
Sparklies on the internet? A security ?

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
Last winter I had a harasser/stalker who managed to get into my computer somehow and 'hacked it" and got my credit card info. He knew exactly when the husband wasn't home. I called the police after a few calls and while initially I wasn't taken too seriously, the follow-up cop warned me about internet security. Since I am a complete dinosaur anyway, I don't really concern myself with it as I have only a few sites I visit and NEVER reveal much about myself.

Last weekend I asked my son to do some shots of my jewelry as I had just had a manicure AND had taken some time to clean my rings and wipe my pearls.I wanted to FINALLY post pictures as I have been posting here and haven't really posted anything. My husband, who is an easy going man, got very upset and said he didn't want me putting this kind of information on the internet, that any wacko or thief would be able to track me down, didn't I learn anything last winter, and so on.

So that made me wonder--do any of you who actually post your gorgeous pieces ever worry about security? Are you confident your identity will remain hidden?
I'm not sure whether I'll manage to keep my identity hidden, but if I don't it'll probably be because of other information I might reveal and not because of pics of my jewellery.
I take general precautions...I don't post my contact information, and only use my real name in places I feel comfortable....Facebook (my account is locked down and is private as much as possible), and one online playgroup that I belong to, and have known these women for years. I'm sure I have slipped up occasionally and used my first name in public internet sites but I don't worry about it. I am of the mindset that if someone is truly determined to do what it takes to find out personal info about someone online, it can most likely be done.

I honestly would not worry about your jewelry identifying you...just don't use identifying backgrounds such as the outside of your home, in front of your license plate, etc. It is ultimately up to what each individual feels comfortable doing and sharing online.

I do not worry about my security in regards to posting pictures of my jewelry. I hope your husband comes around, because jewelry pictures are awesome!
PS has been around for a good number of years without anybody's jewelry being tracked down & stolen as a result of putting up photos here. And there are a gazillion photos. One extra security is that PSers can't IM each other -- may not have been the intent but it is another layer to keep identities confidential. Unlike Facebook, etc., PS doesn't use subscribers' info to make money & doesn't share it (to my knowledge) -- can't think of a safer way to do it in a real world.

Someone who's determined could possibly hack in, but you can also get run over a bus stepping off the curb.
My stuff lives in a bank vault, but still I do take precautions and try to not worry and enjoy sharing pics.

I think it's fine that different people have different comfort levels.
If your hubby feels very strongly about it then this may be one of those times when you compromise for the sake of the relationship.

Just be sure to keep score since he owes you one. :wacko:
I'd be careful which SITE I posted my pics on, because admins can see ISPs and those can be surprisingly accurate in terms of pinpointing your location. All things considered, I feel comfortable with PS.

I'd be careful about posting identifying details: at this point, y'all can probably get me down to my major metropolitan area and maybe a dozen places in said area where I might work, but ... frankly, if you want to rob a New Yorker, there are better prospects with bigger bling walking down every street.

And, personally, I would never post, oh, photos of my face, my family, or my house ... just because you never know when a random personal acquaintance will recognize a telltale and realize, OH, you have pricey stuff! or a stranger might fixate enough to investigate further (unless you own the crown jewels, this seems less likely with the bling). Those are 1-in-a-million odds, though, and I know I sound a little paranoid with it. But better safe than sorry, right?

All that said, I think your husband is kind of buying into a false sense of security in a way that's a little victim-blamey - if anything, last winter should prove that you don't have to do anything "wrong" to be targeted by a weirdo! I don't think participating in a forum makes you any more of a target.
I'm quite happy to share pictures of pretty much anything on PS and I don't think I'd feel any differently if I had a substantial diamond collection at home. We do have expensive things that can be a target for theft (as was demonstrated earlier this year), but I'm much more comfortable with the relative anonymity of PS than other online communities.

I think security is a lot more of a concern on other sites (especially FB) where people think they have settings to protect them. It is easy for information to get around many of those security settings (like through friends) and it has become such a popular way to communicate that I think people forget to use caution when posting.

A long-time family friend & neighbor had his home broken into when he was away at his daughter's wedding. The person who did it knew via FB when he was going to be out of town so had no trouble just walking in.
TooPatient|1309283349|2957123 said:
I'm quite happy to share pictures of pretty much anything on PS and I don't think I'd feel any differently if I had a substantial diamond collection at home. We do have expensive things that can be a target for theft (as was demonstrated earlier this year), but I'm much more comfortable with the relative anonymity of PS than other online communities.

I think security is a lot more of a concern on other sites (especially FB) where people think they have settings to protect them. It is easy for information to get around many of those security settings (like through friends) and it has become such a popular way to communicate that I think people forget to use caution when posting.

A long-time family friend & neighbor had his home broken into when he was away at his daughter's wedding. The person who did it knew via FB when he was going to be out of town so had no trouble just walking in.

I hear you. There have been many incidents where a person announces they will be out of town on FB. I NEVER do that...I may say I had a good time at ........, but it's great to be home, once I am home. I do have to admit, that my husband and I made clear that he was going to be home the entire time while I was Italy. I just HAD to "check-in" into the Vatican, Roman ruins, Colliseum, etc. :-)
I pity the fool who steal my identity
VapidLapid|1309287042|2957168 said:
I pity the fool who steals, my identity
:lol: :lol: :lol:
VapidLapid|1309287042|2957168 said:
I pity the fool who steal my identity

:lol: Yeah, I feel the same way if someone stole my identity!

I choose to not live in fear. Anybody can be a target of a crime whether they post pics online, use their real name, are rich or are poor.
Thanks for your responses! I think I will respect my husband's wishes {for now}. We were bothj ust so freaked out about the guy who was bothering me it made for a stressful winter/spring. I'm obviously not a Facebook/Myspace person so that would never be a problem. Altho you have reminded me to remind the kid NOT to mention us on his Facebook page re:going out/away. Again, thanks for taking the time to respond to my question.
Yeah, it always really surprises me when people announce on FB they're going on a vacation. Rule is, you don't tell anyone except the person who's coming to feed your pets!

That said, I think that there are probably many PS members who've not posted all of their collection. I know of a few who have expensive pieces and have modestly NOT put pictures in show me the bling, probably for good reason. I don't see the point in showing everything off and taking any risk. BUT, then again, surely most of those people have a safe or use their bank safe deposit box to hold many items.
It's not like a I have a LOT OF BLING, it's just that the husband is worried about my security after this past winter.
Amber, I remember what you went through this past winter. I don't blame your DH for being cautious. And do make sure you kid doesn't post, "We're going on vacation!" etc on Facebook as well.

That being said, I'm sad we won't get to see pics of your sparklies... :bigsmile:

I'm usually pretty good with not giving out my first name, but I do mention where I live (metro-area-wise). I guess I feel pretty safe and "anonymous" so I don't give it much thought.
