
Solitaire Settings - View of the Diamond from the side


Apr 21, 2011
To all the ladies out there with solitaire settings, how often do you look at your diamond from the side? I am in the process of trying to decide on a four prong setting that will hold a 1.15 carat stone. One of the issues I'm worried about is that some settings have a cross-bar that inhibits the view of the stone from the side.

To put words into a picture: Grace (

What I like:
- The thin prongs
- No taper in the band
- The classic, clean look

Essentially, I like everything about it, but do have concern about the cross-bar. Some settings, such as the Novel patientia ( or classic 4 prong ( do not have the cross bar.

Is this a big deal? Do you ladies often view the diamond from the side? Would it depend on what clarity of a diamond you are setting? I never thought picking out the setting would be harder than picking out the stone :lol:

Any insight or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
I think the profile view of your setting is very important because that's the view that you'll most often see when you're wearing your ring. As for whether you want a setting with the bar or not, I think that's personal preference. My original e-ring did not have the bars from prong to prong, and when I designed my upgrade setting I included a bar from prong to prong because I prefer that look.

Have you tried on settings that have the bar and do not have the bar? I don't think one version is better than the other, it really is a matter of personal preference.
I'm one that does not like cross bars on my rings. If you are concerned, I would recommend that you check out some rings in person to see where you stand on something like this as it is personal preference
I like the look of the bar, but I really love the unobstructed view of the diamond without the bar. I never even thought about it when I picked out my setting, and it did not have a bar. I only really noticed the difference when I was thinking about possibly upgrading my mounting. Now that I'm used to that unobstructed view without the bar, it's my preference. I love that as much of the stone is showing as possible. :)

Oh, and I do look at my diamond a lot from the side. I think it would be hard for any person to not look at their own ring from all different angles, although I don't think that other people look at it that way as much.

Some people become concerned about the more open settings because they are worried that the color and/or inclusions will be more noticeable from the side. This is a valid concern, but again, it comes down to preferences, along with sensitivity, and of course the color and clarity grades and personal characteristics of your stone.

Good luck! I'm sure that you'll pick a beautiful setting.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have not tried on or compared settings with and without the cross bar in person. The engagement ring is a surprise (she doesn't know if or when I'm proposing, but has hinted that she would prefer I pick it out, and be surprised rather than a joint venture). I may see if Brian is able to customize the Grace and remove the crossbar, however, I think that would mean he would need to increase the prong size to help hold the diamond.

Any other inputs are still welcome. Thanks guys! :)
some rings that have cross bars are necessary for structural integrity. Better to get Brian's advice on that one, you're in good hands with Brian though.
I was thinking about your question and I think that certain solitaire settings look better with the bars and others don't. I would recommend looking at settings and determining which are most aesthetically pleasing to your eye. I think it has more to do with the way the entire design flows together and less to do with whether there are bars between the prongs.

That being said, the bars do add some structural integrity to the setting, so that is something to consider as well, especially if you are looking for a thinner setting overall.
I really, really like the 'cross bar' (I think of it as a basket setting, maybe not the correct term), but my current setting doesn't have it (classic 4-prong tiffany style from Whiteflash). I like seeing the pointed part of the diamond, but it's hard for me to see in my current setting.
The crossbar will also hide the girdle reflection (some people hate seeing this!) Dreamer posted a really great picture of it...I will see if I can dig it up. Anyway, I think it is all a matter of personal preference as to what you like best. Some styles may need the crossbar for support though.

May I suggest another solitaire setting that I really like? This is one of my favorite settings without the crossbar
I have mine 1 ct in a 4 prong setting and like to look at the diamond from the side.
Thanks for the input everyone. It's much appreciated. I was able to sort of trick her (I hope!) and she commented she does not like the cross bar.

SIG, I didn't even consider the girdle reflection so thank you for mentioning that. Also, I really like that Scassi setting and will definitely research it more. After a quick conversation with Scassi it seems as though they would want BGD to set it, which I believe he would be willing to do? Is buying a setting from a third party risky? Is there a chance the setting won't 'fit' the diamond, etc?

Thank you everyone!
I Love that cross bar! I think it makes the ring much more interesting from the side. You can still clearly see the diamond as well, but it just adds something unique to it.
Winkin, the 3 rings you linked to each use a different type of system for the center basket. The first one which is the most traditional wouldn't work without the crossbars. The crossbars on top hold the prongs together otherwise they wouldn't hold your center stone very well if they were just soldered on the bottom. The other two rings, in order to get over this issue use much thicker prongs getting thicker as they reach their base.

Good luck.
I ADORE my profile of all my rings. I am the one who sees the profile most often, and it is VERY important to me that the profiles be engaging and interesting. I greatly prefer the the profiles without the cross bar, personally. Sholdt does an great job with these... here's an example: and here is another

Can't wait to see what you come up with.
I'm going to put in my 2 cents, for what it's worth. I love solitaires and I have one myself, and view mine from the side all the time.

I like a more interesting prong head/basket on a solitiare, such as the W- prong, or a X-prong or something like the Vatche swan, the flame by Mark Morell. I know you are looking for a 4-prong, and some of these I mentioned dn't apply...

Anyway, I like how from top down, these still looklike a simple classic solitaires, but the intricate baskets and prong work are much more interesting to me. I had my solitaire setting custom made by a local jeweler, and I have gotten so many compliments when people see my ring from close up, they love like the fact that it's not just a "normal" 6-prong, and looks more like a crown.

For a 4-prong, I'd probably look at a tulip setting.
ITA with you, Jaysonsmom! I love that my ring looks like a plain solitaire from the top, but the profile has some beautiful details to it.
Thank you to everyone for their opinions and to those of you who helped educate me a little more. :wavey: I love how the people on this forum have such different preferences and everyone is willing to share their views. :appl: There seems to be a consensus that the profile view is veryimportant and is viewed frequently, so I will continue to do much more research and look at many more settings!
slg brings up a good point about the girdle reflection - also what the clarity of your stone is, if it has easily visible inclusions from the side that's something else to consider - a crossbar would hide/distract you from an obvious crystal/feather, for example.. when the labs AGS/GIA grade clarity they don't consider visibility from the side at all.
slg47|1307666264|2942082 said:
The crossbar will also hide the girdle reflection (some people hate seeing this!) Dreamer posted a really great picture of it...I will see if I can dig it up. Anyway, I think it is all a matter of personal preference as to what you like best. Some styles may need the crossbar for support though.

May I suggest another solitaire setting that I really like? This is one of my favorite settings without the crossbar

I love that setting!