
Son still sucks thumb

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Feb 8, 2003
We''ve tried all the basics. . .nagging him, the hot pepper stuff that is painted on his thumb, vinegar, and also, as a last resort, I wrapped a candy bar wrapper around his thumb and told him that as long as that was kept on, he''d get a candy bar every day. We''ll he''s learned to manipulate. . .created a sweaty palm to wipe the pepper off, he loves the smell/taste of vinegar, and with the candy bar wrapper, he learned to take off then suck his thumb and then put it back on when he was done.

He''s had two dentists. The first said peer pressure would result in him stopping, but now he just sucks it at home. I asked for the "appliance," where a barb is cemented into the mouth and every time he sucks, his thumb is poked. The dentist said that won''t work because he''ll figure out how to bend it out of the way.

His new dentist (we switched due to insurance) also will not do the "appliance" barb because she doesn''t support cementing a device into his mouth.

So, my current plan is paying him .25 per day for every day he doesn''t suck his thumb, and if I catch him, he has to give a quarter back. We''ll a few nights back I did catch him while he was sleeping and made him pay me back. He cried and cried. . .

Seems like he has stopped sucking, but I''m not sure how long the quarter payment system will last. I told him if he makes it through one month, he''ll get .50 cents per day for the second month.

He''ll end up with a bit over $20 if he mostly stops. . .(enough for yet more Pokemon cards!)

Right now, it looks like that unless he keeps sucking, he probably *won''t* need braces. I took him and showed him google pictures of "buck teeth," and he was entertained. He wanted to see more photos. (the little guy has quite the sense of humor and wasn''t phased in the least.)

Does anyone have any other suggestions I can add to the quarter system? I do not mind paying him if it works. Right now, he earns about .75 cents per week for doing chores, so he''s learning "the value of money" - like loading the washing machine, folding clothes, and putting a stack of towls away earns 5-10 cents. So for him, the thumb sucking amount is substantial.

(for reference, he turned 7 about 3 weeks back and will be entering 1st grade.)

Thanks for advice!


Dec 29, 2004
No advice MC, but will be interersted in what others have to say. I''ve always found this whole thumb sucking thing very interesting. My friend has a 4 year old who still sucked his finger. He''s 5 now and I don''t know if he is still doing it.

It sounds like you''re being proactive and doing some good things though!


Aug 17, 2007
Hi MC!

This probably isn''t what you want to hear- but I was a thumb- sucker and sucked my thumb until I was almost 12.

My parents tried all of the above- though they never attempted to put the device in my mouth. To be honest, nothing worked and nothing affected me, I just didn''t care. Sucking my thumb was so comforting that it was worth it to me. Nobody ever made fun of me, and I probably wouldn''t have cared if they did- for some reason peer pressure just didn''t get to me as a kid.

I didn''t end up with buck teeth or anything like that. I did need braces, but that was due to the fact that I am genetically missing 2 teeth, so I would need them no matter what. As far as I know, sucking my thumb did no damage to my teeth.

One day I just decided I was too old to suck my thumb and stopped overnight.

Anyways, I hope you find something that works, but in case you don''t, I would say don''t worry too much about it. Kids will stop when they''re ready. At least I don''t feel like it really hurt me in anyway.

Good luck!!!!


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 8/4/2009 1:30:10 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Hi MC!

This probably isn''t what you want to hear- but I was a thumb- sucker and sucked my thumb until I was almost 12.
Thanks for providing insight.

My older son used a binky and when he was 3 we took his entire collection of them away and made him go cold turkey and he was able to quit that habit. He screamed for it about one week (that was a LONG week, that''s for sure.) The reason my younger son began sucking his thumb was because even though we did introduce a binky, my older son would take it away from him and stick it in his own mouth.
We cannot take his thumb away as easily as hiding all the binkies! lol


Aug 12, 2005
I''m sure you''re aware of this, but there are people who suck their thumbs throughout adulthood. They don''t necessarily have buck teeth, either. I sucked my thumb until I was 8 or 9, can''t remember. I did have dental issues, but my oral surgeon assured me that they were NOT from sucking my thumb.

He''ll stop when he''s ready to give it up. It''s like quitting anything other habit, he''ll have to decide for himself that he doesn''t want to suck his thumb anymore.


Jul 15, 2006
I always joked that my daughter would not be walking down the aisle on her dad''s arm sucking her thumb, but alas, she''s 21 now and guess what???? STILL SUCKING! She had the barbed appliance TWICE-both times, in her sleep, back to sucking that night(She''s also a "rubber", rubbing her "rubbie" blankie
). She is graduating college in December and applying to grad school and the stress(I guess) is great, so....she''s a sucker. She had braces 16 months in um, probably 10th grade and her teeth look gorgeous even tho she still sucks, but my hubby has great teeth so must be hereditary.

Not trying to make light of this at all, but I have five kids(one is type 1 diabetic) and if this is the least of your worries, please realize that your son will most likely outgrow this habit. I have 3 suckers and 2 non-suckers(in my kids) Unfortunately two of the breastfed ones decided I was the best suckee-that made for a lot of exhaustion!

Bless your heart. I hope your current plan works and your little guy''s pokemon collection grows and grows!


Oct 12, 2005
Does he do it throughout ther day or only at night? One step ahead sells something you can put over the thumb. My daughter is three & sucks her thumb. Not just at night, all the time-drives me crazy. I tried Mavala Stop but that only worked a few days. Now, I don''t know if you''ve ever tried that one, man it is gross. I put some on my finger to try it before I put it on my daughter- I could taste it on my finger for two weeks.


Jul 22, 2007
I sucked my thumb, only ever at night, until I was 9. My teeth are straight and lovely. For me, it was a total security issue. You may want to see if you can find some insecurity that he''s soothing.

My mom tried lots of things and that''s why I love hot sauce to this day! For me, the "cure" was sleeping with gloves on. But, my mom would come into my room several times a night and make sure the glove was still there. If it wasn''t, I got grounded for 2 days at a time. Grounded meant everything, TV, friends, phone, games, etc. It was go to school and sit in your room when at home. It was very severe but it worked.


Feb 8, 2003
Thanks so much everyone for your reassurance. My son won''t see an ortho for a few years, so hopefully the news will be good.

Today my older son went in for an ortho consultation and will be getting a device on his top of his mouth to spread his teeth and then have braces on the four top teeth because he has one tooth isn''t lined up and they teeth are grinding. Thank goodness we have insurance. We only signed up two months ago and are saving a lot of money b/c of that. Still it''s expensive. I''m having to do 1-year interest free financing!
Eh, so much for all dreams of pretty new baubles.


Oct 27, 2008
Both my DD sucks their thumb, my one who is almost 4 only does it on occasion. I linked it to her blanket- once it got worn out and ripped, I tossed it and she doesn't do it anymore during the day. She talks a lot about "being a big kid" and going to school and I always said that "big kids" and school bound kids do not suck their thumb (even though it may not be entirely true) but it sure helped, my DD is more conscious of it, and she stops, I did do a time out rule as well for a little while whenever she sucked her thumb she went into time out, and that helped, but it helped more when I tossed out her blanket (she has another one- not too attached to it) I did like having the thumb sucker as a pacifier because I didn't keep track of binkys too well and its nice, but its also a nightmare I'm sure once they get older. Our dentist is not worry about her teeth as she only does it at night until she falls asleep but only on a few occasions. But for a little while she had some bucked teeth, until the old blanket went in the trash can.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
One of my ex-bfs was still sucking his thumb at 27... his teeth were super-straight and he''d never had braces and had to put up with glorious British dentistry...

I wouldn''t worry too much.


Dec 29, 2004
And I totally had f''d up teeth and never sucked my thumb ever. Amelia tooks to have buckies and she never sucked on her thumb, but did take the paci when she slept. She''s totally off pacis now though.


Oct 27, 2008
Date: 8/4/2009 5:51:05 PM
Author: TravelingGal
And I totally had f''d up teeth and never sucked my thumb ever. Amelia tooks to have buckies and she never sucked on her thumb, but did take the paci when she slept. She''s totally off pacis now though.
I never sucked my thumb either, and I had messed up teeth regardless- I had to pay for my own orthodontic work -even though dad''s insurance paid a portion. My parents didn''t seem to care about my teeth nor theirs but I waited until I was 17 to do it - I was very self conscious and an ugly duckling anyways though.


Jul 26, 2004
I sucked my thumb until I was 12, though not in public after 5. I only stopped when they put a bar across the roof of my mouth, which sounds a little different than what you have been contemplating. For mine, there were bands around two molars (one on each side) and attached to each band were two bars that bent in a slight "U." One bar/wire rested agains the roof of my mouth, and the other one was below it . I don''t recall exactly, but I am pretty sure there was a vertical wire between them that held them in place and kept them from bending. I recall that it was a real PITA, but I stopped sucking immediately, because it was impossible to get my thumb in the right spot. By the time I got it off, I no longer wanted to suck my thumb.

I did then follow that with three years of braces, but I would have needed some level of orthodontia anyway, as I had several teeth removed due to crowding.


Jul 26, 2004
Mine looked pretty much like this, but I don''t recall it being so deep or having so many vertical wires as braces...



Feb 8, 2003
Date: 8/4/2009 6:30:20 PM
Author: fatafelice
Mine looked pretty much like this, but I don''t recall it being so deep or having so many vertical wires as braces...
That''s pretty serious looking!!! Yes, the thing I''m talking about is different. I just did a search and ended up coming across pictures of the expander my other son will have in his mouth. I feel so bad having him full of metal!

TG and D&T - my teeth were bad and still aren''t that great. That''s probably the main reason I''m obsessed with my kids have good teeth. My upper teeth are fine, however, my lower need braces. Even though I''m 36, I think I am going to get them w/in the next few years! Just gotta pay off my sons'' dental bills first (thank god for financing


Apr 6, 2006
I haven't read your whole post but I had a thumb sucking 3rd grader. Obviously peer pressure did nothing. My daughter had moved her front teeth forward but had a high narrow palate anyway so our orthodontist put on a palatal expander and added a little prong right where the thumb sits. That ended the thumb sucking and our beautiful daughter says that was the best thing ever because there was no was she would have given it up on her own.


Mar 23, 2009
Hi MC, oh, you have no idea how serious thumb sucking can be
I wish I could agree with others but I can't, sorry.
My oldest went through TWO brace phases, prior to that --Herbst appliance that you crank up a notch every single day while you kid is in pain....NOT PRETTY.
We started treatment at 8, the lower jaw looked smaller, my childs' profile was different than DH/I, the nose looked huge, now I see adults with indented chins and I know.....I knowwwwww, they sucked their thumbs just like my kid.
IMHO, No treatment should start w/sucking thumb....It's emotional and we need to teach them how to comfort themselves prior to inve$t a penny. I patiently told my 8 y/o that we had a week to solve the sucking issue,
we did special time alone, rubbed half of a Jalapeno peper w/o seeds on the thumb and explained what would happen. I heard crying twice, didn't respond, tried the following day, talk about it calmly, keeping cool at all times....I think my child was ready, it worked for us. With treatment the lower jaw grew 3 INCHES to match the upper, Daddy's profile for sure

As a 'loving' parent and $13,000 after, I can honestly say it was worth it, Please Don't stop obsessing with you kid, the longer you wait the more expensive it will get, add to that his self esteem. Good Luck.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 8/4/2009 10:09:48 PM
Author: Camille
Hi MC, oh, you have no idea how serious thumb sucking can be
I wish I could agree with others but I can''t, sorry.
My oldest went through TWO brace phases, prior to that --Herbst appliance that you crank up a notch every single day while you kid is in pain....NOT PRETTY.
We started treatment at 8, the lower jaw looked smaller, my childs'' profile was different than DH/I, the nose looked huge, now I see adults with indented chins and I know.....I knowwwwww, they sucked their thumbs just like my kid.
IMHO, No treatment should start w/sucking thumb....It''s emotional and we need to teach them how to comfort themselves prior to inve$t a penny. I patiently told my 8 y/o that we had a week to solve the sucking issue,
we did special time alone, rubbed half of a Jalapeno peper w/o seeds on the thumb and explained what would happen. I heard crying twice, didn''t respond, tried the following day, talk about it calmly, keeping cool at all times....I think my child was ready, it worked for us. With treatment the lower jaw grew 3 INCHES to match the upper, Daddy''s profile for sure

As a ''loving'' parent and $13,000 after, I can honestly say it was worth it, Please Don''t stop obsessing with you kid, the longer you wait the more expensive it will get, add to that his self esteem. Good Luck.
Oh wow...thanks for sharing!

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
My 14 year old stepdaughter has what you call an "open bite" due to chronic thumb sucking. Braces are on, but that''s the easy part. Next summer, she gets to have both her upper and lower jaws broken in surgery to correct her bite. If this doesn''t happen, her front teeth will fall out, because there is no counter pressure provided when she bites down. So, her front teeth are loose!

Everyone told us she''d stop sucking her thumb too. She didn''t. It''s involuntary for her at night, so she has to tape her thumb to her finger to stop it. Maybe it''s involuntary for him too? Tape might help.


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 8/5/2009 5:31:18 PM
Author: House Cat
My 14 year old stepdaughter has what you call an ''open bite'' due to chronic thumb sucking. Braces are on, but that''s the easy part. Next summer, she gets to have both her upper and lower jaws broken in surgery to correct her bite. If this doesn''t happen, her front teeth will fall out, because there is no counter pressure provided when she bites down. So, her front teeth are loose!

Everyone told us she''d stop sucking her thumb too. She didn''t. It''s involuntary for her at night, so she has to tape her thumb to her finger to stop it. Maybe it''s involuntary for him too? Tape might help.
Yep, he is sucking it at night. Since we began the 25 cent "program," he''s been okay as far as daytime sucking (he would do it in the car or while watching TV). I''ll look into a glove or tape. I take it you used packing tape?


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 8/4/2009 10:09:48 PM
Author: Camille
Hi MC, oh, you have no idea how serious thumb sucking can be
I wish I could agree with others but I can''t, sorry.
My oldest went through TWO brace phases, prior to that --Herbst appliance that you crank up a notch every single day while you kid is in pain....NOT PRETTY.
We started treatment at 8, the lower jaw looked smaller, my childs'' profile was different than DH/I, the nose looked huge, now I see adults with indented chins and I know.....I knowwwwww, they sucked their thumbs just like my kid.
IMHO, No treatment should start w/sucking thumb....It''s emotional and we need to teach them how to comfort themselves prior to inve$t a penny. I patiently told my 8 y/o that we had a week to solve the sucking issue,
we did special time alone, rubbed half of a Jalapeno peper w/o seeds on the thumb and explained what would happen. I heard crying twice, didn''t respond, tried the following day, talk about it calmly, keeping cool at all times....I think my child was ready, it worked for us. With treatment the lower jaw grew 3 INCHES to match the upper, Daddy''s profile for sure

As a ''loving'' parent and $13,000 after, I can honestly say it was worth it, Please Don''t stop obsessing with you kid, the longer you wait the more expensive it will get, add to that his self esteem. Good Luck.
Sorry for you going through all this! Yikes re: the money. I do agree that it''s partically emotional and will try and find a way to teach him to comfort himself. Possibly, as you have done, make more alone time to talk about things and why he sucks his thumb. Both my kids are very active, physical, and chatty, so there is non-stop action when they''re together. Maybe sucking his thumb is an attempt to introvert himself? He doesn''t have an "escape," like I do (as in playing on PS). lol

Oh, and even though the responses to my posts have been meant as reassurance, I''m still working with him. He had a tough morning with a loss of a pet and has worked hard to be strong rather than return to his habit.


Jun 28, 2006
MC, I sucked my thumb until 3rd grade. I only stopped because I got braces and my teeth HURT! He''ll stop eventually.


Jun 28, 2006
Date: 8/4/2009 1:30:10 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Hi MC!

This probably isn''t what you want to hear- but I was a thumb- sucker and sucked my thumb until I was almost 12.

I am genetically missing 2 teeth, so I would need them no matter what. As far as I know, sucking my thumb did no damage to my teeth.

Me too! Which 2? I''m missing the 2 on top that are on the sides of the front teeth. I ended up having braces twice. I definitely had buck teeth from the thumb sucking and then later had to have my teeth fixed once they realized I was missing a 2nd one (originally they thought it was only one).


Jan 5, 2009
Add me to the club, my son 3.5 still does it
he''s showing signs of slanted jaw. I''m dead worried


Mar 23, 2009
Date: 8/5/2009 6:25:27 PM
Author: MC
Sorry for you going through all this! Yikes re: the money. I do agree that it''s partically emotional and will try and find a way to teach him to comfort himself. Possibly, as you have done, make more alone time to talk about things and why he sucks his thumb. Both my kids are very active, physical, and chatty, so there is non-stop action when they''re together. Maybe sucking his thumb is an attempt to introvert himself? He doesn''t have an ''escape,'' like I do (as in playing on PS). lol

Oh, and even though the responses to my posts have been meant as reassurance, I''m still working with him. He had a tough morning with a loss of a pet and has worked hard to be strong rather than return to his habit.
Actually it was a slow process, 4 years [ea$ier punch] hope didn''t scare you.
I realized there was a ''problem'' around age 6, when milk teeth were shed early with no signs of permanent ones for the longest time.
You might be right, maybe he needs ''special'' time or something new he would like to try. Mine asked me why I wasn''t working, I said I wanted to help with our sucking problem and have some fun while we worked at it. She kept asking me about horses sizes and souch so I took her to a nearby ranch just to view some, oh boy.......came home with a new passion, booked 10 lessons for $100, didn''t purchase the ''right'' boots until our ''problem'' was solved. Sorry to hear about your pet loss, maybe helping you pick another pet by HIMSELF in the future might help. Best of Luck

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
No, we used silk tape...the kind you use when putting on bandages. This way she was comfortable at night, but couldn''t access her thumb.
Date: 8/5/2009 6:19:13 PM
Author: MC

Date: 8/5/2009 5:31:18 PM
Author: House Cat
My 14 year old stepdaughter has what you call an ''open bite'' due to chronic thumb sucking. Braces are on, but that''s the easy part. Next summer, she gets to have both her upper and lower jaws broken in surgery to correct her bite. If this doesn''t happen, her front teeth will fall out, because there is no counter pressure provided when she bites down. So, her front teeth are loose!

Everyone told us she''d stop sucking her thumb too. She didn''t. It''s involuntary for her at night, so she has to tape her thumb to her finger to stop it. Maybe it''s involuntary for him too? Tape might help.
Yep, he is sucking it at night. Since we began the 25 cent ''program,'' he''s been okay as far as daytime sucking (he would do it in the car or while watching TV). I''ll look into a glove or tape. I take it you used packing tape?


Jun 19, 2008
I sucked my thumb until I was 8 years old. My parents tried everything to get me to stop, but I always found a way around it. As a result, my teeth became extremely bucked and I had to wear a bionator for 3 years every minute I wasn''t in school, then I had braces for 5 years and a headgear at night for 2 of those years.

I know my parents did everything they could to try to get me to stop, but I felt like I needed to suck my thumb. I honestly don''t remember why I stopped, I just did one night. My teeth are now straight and normal, but I wish so badly that I didn''t have braces on from 7th grade though junior year of high school.

My advice would be to just keep doing what you''re doing. Tell him how badly braces and headgears can hurt, not to scare him but just as a warning. I''m sure eventually he will stop. Good luck!


Jul 22, 2007
I''ve seen some "nail polish" that is supposed to deter sucking because of the bitter taste and I''ve also seen some books about sucking. You may want to try multiple attacks.



Feb 8, 2003
Date: 8/9/2009 3:27:23 PM
Author: GoingCrazy29
I sucked my thumb until I was 8 years old. My parents tried everything to get me to stop, but I always found a way around it. As a result, my teeth became extremely bucked and I had to wear a bionator for 3 years every minute I wasn't in school, then I had braces for 5 years and a headgear at night for 2 of those years.

I know my parents did everything they could to try to get me to stop, but I felt like I needed to suck my thumb. I honestly don't remember why I stopped, I just did one night. My teeth are now straight and normal, but I wish so badly that I didn't have braces on from 7th grade though junior year of high school.

My advice would be to just keep doing what you're doing. Tell him how badly braces and headgears can hurt, not to scare him but just as a warning. I'm sure eventually he will stop. Good luck!
Thanks so much! Since his brother is getting an expander and braces pretty soon, he'll witness what he's in for! Since we started the quarter-per-day deal, he's only been caught sucking his thumb one time. I had him give me a quarter back and he started crying! He hasn't sucked it again, though, so hopefully this is working. (ugh, tough love!) ETA - and I've also been telling him he's a "big boy" a lot! Hopefully that's boosting his confidence.
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