! I split my childhood between South Philly and H-Town and did my undergrad in the KOP area. Now I live with my boyfriend right around you! Very small world!!!!

KOP is pretty cool...although I try not to go anywhere near it during the holidays. I am not a fan of crowds. The Mall of America in MN puts that one to shame x 1000!!
Believe it or not, the Mall of America is smaller in square footage than KOP. KOP is the 2nd biggest mall in the country! I know MoA is builidng more though. One of my best friends lives in MN and I've been there twice with her. I was disappointed because I had already spent so much time at KOP. Its still a neat mall though since its all under one roof instead of two like KOP.

The town I actually live in is next to H-town but I had a GS troop there this last school year (friend's kid was in my troop) so I'm really familiar with the town. In hindsight, I wish DH and I had bought in Havertown instead of where we ended up because the school system is so much better there. Now that we are selling, it would be a huge help to be in a better school system.
I did not know that about MOA! I still love that mall. I fell in love with that whole cousins live there. It's so clean and everyone is so nice! hehe

I know exactly what school district you are referring to. I am in one of the towns that butts up against H-Town as well. When in H-Town, I went to that high school. Very good education. The other school district is not that bad, it gets stellar reviews but if you fall through the cracks you get lost (boyfriend went there). I also think it's way too big. I am just not a fan of the some of the neighborhoods near by. I can totally understand why you'd wish you lived elsewhere, it's a hard selling point.
The problem with the town I'm in is that it really does have some extremely horrible areas and some really nice neighborhoods (like mine). I love my street and the ones around it. People take care of their yards, maintain their homes. Its pretty much all owner-occupied houses. Then over the trolley tracks and down the road its a totally different story. I have to gently remind people who have a hard time hiding their disdain for my town that it has mannnnny different kinds of housing available. If we had bought in H-town we could have only afforded a twin. In my town we have a single family home for less. But you know what they say about hindsight! Its 20/20!
We just dropped our price by quite a bit so hopefully an offer will come soon!

ETA: I, too, love the Twin Cities area. Before I met DH my plan was to move out there once I gradauted. I adore my friend who lives there and the area is gorgeous. I know I could never convince DH to move to a place with such a long winder for an extended period of time so I guess the dream of becoming a Minnesota resident is done!


Jul 21, 2008
Date: 6/23/2010 12:54:59 PM
Author: slg47

Date: 6/23/2010 12:47:36 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 6/23/2010 1:49:17 AM

Author: slg47

C-tek where in CA are you moving?

also after reading all of these stories I hope my BF is kidding about preparing several ''psych-out'' proposals (he seems to be kidding...I think I would go crazy!!!)

SF Bay Area, on the Oakland side.

oh cool! BF and I are in Berkeley.
I was considering Albany as a possible town to live in. The company I am going to work for is in the Dublin/Pleasanton area. Livermore is near the top of my list but I am quickly discovering that the single family houses I can afford to rent that are within walking distance of the downtown area are not in the greatest neighborhoods. I got discouraged from Albany, Walnut Creek, and Concord because of the potential for a disastrous commute to Dublin/Pleasanton. Who knows though, I might love those towns enough to deal with it anyway!
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