
So I got 5 kids for trick or treat


Jul 17, 2008
It seems to be dying out. A few people posted they went to "trunk or treat". Never heard of it.
We had two.... Now we have too much candy!
We got zero, but it's raining and nasty out. :eek:
We had a decent amount but not as much as previous years - April, I googled trunk or treat and found this -

Some organizations around the US sponsor a "Trunk-or-Treat" on Halloween night (or on occasion, a day immediately preceding Halloween), where trick-or-treating is done from parked car to parked car in a local parking lot, often at a school or church.
We have had 97 trick-or-treaters. Down from 105 last year.
I typically get 0 (we have a long driveway) - sometimes, I get a group of teens not dressed in any costumes, after my porch light is turned off, and I give them whatever I have in fear of the consequences that I might face if they leave empty-handed :?
We got 0-bad weather and long driveway. But my 12 yo went out in the rain for 3 hours and got about 300 treats. Of course I have to beg for a Milk Dud...It seems the holiday has boomed in terms of home decor--rivals Christmas in some areas, but there are more kid parties than house to house trick/treaters. Now that it is over, tomorrow Chritmas hype begins.
junebug17|1446338583|3944348 said:
We had a decent amount but not as much as previous years - April, I googled trunk or treat and found this -

Some organizations around the US sponsor a "Trunk-or-Treat" on Halloween night (or on occasion, a day immediately preceding Halloween), where trick-or-treating is done from parked car to parked car in a local parking lot, often at a school or church.

Interesting... But odd
April Baby, We went thru 10 bags of candy last year. Only 5 bags this year. I'm sure the weather had a big impact this year. It was awful here weather wise.
They're all here.
Last year my neighbors counted over 800.
Today's Saturday and we ran out of candy by 7:30.
This pic is by no means the most busy moment.

I blurred out kids 'faces.

Our doggies sat on my SO's lap as he handed out bags of candy.
His mom and dad are visiting and were gobsmacked over how many kids we get.
They get zero.
They thought nobody did this any more.




OMG your dogs they are so so cute :P
Your pooches are adorable Kenny - I'm sure more than a few kids will be telling their parents all about the cute dogs when they get home!

I quit doing the Halloween candy thing when I quit work. I was always ready for hordes and got a handful, but it wasn't a big problem because I could bring the leftover candy to work. Now that outlet is gone, so I just skip the handout altogether. (There are very few houses on my block that participate. I live "on the cusp" and kids know that the take will be much better a block or two over.) I'm visiting my father instead - I took him out to dinner so that's my trick and my treat!
VRBeauty|1446348143|3944395 said:
Your pooches are adorable Kenny - I'm sure more than a few kids will be telling their parents all about the cute dogs when they get home!

90% of the kids had parents who wait on the sidewalk when the kids come to our front porch.
About a third of the kids petted the dogs and around 25% of the parents snapped pics on their cellphones.

Our doggies think they are all that and a bag of chips. :lol:
Kenny,I love your dogs! Have two small babies myself. So cute! We got about 10 this year - better than last year which was 0. Weather is great here in the Bay Area - unfortunately our streets are dark and houses very far apart. Enjoyed seeing the few we had!
we only had 6 kids. Mind you, that's a 600% increase from last years total of ZERO! (I hope I have my math right!! HAHA!)
The dogs are SO cute!!!!
OMG we spent our first Halloween at the beach house yesterday (as we are usually in NYC where no one trick or treats) and expected to have a lot of children trick or treating. So we went out and bought a HUGE bag of candy. The good candy. :lickout: Reese's peanut butter cups, snickers, KitKats, Snickers, Milky Weighs, M&Ms etc. And hundreds of them.

Well, I am sure you can guess what happened. NO ONE showed up. LOLOLOL. So much for my first suburban Halloween. :lol: So the dilemma is this, keep or return? Haha. DH wants to return it so I guess we will but OMG I am sorely tempted. I LOVE Reese's Peanut Butter cups. So much. But if I start eating those I won't be able to stop so goodbye to the candy. :((

I guess not having anyone show up yesterday saved me and my dh lots and lots of extra empty calories. :!:

Kenny, your sweet dogs are adorable!!! :love:
We had the dog parade here yesterday and they were so cute to watch. Precious. :love:
We had way less this year then we have every had! I started throwing handful of candy in the bags there at last and I still had quite a bit let over!
Thank you for making my day with the pictures of your doggies Kenny. They ARE all that and a bag of chips. They are soooo cute!
Calliecake|1446396219|3944513 said:
They ARE all that and a bag of chips.

I love that saying. :lol:
LOVE the doggie wigs!!! So adorable!
Same here... $20 worth of candy and only 5 trick-or-treaters and
They were all in the same group. Anyone want some candy?
I'm amazed that your precious dogs are willing to wear those wigs! Our pup contorts herself six ways to Sunday to get any offending accessories off ASAP. I went through two large cauldron's of candy, though I left our house at 8:00 to go up the street to hang out at a neighbors bonfire and watch football (I don't really watch, but everyone else does...I live in the South after all!) I did leave a full cauldron at the porch with a "help yourself" note attached, so who knows if one kid dumped an entire cauldron in their bag or if 50 kids took 2-3 pieces....doesn't really matter, but I was a tad curious.
I was a scrooge and didn't give out candy this year. Most of the kids in our neighborhood have grown up and/or moved away. For most of the 11 years we have lived here, we spent at least a hundred dollars buying candy. For many years, we have had kids brought to our neighborhood in large vans or buses. This year, only a couple people on our whole street were giving out candy. I saw kids but not nearly as many. It felt sad to me. I think next year we will dress up in costumes and sit out front and hand out candy. We probably won't have as many again, but at least it will be fun. There is quite a distance from our front door to our family room and it gets old jumping up and down to answer the door, so sitting outside will solve that problem.
I took most of our candy to work, as I knew we wouldn't get kids. At work kids walk around the isles.

We had 3 knocks at our door, I didn't count how many kids there were.
Kenny, we also had a ton. I think they were all gone by 8:30 though. This year I went to BJ's and got big boxes of rice crispy treats, oreos, and chips, they all went quick.
We pretty much ran out of candy (save for like 3 smarties) and then I tried to take my kids trick or treating (they were at different activities beforehand) but everything had shut down by 9, because all the houses had run out of candy or had closed for the evening.
So it seemed like a pretty busy night in our town, but then we had perfect weather for it.

Your pups are soo cute! I love seeing animals dressed up (guilty pleasure). We had a pretty calm chow mix dog who the kids would love to dress up and she was fine with it. Our current dog (hound mix) shakes off whatever we put on him.
We are new to the neighborhood. We figured that since our development is like a big cup de sac, parents would drive their kids in. Nope, zip, nada, no trick or treaters. DH returned $30 worth of candy lolol.
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