
So excited have to share!!

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Nov 19, 2004
Hey everyone,

Alright, so I have to tell someone because I'm so excited I'm bouncing all over the house.

So as many of you know, I was working on a 3 stone ring project for my mom's anniversary present. So I had decided on a 0.72 and 2 0.25 stones. I was all pleased with myself and then thought I'll just put it in the cheapest setting possible and that's the end of the story. Except the setting turned out to be a nightmare because we couldn't find any setting that would fit 0.72 with 0.25 sidestones (believe it or not stueller and adwar) don't have a single setting that can do this! Bizarre.

So I fiddled around, asked Renee if we could change the head, etc., back and forth we went (she has the patient of a saint). But we finally figured out that it just couldn't be done for the budget.

All the kids got together, and pretty much decided that we could do $5000 Canadian which is $4440 USD. But still, we weren't sure if the stones + simple custom setting could be done for this. And we really couldn't go higher then this.

And then this morning, I was feeling a little like a RAT. So I showed my mom a picture of a ring I love and said "oh this PS member got this" And she said to me "Wow that's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen". So now I'm stuck, if your mom says something like that, you really want to buy it for her, but I really didn't think it could be done for our budget. THANK GOD I ASKED RENEE FOR A PRICE QUOTE!!! I was hesitent to even ask because she knew we were on a budget, and it was strected thin. But we can afford it! With room to spare, and the bank wire is being sent tomorrow. I don't know how I'm going to wait a whole week to get it and give it to my mom. My brother and sister are so thrilled. The BEST part is that my mom things we're buying her a little jade ring (that's how I'm getting her to go get her finger measured).

It's going to be her FIRST diamond in 27 years! She sold her original wedding set wedding set to escape from Vietnam during the war. She became very, very successful but has never indulged herself. Can you imagine how surprised she's going to be???

Ok, so here are the specs:

Center diamond:
Note: I picked this diamond without running it by PS experts, so if any of you see issues let me know

Item Code: AGS-7340505
Price: $2,205.00
Report: AGS
Shape: Round Ideal Cut
Carat: 0.723
Color: I
Clarity: VS2
Depth: 61.3
Table: 55.4
Crown Angle: 34.8
Crown %: 15.5
Pavilion Angle: 40.7
Pavilion %: 42.9
Girdle: Thin to Medium Faceted
Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Excellent
Culet: Pointed
Fluorescence: Negligible
Measurements: 5.78-5.81X3.55

And the ring is this the attached pics. This is stixforlegs' ring, not my mom's, but it's going to look like this.

Thanks for letting me share!

OH WOW! I am so happy for you, your siblings and your mom... that ring is amazing... talk about BLING! Your mom is going to be FLOORED! And I''m so happy WF could make it happen for you! Awesome! Cant''s wait to here about her reaction!
You and your siblings are veeeeeery wonderful to do this for your mom! I can''t wait to see the pictures and hear her reaction to receiving it! When is the anniversary?
Gypsy: Thanks for the well wishes.

Diamondseeker: Their anniversary is on the 23rd. Unfortunately it won''t be done by then because it took us so long to realize that our goal wasn''t feasible. But we also have a part in the diamond necklace my Dad is giving her, so it''s all good. Imagine, she will totally not be expecting it because she gets 2 huge presents. I love it. I wish I could fast forward 2 weeks!
Ally, that''s such a sweet present to your mom! I can''t wait to hear her reaction (and see the pics too!)
Congrats!! That ring is going to be amazing. I can''t wait to see pics! Your idea actually prompted me to start thinking about a ring for my mom when she has her 30th anniversary.

And isn''t Renee the BEST!! She just helped me on an amazing pair of diamonds studs that arrived 2 days after we completed the order! Such great service!
That''s amazing - I can''t believe you''re coming in under budget for a ring like that! It''s amazing! I love that setting and it is just going to knock your mom''s socks off.

Ally, what a sweet thing you are doing for your mom! And she is just going to love that georgous ring!
Such a wonderful story - your mom will be thrilled. Don''t you just love happy endings?
Your Mom is going to be thrilled! That is just the prettiest ring ever and she will always treasure it because it came from her children!!!
Ally, I am so happy for you. Your mom is going to be so surprised and she''s going to be over the moon happy with this ring. What a very kind and thoughtful thing you are doing for your mom. I can''t wait to hear all about it when she gets it. So exciting!!!!!
What a heart warming story. Your mom had to sell her wedding rings and now you are buying her the first diamond she will wear in 27 years!!! Wow!

It speak volumes that your mom has been so successful and never thought to spend it on herself. It''s so touching that you are giving her a most deserved luxury item that is just for her. What a wonderful way to show her how special she is to you and how much you love her. Just such a touching story!
Ally - How sweet are you and your siblings!?!?
It is a heart warming! I''m sure she''ll love it.
I can''t wait to hear all about her reaction.

She''s absolutely going to
it!! It''s just BEAUTIFUL!
WOW Ally that stone is fab, the ring is fab, how exciting, is her ring going to have the melee too? She will LOVE it!!! What a lucky Mom to have such wonderful children. Can''t wait to see the finished product!!
oh, that is exciting ally! i am so glad this all worked out for you. your mom is going to be sooooo surprised!
I''m glad everything worked out, that setting is going to be gorgeous. I can''t wait to hear how your mom likes the ring!
That ring is gorgeous. Hand shots please when she gets it!
Ally, that is WONDERFUL news!!!!!!! I knew you guys were doing the ring, but that SETTING is just to die for and will really do justice to those 3 stones!! WOOHOO!! It is so blingy I can''t belIEVE that it''s going to come in under budget! That''s amazing!

HOORAY FOR ALLY & Sibs! (But especially Ally!!!)
Your sweet mom will be over the moon--what great kids you are!

Can''t WAIT to see it!
Oh Ally, it''s gorgeous. Your mom is going to just love it. I''m so glad WF was able to work with and you were able to get her this beautiful ring..
Congrats, Ally, on a great selection. I can almost imagine the look on her face when she sees it!
That''s so sweet!
She''s going to love it... it''s such a beautiful ring! Can''t wait for the handshots!!
Ally -- this is AWESOME! How great that the ring will be under-budget but even better that it''s a design that your mom has already fallen for! YAY!!!!!
OMG alley, the ring is gorgeous and the story behind it is SOOOO sweet!
You are a great daughter! That is what jewelry is all about to me...sentiment and symbolism. Of course I am the sappy type, but I do love a great "just because" gift as well, ha ha! congrats--the ring is a stunner!
Ally ~

You know you are gonna make your mom cry!

I am sure she is going to be overwhelmed with sheer happiness and delight!

Very sentimental this gift will be!

I will try to patiently wait to hear all the details when she gets to open her gift! Don''t forget the
''s too!

Take care, and bless you and your siblings for being incredibly giving and loving children!


great job ..beautiful ring
your mom will love it!!!
OH! How sweet and thoughtful!

I just LOVE these, "look-what-we-are-getting-my-mom" threads!

What a gorgeous ring. Perfect. I LOVE it!
Can't wait to see photos and hope to hear ALL about it when she gets the ring.

Good job, Ally!
SanDiegoLady, Jelly, Scarlet16, Firegoddess, Mara, Mrsalvo, Dee*Jay, MissGotRocks, Sundial, Kaliegh, SuzyQZ, Scintillating, Virginia, Marvel, Belle, Kcoursolle, Blueroses, Lizz, LizzieC, KristyDarling, Monarch64, MrsDarlin Joy, DancingFire, Lynn B

Thanks for letting me share in the diamond obsession. I have to admit, I'm more excited to recieve this ring then I was to get my own e-ring. And I'm shamelessly eager to get a look at these ACA stones. I have some high expectations!

Mara: Thanks for commenting on the stone. I was a tad worried because I'm really bad at numbers, and I still don't know crown, etc., angles. But this stone had HCA 1.3 and the ideal scope looked pretty. And I like the price. So that was the extent of my knowledge. I didn't post the stone because Anchor said that with smaller stones, you post on that you're intrested in and then it's sold at the end of the day

Thanks everyone

You''re such a sweetie for your mommy!!!!!!!!

God bless you!

It''s just gorgeous. Like your heart!

you are an angel!

please post pics if you can.

I gave my Mom a necklace on Mother''s Day that looked exactly like a necklace she had inherited from her grandmother. (Hers was gone from a burlgary about 10 years ago).

I KNOW how you will feel when her face lights up! It is truly better to give than to receive (and we ALL know how we like to receive
I''m so happy for you and your family.
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