
SI1 or VS2?

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Jun 10, 2002
Can someone tell me the difference between the SI1 clarity and the VS2 clarity? Does price increase significanlty betweent these two clarities?:))
difference can be 10%-15% depending on size and color.
I'd describe the difference this way. Once you have learned how to use the loupe, you yourself could probably spot the inclusions in an SI1 clarity gem. You'd might need someone with a little experience to help you find the inclusions in the VS2 gem. After gaining a little experience you could probably find the inclusions in a VS2 gem, but would need expert help to find them in a VVS2 gem, etc. In all these classes you ordinarily can't see anything with the unaided eye --at least not from the top.

The easiest way to determine the price difference is to use PriceScope's database search. Do two searches: the first limiting the search to stones of a specific weight, color, and VS2 clarity. Narrow down the default cut dimensions as required to limit the number of stones found. Note the price range displayed. Now do the same search, this time specifying SI1 clarity. Note the price range displayed. Comparing the two price ranges can give you a feel for how much the clarity difference is affecting the price.
If you are interested in the price differential, you have the answer. If you really were asking, "Does it matter if a diamond is SI1 or VS2?" then the answer would generally be only a little bit or not at all.

The visual difference is very slight. Usually VS2 and SI1 diamonds have no inclusions visible to the naked eye when the table of the diamond is facing you. The exceptions may be in diamonds well over 1.50cts and in stones like emerald cuts which have fewer facets so they are more window-like.

You buy what you like. Don't be over concerned between these two clarity grades. When diamonds are accurately graded, little physical difference exists between VS2 and SI1. Watch out for bad or misleading grading, however.
t is like being a little bit pregnant or little bit more pregnant, but you do not have a baby until you can see it with your unaided eye
On 7/4/2002 2:43:14 PM

t is like being a little bit pregnant or little bit more pregnant, but you do not have a baby until you can see it with your unaided eye

Does that mean that clarity altered diamonds had an abortion? :rolleyes:
Bang for Buck, SI1 is king... but actually getting an SI1 is another kettle of fish. They get misrepresented all the time.

But not everyone wants Bang for buck... sometimes you want Bang without a care for cost. Then go for VS, or VVS...

remember - inclusions are characteristics, not flaws per say. Some stones carry those characteristics better than others. Make will be everything here.
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