
Should I keep this new ring and how should I wear it?


May 16, 2011
I'm a new memeber and wondered what you ladies and gents think about a new ring. I'm kind of on the fence about it. It was a steal on clearance -1/2 ct total weight for about $140 in 10k, regular tag price $1,000 but I'm guessing it could be had for around $500 or so (what do you guys think for the real value?). The diamonds are decent (by my relatively low standards-it has to look good to the eye, I really don't care about how it looks in a loop *smile* ) I2 and nice white color.

I'd like to wear it with my wedding set or engagement ring. Excuse the bad pictures that make everything look yellow and the diamonds look awful (all of them are lovely to the naked eye and quite sparkley) and my wanky fingers (I broke the pinky and it healed badly and I'm squishing my fingers together to hold the overly large new ring in place).

So, should I keep the ring or return it? Which way should I wear it or which should I avoid?

It will be an anniversary gift. It doesn't look right by itself on another finger, so it will have to be worn one of these ways. And I really don't want to spend a lot of money on a more expensive one.

The new ring, by the way is the single row diamond band.

Okay, here's my regular wedding set by itself:

Way 1 of wearing it:
Here is my engagement ring using the new ring as a band. It's more delicate and more diamond weight but somehow not as striking (in person) as my regular band (above). I'm thinking if I keep the ring this would be a more formal look and the regular band more causual?

Way 2 of wearing it:
This is my favorite (and I tried all the ways) way of wearing it. But I want to know what you all think, does it look good or bad? Does it take away from the overall look compared to just my engagement ring and band?

Way 3 of wearing it:
I'm not as crazy about wearing it this way...

So...overall should I keep the ring or take it back? Thoughts?




I like it with the e-ring in the middle and new ring on bottom =)
I like the 3rd way of wearing it as well.
Ditto. E-ring in the middle, new ring on the bottom.
I like your e-ring with your new ring...they go very well together!
I like it as a wedding band. With more rings, it looks too busy and I lose your larger diamond.
3rd way!
Thanks all! Hubby finally saw it when he came home and hated it and said to get something nicer (yay!). So I'll be returning it. Thanks!
I like it with your e-ring. However, in light of your updated post about DH's comments, I'm looking forward to seeing what you pick out next!
heraanderson|1305589003|2923506 said:
I like it as a wedding band. With more rings, it looks too busy and I lose your larger diamond.
I agree with Hera.