
Should I sell 1.55ct F Si1 & 1.52ct G Si1 or reset them?

Would you sell these or have them reset?

  • 1) Sell them, and I recommend you do this.

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • 2) Reset them into halo earrings, and get pear drops for them later - don't you know there are never

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • 3) Leave the whole thing well alone and here's why.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Oct 5, 2006
These are currently set into 3-stone ring (pics below) and I've tried to love the ring but I don't! :sick: I mean I like it but am not enamoured with it, not in the same way as I love, say my 4.646ctw solitaire studs. The existing sidestones are too big and make the centre stone (which should be the star) look as if it's the same as the sides; it doesn't help that the centre is set too low too. So, the ring is just this sparkly blurry ball of bling, without any clear demarcation (I hope I'm describing it correctly) or sophistication, which is what I wanted to achieve in the first place.

So I've made up my mind to reset this ring, as much as it pains me to have to swallow the cost of the setting (am not resending it back to LM - am disappointed that he didn't follow my instructions, particularly with regard to the sizing of the ring -it's too small - and there are some other issues too). So it's just not the size of the sidestones but there are issues with the setting itself too. I'll be back here to ask for help again wrt the new 3-stone ring.

Anyhow, back to what to do with the sidestones. I've had an offer from a vendor to buy them at a decent price (more than 70% of the original total cost of the purchases, but not quite the total cost). Furthermore, given that prices have gone up so much since I bought them, I figure the best thing for me to do is to try and sell them, at hopefully closer to current market prices. But the big Q is: where? I've tried to place things on consignment with GOG and only one item was sold, the rest just sit langushing around. JbEG is another option; Grace has been really sweet but I don't think they're taking in any more modern pieces. I could try and sell them myself on the "thou-shall-not-mention-site", but am too scared I might get burned again after the last Tiffany Metro fiasco!

So am thinking perhaps I should just have them reset, into halo earrings with (detachable) pear drops, similar to these from LM (except his top earrings are just plain studs and not halo'ed). I'd choose the thinnest, most delicate halo's for them (around 1 pointer or even less), the idea being the halo's would accentuate the centre stones and not compete with them. I did previously have a pair modelled after these and absolutely LOVED them (wore them everyday) but traded them in for some other pieces. Now, my only problem is that I'd feel so extravagant doing this, as I currently have 3 pairs of diamond earrings already: ie. my 4.646ctw BGD solitaire studs, cluster flower earrings (which are being reset from existing stones, each earring with a 0.65ct centre and 0.12'cts in the halo) and "travelling" half-hoops with 0.18'cts. I mean, do I really *need" another pair of earrings? I'd feel guilty abt getting yet another pair and sinking more money into this new project, which would cost me even more in the future as the idea is to get pear drops for them eventually (perhaps for my big b'day in abt 5 yrs time? :naughty:).

What would you do? If you do choose the option of selling, I'd be grateful for some tips as to how to go about doing this, including perhaps how to set appropriate selling prices for these 2 stones, and whether they should be sold together or separately (am thinking separately).

Another option obviously is not to do anything at all. I know I don't love my 3-stone ring, but am willing to hear opinions from you guys.

Thank you.

LM earrings.jpg


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Aug 14, 2009
What about something totally frivolous?

A hairclip is on my One Day list. Then there are charms for purses and bookmarks, anklets/bracelets, brooches, heck how about a couple of wineglass charms?

Something SO totally over the top you can't help but love it :devil:


Nov 8, 2008
Sell them and get an avc/oec. :Up_to_something:


Aug 14, 2009
Resonance.Of.Life|1316329988|3019959 said:
Sell them and get an avc/oec. :Up_to_something:

Oh this gives me a better idea, will GOG do a trade-in for what you originally paid (or closer to it) and apply the proceeds directly toward your Octavia upgrade? That ought to be another good chunk of it, I'd think!


Oct 5, 2006
Yssie|1316329860|3019958 said:
What about something totally frivolous?

A hairclip is on my One Day list. Then there are charms for purses and bookmarks, anklets/bracelets, brooches, heck how about a couple of wineglass charms?

Something SO totally over the top you can't help but love it :devil:

This may suprise you to hear this, Yssie, but as much as I love the idea, I think I'd feel even more guilty over spending money over sthg totally frivolous (I know I know, ALL diamonds are frivolous). And I do already have a bracelet which I wear on a daily basis. I did toy wt the idea of getting anklets (with smaller melee diamonds) a while ago but struck that idea off since my ankles are not my best feature :(sad and wouldn't want to draw even more attention to them.

Thanks, though. Any other idea?


Oct 5, 2006
Yssie|1316330200|3019961 said:
Resonance.Of.Life|1316329988|3019959 said:
Sell them and get an avc/oec. :Up_to_something:

Oh this gives me a better idea, will GOG do a trade-in for what you originally paid (or closer to it) and apply the proceeds directly toward your Octavia upgrade? That ought to be another good chunk of it, I'd think!

Thank you, both. I'd LOVE that. I did write to Jonathan but he hasn't replied yet. I wonder if it got lost in spam (?). Perhaps I could write him a follow up email. Hopefully, he'll see this thread also.

I tell ya, if he does allow me to trade them in at a decent price, plus the deposit I already have at GOG, we could be looking at a 4ct Octavia instead of the 3ct he's already searching for me.....Hmmm....NICE!! :love: :naughty: Me likey! :appl:


Aug 14, 2009
Well, here's to hoping he gets back to you soon!

If he did get you a 4ct Octavia... I might just have to pitch a tent outside their window for a glimpse of it before they pack it up and ship it off to you! And I'm in NY now, so it's only an - oh - threeish hour drive...


Oct 5, 2006
Yssie|1316330933|3019970 said:
Well, here's to hoping he gets back to you soon!

If he did get you a 4ct Octavia... I might just have to pitch a tent outside their window for a glimpse of it before they pack it up and ship it off to you! And I'm in NY now, so it's only an - oh - threeish hour drive... :love:

He he, you're such an enabler! :bigsmile:

I promise you, if I ever get a 4ct Octavia, I'd ask Jon to shoot as many photos and videos as he possibly can! AND I'd post tons here too.

Here's to hoping!! :appl:


Nov 8, 2008
If you got the Octavia... what would you set it in? :naughty:


Oct 5, 2006
Resonance.Of.Life|1316332444|3019981 said:
If you got the Octavia... what would you set it in? :naughty:

I have no idea yet, except that it'd be either in a solitaire (I so miss the simple elegant look of one) or a 3-stone with traps or frenchies. I'd for sure start a thread to ask for help. Oh, it'd be sooo much fun! :naughty: :loopy:


Mar 1, 2011
I think if GOG will give you credit for the 2 stones and upgrade your current octavia, that would be perfect!

If that is not an option, try to sell them back to a vendor (for as much as you can get) and use the money to upgrade the octavia instead of having another piece that you may not use/love. You should ask DreamerD about which vendor she was thinking about trading in her BGD diamond to (she was going to get more than what she paid for it in terms of buyback).

BTW, Lesley just emailed me and told me my truth 3 stone will ship out on Monday--can't wait! I will finally join you in the 3 stone club (at least for now, until you change your setting)!


Jun 6, 2010
I vote for applying credit towards your 4ct Octavia (if that pans out!)....


Mar 1, 2011
Oh, and for your next post about what to do w/ the BGD "Blue" diamond, reset it w/ 2 much smaller "Blue" diamonds into another 3 stone ring that isn't set as low and is more comfortable for you!


Jun 23, 2005
Although your ring is very pretty, I can see why the sidestones are too large. If you want the center to be the star, you'd have to have smaller stones to accent that stone rather than compete with it. I voted to sell the sidestones; setting them into earrings just seems to duplicate what you already have (albiet on a smaller scale). I think you have to decide which project is the most important to you at this point and focus on one thing. Either sell them and find smaller sidestones and new setting or perhaps money toward the Octavia. You have some beautiful jewelry but probably need to narrow your field of vision down to one project at a time!

I hope you are able to get something close to what you paid for the stones and maybe you can due to the huge price increases. Diamond decisions can be so costly so you really have to tread carefully. Good luck to you - will be waiting to see what you decide!


Dec 16, 2007
I think you should sell them. What you would get back depends on when you bought them and what you paid I guess. I bought my BGD stone 16 months ago before the steepest inclines in price, and so when I sought offers from vendors it turned out what they were offering -- which was whilesale value of the stone -- was about 5% more than I paid! But if I had bought later and paid more, obviously I would not have gotten that back.

I think you might consider the offer you have strongly. Getting more than 70% of what you paid is pretty good. Otherwise, call up all the usual PS vendors and ask if they want to buy.

GOG might let you trade two for one, but if not, then I would trade *one* of them and sell the other as it is the least amount of loss.


Oct 5, 2006
mom2boys|1316355028|3020073 said:
I think if GOG will give you credit for the 2 stones and upgrade your current octavia, that would be perfect!

If that is not an option, try to sell them back to a vendor (for as much as you can get) and use the money to upgrade the octavia instead of having another piece that you may not use/love. You should ask DreamerD about which vendor she was thinking about trading in her BGD diamond to (she was going to get more than what she paid for it in terms of buyback).

BTW, Lesley just emailed me and told me my truth 3 stone will ship out on Monday--can't wait! I will finally join you in the 3 stone club (at least for now, until you change your setting)!

Thank you for both of your posts. I shot another email to Jonathan today and am eagerly awaiting his response! It'd be perfect if he allowed me to do that, at the appropriate price-point of course! :wink2:

I think you're right abt trading these 2 stones in/ selling them to a vendor and use the credit or proceeds towards the upgrade of the Octavia. Whilst I think I'd love to have a pair of dangles with pear drops *eventually*, that could wait until a later time, much later. In the meantime, I still have my 3 pairs of earrings to contend myself with, esp the beloved BGD studs.

Woooohooo!! I can't wait to see yr new 3-stone "Truth" ring. I absolutely *adore* 3-stone rings and cannot wait to see yr beauty. You should know that I've been checking PS regularly to see if you've posted pics of it. Finally, not too long to go now!! :twirl: :))

ETA: and yes, I do absolutely want a pair of "blues" as sidestones to my new 3-stone ring (I'm wanting G colour and less than 1ct each - def less than 1ct this time), if and when they ever arrive! Just absolutely lurve BGD "blues"! :love:


Oct 5, 2006
MissGotRocks|1316360706|3020115 said:
Although your ring is very pretty, I can see why the sidestones are too large. If you want the center to be the star, you'd have to have smaller stones to accent that stone rather than compete with it. I voted to sell the sidestones; setting them into earrings just seems to duplicate what you already have (albiet on a smaller scale). I think you have to decide which project is the most important to you at this point and focus on one thing. Either sell them and find smaller sidestones and new setting or perhaps money toward the Octavia. You have some beautiful jewelry but probably need to narrow your field of vision down to one project at a time!

I hope you are able to get something close to what you paid for the stones and maybe you can due to the huge price increases. Diamond decisions can be so costly so you really have to tread carefully. Good luck to you - will be waiting to see what you decide!

Yes, you are absolutely right. I do need to focus on one bling project at a time; am so busy at the moment - one might not think that seeing it must seem that I'm always on PS, lol; not to mention that bling projects are so money-draining (you're right, but of course). I would like def to focus on the Octavia upgrade at the moment and perhaps leave the new 3-stone ring project until next yr or yr after.

I do hope that I can get an offer for the trade-in/ sale of these 2 stones closer to what I'd like. So, am keeping my fingers crossed and let's see what materialises.


Oct 5, 2006
yennyfire|1316355458|3020075 said:
I vote for applying credit towards your 4ct Octavia (if that pans out!)....

Thank you, yenny. I hope it does.

Can't wait to see yr finished ring, btw. I've been looking fwd soooo much to seeing it.


Oct 5, 2006
Dreamer_D|1316361976|3020129 said:
I think you should sell them. What you would get back depends on when you bought them and what you paid I guess. I bought my BGD stone 16 months ago before the steepest inclines in price, and so when I sought offers from vendors it turned out what they were offering -- which was whilesale value of the stone -- was about 5% more than I paid! But if I had bought later and paid more, obviously I would not have gotten that back.

I think you might consider the offer you have strongly. Getting more than 70% of what you paid is pretty good. Otherwise, call up all the usual PS vendors and ask if they want to buy.

GOG might let you trade two for one, but if not, then I would trade *one* of them and sell the other as it is the least amount of loss.

Thank you, Dreamer. One of the two stones, the 1.52ct G was bought quite a while ago (am remembering that it was at least 14-16 months ago) so I should get a decent price back for that (at least what I paid for it, but hopefully more). The other one was only bought in March/ April this yr, so maybe I wouldn't get so much for it back. It is painful though knowing that current market prices are 20-50% more than what I paid for them originally! :sick:

I should def entertain the idea of trading in one of them (the one GOG would give me a better credit for assuming they want to, compared to what I've already been offered) and perhaps hold out on the other one until I can get a better price for it (assuming diamond prices continue to rise - but of course in this scenario the upgraded Octavia would be even more pricey :nono: ). So, again let's just see what Jonathan comes back with.

I'll also contact the other vendors to see what they're willing to pay for them. Have to do my homework, right?


Feb 27, 2007
I hope you and GOG can work out a deal for a new Octavia. Your 3 stone ring is pretty but I can see where it's not a ring where it lets your center stone be the star. Have fun with your new project.


Jul 7, 2004
Sell them and save the money for the 5ct stone you have wanted for all the time you've been on here.


Oct 5, 2006
marcy|1316368029|3020187 said:
I hope you and GOG can work out a deal for a new Octavia. Your 3 stone ring is pretty but I can see where it's not a ring where it lets your center stone be the star. Have fun with your new project.

Thank you, Marcy. The ball has started rolling! ;-)


Oct 5, 2006
ame|1316370103|3020211 said:
Sell them and save the money for the 5ct stone you have wanted for all the time you've been on here.

Ame, you've been away so thankfully you've missed some of the drama, lol! I no longer am looking for a 5ct RB (though if one landed on my lap, I certainly wouldn't say no :naughty: ). I'd love a 4-4.5ct Octavia or old cut now and since I have a deposit at GOG, it'd be good for me to concentrate on that project. But in the meantime, I'm drooling over these old cuts that are popping up all over PS. PS is a very very bad influence indeed....I mean good good...he he... :bigsmile:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Phoenix|1316331153|3019973 said:
Yssie|1316330933|3019970 said:
Well, here's to hoping he gets back to you soon!

If he did get you a 4ct Octavia... I might just have to pitch a tent outside their window for a glimpse of it before they pack it up and ship it off to you! And I'm in NY now, so it's only an - oh - threeish hour drive... :love:

He he, you're such an enabler! :bigsmile:

I promise you, if I ever get a 4ct Octavia, I'd ask Jon to shoot as many photos and videos as he possibly can! AND I'd post tons here too.

Here's to hoping!! :appl:
Phoenix :wavey:
that would be amazing!!.... :appl: :appl:


Oct 5, 2006
Tiny update: I've had two offers on these stones: $19k and another one less than that. Disappointing , esp considering that I paid quite a bit more than that for these and that market prices are around $30-36k for the pair! :(sad :(sad

So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and see what else comes up.


Mar 1, 2011
Sorry to hear that, Phoenix! Hopefully you don't need too much more for that 4ct octavia you've been dreaming about!
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