
Shipping diamonds to the UK/Europe

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Oct 14, 2001
I am looking for a high quality loose diamond for an engagement ring for my fiancée-to-be and thought the internet would be an ideal place to start. However all my searches always pull out hundreds of US and Canadian diamond sites which will not ship to the UK.Does anyone know of a good UK or European diamond site that I could contact or alternatively a US or Canadian site which will ship to the UK.Any info anyone might have on shipping diamonds to the UK from US or Canada or within Europe, would also be very gratefully received.Thank you and Thank you whoever set up this BB It has been a wealth of info
If I might be so bold as to interject...You are wasting your money on a D IF diamond. It is not the "quality" that you think it is nor will it improve the look of the stone even a single iota (did I come even close to spelling that strange little word correctly? )P ) in terms of visual beauty.What you are considering should be considered a "collector's" stone. Do yourself a huge favor and get a super high quality stone in terms of cut and you'll get a stone that is more than likely twice the size and most definately twice as beautiful for the same price. Focus in on an F (an E if you are absolutely convinced that you'll be able to percieve the difference) and somewhere in the VS1-2 range (god forbid I should suggest an SI1 although you'll never see the inclusions in any one of the aforementioned as long as it is a GIA certified diamond).Shipping to the UK is not a big issue and I can't understand why you've encountered problems...I just sent a fancy Yellow diamond to a lovely woman in York.Let me know if I can be of assistance.Best Regards,Ariel Friedman
IceStore Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
[email protected]
Hi MAG:We have shipped a number of diamonds to the UK. It is a straightforward process and the diamond is at your doorstep in 2 to 3 days.Feel free to contact us for more info.LesleyH
Hi Ariel,Hmm... why are you telling to MAG what he really wants?He wants D IF and thats fine. He is not looking for "good" or "good enough". He wants a rare stone.Mag,Thanks for telling us your need. I'll look for such a stone.S
Hi MAG,You know what you want, I like it. Althought it doesn't make it easy to find it for you.
You should get the angles from the vendor. S
I am looking for a Princess Cut Good proportions
0.5-0.8priority is on quality not sizeIf anyone can help I would be very gratefulThankyouMAG
Thank you all for your very welcome replies advice comments and help.Ariel, Although I value your advice and do not for one minute question your judgement with regards the perceivable quality of the diamond I am looking for I am afraid that I am an incurable perfectionist (or snob) which ever way you want to look at it.It is not so much the look of the diamond or the size that I am foremost concerned about. It is as Sibelius says the rarity and perfection, and to a certain extent the effort required to find such a rare diamond that will make this ring the ultimately special gift I want it to be. Basically I am looking for a stone that is as rare, special and as beautiful as the woman I intend to give it to (as you might have guessed by now I am also an incurable romanticist).With regards to a supper high quality cut you may be able to help me as I am having difficulty in finding a definition for a princess cut stone. I have a printout of the AGA cut class table for the Princess cut which states for a 2A classTable 59-70%
crown height 8-11.5%
Total Depth 64-75%
Crown Angle 30-33 degs
symmetry 0.95-1.05I have been offered a:
0.57carat D-IF Princess Cut
Depth 68.2%
Table 68 %
Dims 4.76-4.62-3.15mmFrom these dimensions can I calculate if the diamond above fits the grade of the AGA 2A or not I seem to be having probs finding the crown angle?
Comments on the AGA grading and any other advice on grading the cut of a princess diamond would be very welcome.Best Regards and THANK YOU all again for your time and interest.MAG
Hi MAG,What kind of stone you are looking for?I am in EU, Finland.S
Sibelius, I am not telling him what he wants simply offering some advice which is what I was fairly sure this forum was here for...As far as an extremely rare gift, has anyone brought fancy colored diamonds to your attention?Oh, there I go again....You will need the angles to better define this stone as far as the AGA charts go.Consider this, you've done a bit of research and you know how rare this D IF is but do you know what she'll see? A small diamond. It is unfortunate and although we are privy to your intentions, she'll have to hear about then after the fact and the first impression that she'll get is a fairy small diamond that will look just like the much larger stone that you could've gotten in it's stead.I'm finished preaching now.
Good luck with your purchase Mag and of course your proposal.
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