
Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then back!)


Mar 28, 2016
Hi again!

With the help of all of you PS'ers awesome advice, I am picking up my loose diamond on Saturday at an appraiser just across the border near Buffalo (ordered from USA Certed Diamonds) and my Vatche U113 setting (ordered from Excel Diamonds) is in production under RUSH status!!!

I shipped to Buffalo to avoid taxes and was going to bring it back to Canada myself (and saving over $2,500 on taxes). I had planned on having the setting shipped to my house (and paying taxes just because its not THAT bad for a $2000 ring) and then finding a local jeweler to set it.

Reading many PS suggestions to have Vatche personally set my ring, I am considering finding a way to send the diamond to Excel and having them get Vatche to set it, then sending it to back to me. I have two questions for you alll....

1) What is the best way to ship a loose diamond SAFELY? Am I better off to ship from Canada or straight from Buffalo after I pick the diamond up?

2) If I can get my diamond to NY, what is the best way to ship it home so I don't get screwed with duties and taxes on the whole thing?

Hopefully someone has some insights on this...



Dec 7, 2014
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

After you've seen the diamond, why not have the appraiser send it directly to the jeweller who will be setting it? That way, it only crosses the border once. By the way, there is no duty on diamonds. If the setting is manufactured in the US, there won't be any duty on it either, under NAFTA.

Of course, there still will be GST and PST payable.


Mar 28, 2016
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

If I'm declaring the diamond on my way into Canada, I will have to pay over $2,500 in HST so the plan was to not declare it.

If Excel Diamonds ships the finished product to me, perhaps they can just declare the setting as a sale, since this wasn't actually sold by them.

I'm thinking what would standard procedure be if from Canada I shipped a diamond ring to the states for repair or cleaning.... they wouldn't charge taxes or duties at this point.

I'm not a frequent US buyer, but I'm sure there must be a logical way around this that will keep my package safe.

(and FYI I can't do the pick it up in the US and wear it home route, since my bf and I aren't actually 'engaged' yet but he wanted to know that I absolutely loved both the diamond and setting prior to spending upwards of $25k on it) He doesn't want me to see the finished product until the question is popped!


Dec 7, 2014
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

No comment on your plan.....

Regarding repairs: If you ever send your own ring back to the US for repair, a different set of rules would apply. Someone just asked this very same question today, and received some good explanations and answers, including one from a trade person.



Apr 30, 2005
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

Why are you confessing on the Internet that you are breaking the law?

I wouldn't be surprised if governments have software bots that look for this kind of thing.

With the over-the-top reaction to terrorism I'll bet our privacy is so eroded that they can find you.

... and more tax you evade, the more we law-abiding people will have to pay. :angryfire:
Shame on you.


Mar 10, 2013
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

I have no advice on evading taxes, but as others may see the title of this post and wonder about shipping loose diamonds to and from Canada, I thought I would chime in:

I recently sent my stone to Steven Kirsch :dance:

First I insured it through Jewellers Mutual Insurance (Perfect Circle). I waited until it was through underwriting- which took about 2 business days AFTER I received the email saying that I was "Insured pending underwriting". I sent it through FedEx (Canada Post is also appropriate) in a jewellery box bubble wrapped then placed in a larger box with its proper documentation. I picked "next day" service which cost me about $100 CAN. I did not buy additional jewellery insurance through FedEx as I was already insured. FedEx only insures jewellery up to $1000 unless you are a preferred seller. I asked for a tracking on the package then watched it arrive in New York, NY. It was a worrisome 23 hours, but it arrived to Mr. Kirsch without issue. I am told it will be insured through SK on the way home. I will then pay tax on the difference (the setting only) on the way home as I have already paid tax on my stone prior and have documentation to that effect.

"jewellery" is British English, and "jewelry" is American English- in case anyone is perturbed.


May 22, 2002
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

This is becoming WAY too complicated. I don't know why you would want to send the stone to Vatche to have set. There are plenty of vendors that have benches that can competently set stones. I would pick up both pieces, & bring them home to have set locally. I think you had another thread asking for local jewellers, I would call those jewellers & ask how much it would cost & if they set stones in house. I don't know anyone you can go to in Toronto because I usually go to Buffalo. Lately I've been going to Bill Leboeuf in Barrie for things because I'm getting tired of the drive across the border. Call Adam & ask him how much it will cost to set an outside stone.

If you want to have the stone set while in Buffalo, try calling Ben Garelick. I've never had any work done by them or purchased anything. More to browse at their selection that we don't have in Toronto. It's a nice store. I've never gone to any other jewellers in Buffalo.

I can't comment on your plan of action.

Good luck..


Jun 2, 2013
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

ccuheartnurse|1460088386|4016831 said:
This is becoming WAY too complicated. I don't know why you would want to send the stone to Vatche to have set. There are plenty of vendors that have benches that can competently set stones. I would pick up both pieces, & bring them home to have set locally. * * *
If you have the stone set -- by a jeweler who is not an authorized Vatché retailer -- that voids your Vatché warranty. And sending the stone directly to Vatché itself means they have the stone in hand when they fabricate the ring.


May 22, 2002
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

MollyMalone|1460095528|4016854 said:
ccuheartnurse|1460088386|4016831 said:
This is becoming WAY too complicated. I don't know why you would want to send the stone to Vatche to have set. There are plenty of vendors that have benches that can competently set stones. I would pick up both pieces, & bring them home to have set locally. * * *
If you have the stone set -- by a jeweler who is not an authorized Vatché retailer -- that voids your Vatché warranty. And sending the stone directly to Vatché itself means they have the stone in hand when they fabricate the ring.

Thank you...I wasn't aware.

I don't think the OP has any choice but to go back to Buffalo when the stone has been set. It's a pain but unless you get the completed ring shipped across the border, you'll need to go back to Buffalo. Ask Excel to generate a Fed.Ex label & ship from Fed.Ex. A staffed Fed.Ex is behind the Buffalo Airport, 299 Cayuga Road. It's not hard to get to & they are open on Saturdays. Ask Excel how they want you to package the ring up.


Mar 28, 2016
Re: Shipping Loose Diamond from Canada to the U.S. (then bac

Thanks guys for all your helpful (and some nice and confrontational posts.... Some people sheesh!)

I picked up the diamond today (it was spectacular) I paid taxes on this diamond yes and have now shipped it to a Vatche retailer. Will get the finished product in a few weeks. Thanks to all those who helped :)
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