
So we picked up the ring yesterday.

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Feb 2, 2010
Hi all - new girl here.

I''d never thought about being a LIW until just recently. As early as February, the BF starting hinting that he wanted to take me ring shopping. We''ve been dating 4 years (almost 5) - since my sophomore year of high school. Now we''re both almost finished with college, working part-time jobs in the same place, going to the same school.

On Martin Luther King Day, we had a day off classes so we decided to go ring shopping at the mall. I had been reading PS and was not really thrilled with the idea of mall rings anymore, but we went to figure out what we liked in terms of carat and metal and so on. The quality of the two stores we went to were, well - depressing.
Haha. I convinced skeptical BF that online ring shopping was probably a better deal for price and quality. In a matter of weeks we were talking to Whiteflash''s custom design people.

It seems like in no time the rings (e-ring and matching band) were finished and paid for, and yesterday we went to FedEx to pick them up. He needed me and my ID to get the package, but I wasn''t allowed to see the e-ring that I had designed because he wants it to be a surprise when he proposes. He made me close my eyes while we sat in the parking lot of the FedEx and he opened the package to see the rings. (!!!) Of course I was squirming the whole time, haha.

I''ve only seen the CAD images of the rings, nothing since then. He had me try the wedding band on for just a second to make sure it fit, and then hid both the rings somewhere in his room that I "would never, ever find them so don''t even try to look." (We don''t live together.)

I''m trying to be patient and calm, and let this engagement stuff just happen when it happens...but it is hard not to think about it all. the. time. He has been hinting that he will propose on our 5th anniversary in April, or "sooner if he gets impatient." So I really don''t have much to complain about. Still, the opening-the-rings right next to me was kinda harsh IMO

My best girl friends all go schools in other cities, so it''s been hard not having anybody around other than my mom to blab to about all this exciting stuff. I hope you girls don''t mind me joining you here :)


Jan 28, 2009
Welcome Sapphire! I''m not a LIW, but am glad to have you here all the same. Congrats on picking up your ring! Make sure the take PLENTY of pics when you get it and then post them here - that''s truly the most important rule on this forum.


Feb 2, 2010
Thank you! Oh, I will definitely take lots of pictures at the first opportunity to show everyone. :D

BF took a bit of delight in telling me last night that his roommate got to see the rings. And his roommate, who I''m friendly with, is going to take every opportunity to make me jealous since he''s seen them and I haven''t. =P
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