
Some advice badly needed-LONG

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Oct 19, 2005
Here''s the deal: My father is my best friend. He and my mom split up awhile ago. My dad has this "friend", has been "friends" with her for probably 10 years or so. Now, my parents were never married, and stopped loving each other a LONG time ago. This woman and my father have gone on trips together and other various things. Over the span of the friendship, they have stopped being friends for years at a time. She is very emotionally abusive, and she oftens tells my father that he''s useless, and that he''ll "never get her or another woman because he''s got nothing good to offer" and that she doesn''t know why she hangs out with him. If anyone has seen "SYbil" this is an exact story. She''s cruel to my father, one minute being nice to him and another literally hitting him. He doesn''t have many friends, not because he''s unlikeable, but because he''s just not good at making friends. Also, I am number one in his life, and always will be. He''d rather spend weekends with me, than anyone else. Since I''ve moved out, he''s been alone a lot, often hanging out with her because she''ll invite him out. She''ll make dinner for him, and then when they''re getting ready to sit down, she''ll get angry about something and literally box up the food, hand him his jacket and tell him to never call her again, forget her numbers and email. He hates this, it hurts him. But he has no one else. She has told him at least 100 times (that i know about) that he''s no good, and he was a horrible father (WHICH I COULD KILL HER FOR), and that she never wants anything to do with him. She''ll tell him never to call her, but then will call him days later bitching about why he didn''t call. Her attitude is very psychopathic, and bi-polar at times. He tries to explain things, and when the topic isn''t on her, she hangs up. She is utterly rude, and emotionally retarded. She''s abusive, emotionally, physically, and mentally. I tell him this, and he knows, but again, feels he has no option. She tells him that she''s all who''ll take him. Since they''re remodeling his house, he''s got plants and animals at her place. She yells at him for not taking care of them- he''s afraid to go over there when she''s angry- all the time it seems. He wants to take his things back, but is afraid no one will take care of them the two weeks he''s gone to my brother''s wedding. I told him I would, but still have to talk him into it. She bought his ticket to Australia for the wedding, and his visa, and got furious when he had bought his own visa. When I told him to buy his own ticket, he''s said he already got in trouble because of the visa thing. He doesn''t ask for anything. No help from her at all. She buys things for him when she''s gotten angry at him. To try to make up for it. The last straw was this morning, she called and asked him why he hadn''t called, and when he told her it was because she told him not to, she told him that all of her friends find him immature and irritating. That made me so angry. He is the friendlest man alive, and would do anything for his loved ones. The fact that she said that made me want to go write her an angry email telling her exactly what i think of her, and how she treats my father, but I didn''t.

The question is this: Should I email her? It''s been going on for far too long, and I can''t let her keep hurting her like this. She''s almost 60 years old, constantly acting like a child. Should I wait until he can get his plants and animals? I can''t let this happen anymore. I know he''s an adult, but it''s gone too far. He doesn''t stick up for himself.


Apr 15, 2004
Gosh, I don''t know that I have any good advice for you but hearing this just makes me so sad for your father.
Makes me want to go be his friend!!

If this woman is so unstable... I don''t know that you''re emailing her would accomplish anything productive. But, even so, I would hold off until he has had the opportunity to get his plants and animals - or at least anything that he personally values - before telling her where she can stick it. I wish he could stand up to her and do it himself, but I understand a situation escalating to a point where you feel you must step in. Does your dad have any hobbies or interests that could put him in a position to meet other people & develop other friendships (the healthy non-abusive kind)?


Oct 19, 2005
God, I wish he''d have other friends, and I couldn''t wish moer that he''d stand up to her. He belongs to a lot of groups, so he can meet other people. I just worry about him. :) I''m not one to actively wish harm on someone, but I wish her major harm.


Oct 30, 2002
Your father is an adult and even though her behavior is boorish and unacceptable to us, he obviously finds it acceptable, or else he would tell her where to stuff it.

I would also suggest HE get some therapy because the fact that he lets her treat him this way tells me he's got other issues, because sorry but when you have a high opinion of yourself, you don't let ANYONE talk to you that way and stand for it and keep coming back for more.

I would suggest you stay out of it other than to try to help HIM (she is just a symptom) figure out and get help for his own issues. Plus sending her an email sounds like it'd just piss her off and then she'd take it out on him and that doesn't help anyone in the long run but you because you get it off your chest but the situation is not better.

To me your post is all about sympathy for your friendly, loving father, when in reality IMO the problem could be mostly him, because he allows it, does not seek out new friends, and just keeps coming back for more. What are his issues?

My honest thoughts. Oh and I hope that none of that offended you but I see another side of it. You are a great daughter to be worried and I would be as well.


Feb 27, 2006
Mara just said what I was thinking. People stay in relationships (platonic and otherwise) because they are getting something out of it. He could really benefit from therapy, both to examine why he''s still friends with her and to help him realize that he is worthwhile. There are also multiple good books on abusive relationships, but I''m blanking on names right now.

I don''t think it would help for you to contact her, and in fact it could just make her mad and she might take it out more on your dad. I''d concentrate on your dad. You might tell him that you''re worried about him, and try to get him into therapy. You could also go out and do things with him, to both bond with him and to help him meet more people with his interests. Join a book club, volunteer, take language classes, sign up for some rec team, etc.

Good luck handling and dealing with all of this.


Jul 27, 2005
I agree with Mara. It''s hard to see your father suffer this way, but honestly, it''s absolutely not your responsiblity or even your business to "stick up for him" with that lady. He is teaching her to treat him that way by continuing to deal with her after her abuse of him. Interfering would actually probably be detrimental to him, even more emasculating, and encourage his passive behavior. It''s hard to hear - but if it wasn''t her it would probably be someone else doing this to him .. because people tend to attract the same sorts of people to them. Also ... real sociopaths/abusers wouldn''t give a hoot what you have to say about it anyway -- so any confrontation w/you would probably just amuse them & perhaps make things worse on your Dad.

If you want to help him - help HIM. Tell him it''s not healthy to be treated that way and encourage him to seek professional help + REAL friends.

Also - keep in mind you''re only hearing HIS side.


Oct 21, 2004
Sorry Amber about your Dad. I also have a Dad who allows a woman to treat him like crap and when she tells him to jump he asks how high?

He also allows her to make him drive on by my house (where his eldest daughter and only grandchild live) on a regular basis, because she can't get along with me (or my siblings).

I used to try to change things....I gave him more lectures than a university prof.....but in the end he makes his own choices and has to live with them....just like me.

It hurts to see your flesh and blood treated so badly, I know. Unfortunately, you can't change anyone or anything except yourself, and how you deal with this situation.

My advice is to not give her any ammunition against you and to be there for your Dad when he needs you. But you may also need to back away emotionally somewhat - it is necessary for self-preservation.

Good luck and best wishes to you and your Dad.


movie zombie

Jan 20, 2005
people only make changes when they hurt enough....he must not hurt enough although it looks like it to you. also, he does get something out of it even if it is only your sympathy. its up to him to decide he deserves better and wants more. my advice is to stay out of it otherwise you''ll get caught in the crossfire during one of the makeup sessions. introduce him to other women, encourage him to see theraphy, join a group, but do not confront her. its between the two of them as much as you don''t like seeing him hurt. good luck.

movie zombie
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