I''ve been wondering about this and I figure people here might have some experience. Anyway, has anyone noticed friends making snarky comments about your things, jewelry, clothes, shoes, handbags, etc? For example, I have a friend who loves "Sex in the City" (which i think feeds into it) and would love to have designer label stuff, but doesn''t have the money for it. I don''t really care about the label, but i do have an expensive eye (which i think many of you can understand)and I have an aunt who gives me her designer hand me downs. Once the girl noticed, from across the room, a jacket i was wearing was Dolce and Gabbana and she started saying things like, "you don''t even care about labels and you''re the one with the coach bags, and Dolce and Gabbana, etc." I don''t even know how to respond to that. I don''t flaunt my things in front of her and i certainly don''t tell her when i get something new. I guess what brought this up is the fact that that my mom bought me a Damier Tate Pm for Christmas, and I''m just imagining her comments. Comments don''t typically bother me, but it upsets me that it seems to make her upset, if that makes sense.
To summarize, what do you do if and when your friends make little comments about your purchases or possessions?
If read all of that you deserve a round of applause.
To summarize, what do you do if and when your friends make little comments about your purchases or possessions?
If read all of that you deserve a round of applause.