
So, about this coming Tuesday in the U.S...

It's going to be days, weeks or months and no matter how this turns out - many people may be unable to cope with it. I'm staying out of cities. My husband flies a medical helicopter - I hope they don't shoot at him.

Edit, they have already had to reroute medical flights due to civil unrest...and other helicopters have been shot at - I guess they are mistaken for police. They are flying trauma patients.

Another comment that I want to respond to but honestly don’t have words. This is what our country has devolved into. I will be thinking of your husband and praying that he stays safe and healthy - and thank you, both of you.
Probably going to be painting the interior of the house that day. Either that or packing more. Most days look the same right now.
It's going to be days, weeks or months and no matter how this turns out - many people may be unable to cope with it. I'm staying out of cities. My husband flies a medical helicopter - I hope they don't shoot at him.

Edit, they have already had to reroute medical flights due to civil unrest...and other helicopters have been shot at - I guess they are mistaken for police. They are flying trauma patients.

Sending you both many good vibes and best wishes and keeping you and your DH in my thoughts. Stay safe both of you.
Wow, your husband is a hero every day of the week in my book. =)2

Thank you, I just saw this!

I agree. When we met and he told me what he did...I was like, "Oh heeeeey!" He is a detail person, I don't worry about his normal day to day operations, he does not miss a trick.

He uses hand and feet to fly that helicopter at night using night vision goggles with life and death trauma care behind his head behind a curtain. He is such a bada&&. I'm glad some people were made to do jobs like this. Not me, I am an appreciative marshmallow.

Everyone in medicine right now are all heroes.
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Another comment that I want to respond to but honestly don’t have words. This is what our country has devolved into. I will be thinking of your husband and praying that he stays safe and healthy - and thank you, both of you.

Thank you, I appreciate the support and prayers. If I had a wish right now, it would be to heal the political divides. Most people are good, well meaning people and in our amped up times, it becomes so hard to remember we are only strong together.
Sending you both many good vibes and best wishes and keeping you and your DH in my thoughts. Stay safe both of you.

(((HUGS))) thank you Missy!
Business as usual for us. We voted weeks ago. So weather permitting we will go cycling though right now Monday and Tuesday don't look to be good cycling weather. The meteorologists often cannot predict accurately the weather the day of so we shall see. If we cannot cycle we shall walk.

I am (actively) working on living in the moment. Lots of challenges personally and of course world wide and I feel calmer if I live in the moment and do not focus too far ahead in the future. We can only control what we can control and most things we have zero or little control over so stressing about it does no good for anyone.

Live in the moment.
One day at a time.
Enjoy each day, each hour.
Be grateful for all the good one does have in life.
Focus on the positive.
Get through the hard times.
Always being thankful we are still here to enjoy the good and survive the challenging.

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I love these wise words :kiss2:
Tuesday is any other day to me... my best friend is having a D&C on Friday and her bday is Thursday so I'm ordering a big bunch of flowers for her as it's just 'possible' cancer, won't know for 2-3 weeks, that is what i most important to me this week, her and as usual the family is always in my mind. Gobble day coming then I go on the GREAT DIET of 2021.
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OMG!!!! what state is this? in TX we had a recent little problem on IH35 but no shooting, I am terribly sorry for your state, sick people and hubster most of all. my god, just smh.

It's going to be days, weeks or months and no matter how this turns out - many people may be unable to cope with it. I'm staying out of cities. My husband flies a medical helicopter - I hope they don't shoot at him.

Edit, they have already had to reroute medical flights due to civil unrest...and other helicopters have been shot at - I guess they are mistaken for police. They are flying trauma patients.
OMG!!!! what state is this? in TX we had a recent little problem on IH35 but no shooting, I am terribly sorry for your state, sick people and hubster most of all. my god, just smh.


Yeah, things have definitely been challenging, although lately calmed way down.
I already voted, I drove my ballot over to the drop box weeks ago.
So, I'll go to school, come home and probably watch the news.
In the evening, I have a zoom "happy hour" planned with my friend, who lives across the country. We figure it will be easier to watch the happenings if we do it together (more entertaining, anyway, as we talk about anything and everything else)
I have to assume we won't know anything concrete until days or weeks later
I voted as soon as my ballot came. Let’s skip this and move on to Thanksgiving! 4E0D2387-F29F-4314-B0A5-E4C463D1C644.jpeg
I voted as soon as my ballot came. Let’s skip this and move on to Thanksgiving! 4E0D2387-F29F-4314-B0A5-E4C463D1C644.jpeg

Yes, it sure would be nice to skip the election and move on to Thanksgiving.
Well, probably not for the poor turkeys.
Dropped our ballots off at a drop box and grabbed take out for dinner. So many businesses are boarded up tonight and more had wood next to the building like they are getting ready to cover. I hope it amounts to nothing. So many small businesses in the area already hit so hard by COVID and other events this year!
Dropped our ballots off at a drop box and grabbed take out for dinner. So many businesses are boarded up tonight and more had wood next to the building like they are getting ready to cover. I hope it amounts to nothing. So many small businesses in the area already hit so hard by COVID and other events this year!

Yeah, same here. NYC has boarded up so many businesses in anticipation of possible violence tomorrow. :(

Have I mentioned how sometimes it feels as if the end of the world is here? I sometimes feel we are in some Apocalyptic society. How did we get here? How are we going to get out of here? We will of that I am sure when my mind is clear and I calmly evaluate all that is happening. But, at times, it does feel like some futuristic society that is collapsing on itself. :(

I added but then removed links explaining all that is happening in anticipation of tomorrow due to the fact we cannot mention it. So google if you are interested about boarding up of businesses due to what is happening tomorrow.
I sometimes feel we are in some Apocalyptic society. How did we get here? How are we going to get out of here? We will of that I am sure when my mind is clear and I calmly evaluate all that is happening. But, at times, it does feel like some futuristic society that is collapsing on itself. :(

I know this feeling all too well @missy ...

Totally unreal.

Stay safe!!! Hugs
Mailed in ballot as soon as I received mine. Will stay home all day (thankful for remote work) and avoid the news.
Yeah, same here. NYC has boarded up so many businesses in anticipation of possible violence tomorrow. :(

Have I mentioned how sometimes it feels as if the end of the world is here? I sometimes feel we are in some Apocalyptic society. How did we get here? How are we going to get out of here? We will of that I am sure when my mind is clear and I calmly evaluate all that is happening. But, at times, it does feel like some futuristic society that is collapsing on itself. :(

I added but then removed links explaining all that is happening in anticipation of tomorrow due to the fact we cannot mention it. So google if you are interested about boarding up of businesses due to what is happening tomorrow.

I'm not sure if im going to watch it on tv tomorrow
if not it will be the first time i havn't since i watched the 1980 election after school one day when i was 9

If you need an escape do you somebody feed Phil on Netflex ?
We only just got the latest series here Friday
He went to Mississippi and went to a dinner and ate with a bunch off old timers - not everyone voted the same way and Phil reflected on how wonderful it was how it did not factor into their friendships
We voted early and we are focusing on self-care today. For me, that means my daily workout, bling ogling, reading, playing music, LOTS OF SNACKS, and Netflix (cannot wait to start season 4 of "Somebody Feed Phil"!!!!!!). I thought about ordering pizza for dinner but then figured cooking would help to keep my hands busy and mind distracted. I'm trying my best to avoid reading the news, but I always get the better of myself and read it anyway. :rolleyes: We'll probably watch the election results tonight while my stomach churns and my nerves fry.

Other than walking the dog, we are not leaving the house. Our friend is a sheriff in our city and advised us to stay home due to the possibility of riots tonight, especially downtown. I hardly recognize this country anymore. :(sad

I agree with @missy that all we can do is live in the moment and be grateful for what we have. I'm grateful for my loving husband, healthy kids, good dog, loyal friends, roof over my head, plenty of food....the list goes on. I hope my country will heal and find out how much richer life can be if we open our hearts and LOVE instead of hate.
election night.jpg
My husband just came home from a doctor’s appointment in downtown Chicago. He said it was very peaceful except for one guy on a motorcycle draped in a flag with his candidate’s name plastered all over it raising a ruckus.

Every storefront on the Magnificent Mile (the high-end shopping district in Chicago) was boarded up, which was expected.

Leftover alcohol from last Christmas. Probably flat, but it’ll work for tonight =) :

Tonight’s timeline by U.S. region:
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I'm feeling much more tense than I anticipated. I didn't sleep much last night, and I'm determined not to watch the coverage tonight but to take a sleeping pill and go to bed. If I stay up, I'll only feel dreadful on Wednesday, and it won't change anything.

I'm having some lunch, and then I'm a gonna deal with the tension by going window-shopping, where I will probably buy items that I don't need, lol!
We are enjoying the day very much. It's cool and sunny and beautiful out and we are cycling by the sea. Definitely living in the moment. It's the only way to live right now and we remain hopeful for the future. #Never giving up.

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I agree with @missy that all we can do is live in the moment and be grateful for what we have. I'm grateful for my loving husband, healthy kids, good dog, loyal friends, roof over my head, plenty of food....the list goes on. I hope my country will heal and find out how much richer life can be if we open our hearts and LOVE instead of hate.

Amen to this. So grateful for all the good.
And love is greater than hate.


We will heal.


Hang in there everyone.
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I'm feeling much more tense than I anticipated. I didn't sleep much last night, and I'm determined not to watch the coverage tonight but to take a sleeping pill and go to bed. If I stay up, I'll only feel dreadful on Wednesday, and it won't change anything.

I'm having some lunch, and then I'm a gonna deal with the tension by going window-shopping, where I will probably buy items that I don't need, lol!

That's wise @Jambalaya. Get a good night's sleep. Nothing will change by staying awake and getting more stressed. It will be OK. (((Hugs))).
"Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. And at such a moment, unable to see and not daring to imagine what the future will now bring forth, one clings to what one knew, or dreamed that one possessed. Yet, it is only when a man is able, without bitterness or self-pity, to surrender a dream he has long cherished or a privilege he has long possessed that he is set free...he has set himself free...for higher dreams, for greater privileges."

-- James Baldwin
That's wise @Jambalaya. Get a good night's sleep. Nothing will change by staying awake and getting more stressed. It will be OK. (((Hugs))).

Awwww, thank you Missy!
Binge watching "Kim's Convenience" trying to ignore the news.