
Shenoa and Co - A novices story

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Aug 25, 2004
I wish I had found this forum earlier. I wouldn''t have gone through with my transaction. But its not all bad. Though it would seem I have had a similar experience to other people who have posted. I thought I would join and share it for those other guys out there like me in this wilderness of diamonds

First of all, I live in England and use Ebay to buy small items. Never had any serious problems, but I am wary of sellers with less then perfect feedback and am careful.

It started as I want to propose to my g/f on holiday in Sept. I had been doing my homework and checking out shops here in the UK for prices and quality. found it was going to cost more than I anticipated. So I checked out good old EBay. I found that the style of rings I liked seemed to come up on only one seller. Shenoa and Co. The descriptions are well written, the pictures are ok, high number of buyers and feedback was next to perfect. All the right things were there, GIA certification and money back guarantee etc etc.

So I started to ask questions. I asked about re-sizing, duty costs, speed of delivery on various rings. I did get answers to some of my mails, but not all. The quality of the responses was pretty awful. Different people answered, some of the guys that responded were abrupt, vague and rude. I got a good answer from one girl there so in the end I phoned NY to talk to her direct.

She was ok. I like other people kept getting told how customer service was their number 1 priority and how wonderful they were. She did explain why I had to open a Fedex account (which is only usually only used by business people in the UK) and that I had to pay duty. So after setting up my Fedex account, I rang back to order the ring that I wanted.

I ordered straight using my credit card, not going through EBay. The price was the EBay starting price and for that I got a valuation and re-sizing. Delivery cost extra and I had to pay Shenoa and Co for it, I couldnt pay Fedex myself (which was cheaper). I was told 2-3 weeks, which was a problem for me cause it would be pushing it for my holiday. However, she said she would mark it so it got here in time.

Anyway, only a week later I got a phone call from Fedex to say that they had a parcel for me at the airport. I was shocked. After a couple of days, I got my ring. I have to admit I was a little worried when I opened the box to see it for the first time. I opened the box and there it was. Not the ring I ordered! So I went home and checked the EBay ad. Here was a shock, the picture on the ad had changed to the ring I had received, even though the ring was no longer up for sale. However, I know I haven''t gone mad cause I have a printed copy of the previous ad! The description remained the same, but the picture had been altered.

So I have had the ring checked out properly. The ring description said it had a .95ct centre diamond. It was a VS2 and colour H. The expert has told me that the diamond fits the description except that the colour is J, not H. He has confirmed that basically I have got a ring which is about the right value for what I have paid. Shenoa and Co stated that the retail value was 4 times what I paid!

There is a certificate with the ring. However, it is not a GIA certificate, it is one from NGL (National Gemological Laboratories). Looking on the ad, it does say that is what you get. But then it also mentions GIA certified geologists. Maybe they are the same thing, I dont know. Maybe an expert here can clarify that one.

So thats the story. Even though the ring is not the one I ordered, I do like it and I have decided to keep it. There are a lot learning points in there and I hope that others will be able to pick bits out to help them.


Jul 13, 2004

heady, are you SURE you want to keep that ring? it's not even the one you picked out for your wife-to-be.


May 18, 2004
I certainly wish your transaction would have been smoother, and I offer this information to perhaps give you an option if you become more unsatisfied. My compliments on your ability to keep your composure and make the best of a potentially bad situation. Having never worked with Shenoa myself, I am not in a position to comment on them as a corporation.

A representative of a very well known designer in N.Y. had suggested I call Shenoa as well, and said very nice things about them. After some research, I felt as though I saw some red flags and went in a different direction. The designer rep gave me this number 888.743.6623 or 212.764.1625. and suggested I speak with Craig regarding a custom designed designer ring. I was under the impression Craig was in a position of authority. If you feel inclined to take this matter forward with Shenoa, I would try this route. Best of luck


Aug 15, 2004
It is too bad that you did not return it as it lets those suppliers continue to play games. First the bait and switch game gets played too much. Second, the lab report is not very well thought of, and they know it. Third, the value will not be 4 times what you paid, only a piece of paper saying that. Fourth, GIA does not certify gemologists, so that phrase is misused to make people confused about what a GIA cert really is. Last, you are now less likely to buy jewelry again with a not such a great experience. With the exchange rate, you should have paid for a J and got an H, not the other way around. I was in London in March, and was shocked at how little I got for the money with the exchange rate. We usually are traveling to Asia where everything is cheap. Thank you for at least posting who did not treat you very well.


Jun 29, 2004
I’ll pose the same question reena did – are you sure about this? This story could have a much better ending if you reconsider. You might be feeling pressed for time because you want to make the proposal in September, but don’t forsake ring quality as the trade off. Plenty of people initiate their diamond purchase journey with the mindset that it’s going to cost less money and take little or no effort, only to revamp their way of thinking after they become better informed. Why don’t you post the diamond specs and see what the others on Pricescope can discern from them. If the feedback is positive, at least you can move forward with your plan from a point of contentment.


Jun 24, 2004
I am sorry to hear about your situation. Can you post a pic of both rings?


Aug 23, 2004
Sorry to hear about your bad experience w/ Shenoa Heady. I too have dealt w/ them and ended up returning the ring I got. It was not a diamond ring it was an aquamarine ring, but it wasn't really what I thought it was. they have a way of describing their jewelery so it sounds like the perfect peice and then you get it and it's not at all what you imagined. I didn't deal w/ them switching a photo however I was very unsatisfied w/ my purchase and ended up arguing w/ them about returning it ( they wanted to give me "store" credit) I will never order from them again and agree that thier customer service reps are not very friendly. I think you should atleast try to get the diamond you paid for and maybe think about returning the ring entirely, like it was said earlier that this is just allowing them to get away w/ things, they shouldn't be able to take people for rides especially w/ some thing as important as an Ering. It is a piece of jewelery that means so much!! Good luck with everything.


Sep 3, 2000
I have no idea if there will be any benefit to anyone, but I have advised Shenoa to come and read this thread. Maybe they will be inclined to defend themselves, give their point of view, or to make amends.....As you know, I don't have any stake in such a matter, but I think it would be beneficial to let everyone have their say. Anyway, we'll soon see if they respond and how they react. It may prove quite entertaining or enlightening.


May 18, 2004
good point Dave. It is nice when the company in question chimes in to explain their policies and grading procedures. They are a large operation and certainly have someone on staff willing to address the publics concerns. I actually had considered this corpoartion on the advice of someone else. Then when I saw their examples of grading I became hugely concerned. I'm no expert. I am hear to learn as much as possible.

Perhaps my computer monitor needs adjusting, or these are bad pictures...or maybe the diamond in this photo is picking up the yellow tint from the gold. I just find it hard to believe this is an " I " color stone that Shenoa is currently selling. Which makes me scared about their stated clarity as well. This is just one of several pics I found that left me questioning.

Am I correct in thinking this, or do I need more time researching color ?



Sep 3, 2000
It looks like M/N/O in your photo, but may look whiter in the one I created in a couple steps. Digital stuff can be VERY misleading in either direction. The jury is awaiting testimony....



Mar 3, 2004

Would what you just did with the photo be similar to the effect of blue fluorescence on less white stones?


Jul 25, 2004
If you do decide to return the ring to the States you may find it a little more difficult than those who buy within the US. FedEx will only insure your ring to the value of 500 USD and you'll need to arrange insurance separately. This is no easy task!!

Other couriers will either offer the same deal on insurance or refuse to ship jewellery. I suggest that you talk to them about mis selling of goods and require them to insure your ring on the way back. They might quibble but it can be done! I sent back a ring for alterations to Whiteflash using their insurance and FedEx account. (They've been very helpful to international buyers and I'd buy from them again!!) Good luck if you try this route.....

You could also try looking on the customs and excise site to determine if you can get a refund on any duty and VAT that you have paid? This could be 25% of the rings value! If no joy on this front then maybe you can lean on the guys in New York for something back. I doubt that they'll go for this but 'if you don't ask, you don't get'!!

An engagement is supposed to be a happy occasion and things like this really take off the gloss. I really hope that this is resolved to your satisfaction!


May 18, 2004
well ok, i hope we find out.

It just appears as though the gold and platinum portions in the pic I posted from Shenoa looked very much like gold\platinum I would see in a store (On my monitor screen anyway).

In the one you showed, the gold\platinum portions were discolored thus making the diamond whiter.

I'll just sit back.


Sep 3, 2000
Yes, I agree my alteration is obvious and crude, but I could just as readily take the diamond and whiten it and place it back into the ring of your original shot. Maybe some effect of the yellow gold is present, maybe your lighting was more incandescent than whiter fluorescent. There are things that don't translate to everyone else's uncorrected LCD or CRT monitor. There are excuses and there is the truth. They are all mixed a bit. I just don't like to see judgment before the facts are weighed fairly. My own opinion does agree with you that the diamond in your photo is far from "I" color. I just want to leave this open for a response from the seller as I am not acting in their defense. They can do this on their own if they choose to.


May 18, 2004
thank you David that makes perfect sense. There are many factors regarding computers and diamonds I am not skilled to comment on. For sure !

In fairness to Shenoa and the readers, I should have stated the photo source. The original post noted the buyer utilized Ebay to purchase his Shenoa ring (a whole different topic entirely.) I looked at Ebay today to see the items Shenoa was currently listing. That one, among others, is where I located it.


Aug 25, 2004
Hello again,

What a response to my post! Ok, I have gone through and tried to find a picture of what I ordered and I cant see that it has been used on another auction. The original large picture was overwritten, BUT for whatever reason it hasnt quite worked. If you look at EBay auction 4917719043, that is the ring I got. However, if you do a search using the description (in the completed section) so you get a list containing that auction and others, the original thumbnail version of the original ring actually still appears. Squint hard, there is no way the rings could be confused

Now, for the kind ladies who have posted, I dont duck a disagreement. I really do like the ring I have (even though it is different), my g/f will to and in an experts opinion, I have a ring to the value of what I paid. I have shown it to the ladies at work and they think it is beautiful (they dont know any of this either). I go on holiday in 9 days time (6 working days) and I am all set up to propose with a ring. If someone can get the ring I chose to me, from the US, in that time, I will do it. I can cover the cost and will then happily battle Shenoa.

While we are here and if you have viewed the auction, do the experts here think I got value for money?

As a note about Shenoa, I wrote on Tuesday about having a different ring to the one I ordered. At this point, no response. That was to their Ebay box so it must have been read by someone.


Nov 1, 2003
If your happy with it and feel you got good value for your money then there is nothing more to say other than.
And let us know how the proposal goes!


Jun 29, 2004
Since you have expressed yourself in this way – then I, too, offer my congratulations ~

Your sentiment about the ring is the most important ingredient – so as long as you feel fulfilled by the outcome, then the matter is resolved.

Best of luck with the proposal plans. Enjoy yourself, and please keep us posted!


May 29, 2003
Wow, headyuk I did what you said and you are right! The thumbnail picture is different than the auction picture.

Here is the thumbnail pic:

And here is the picture in the auction:


Aug 30, 2004
Hi Heady,

I too live in the UK and bought my engagement ring from Shenoa. After setting up my fedex account and paying the duty etc. I waited for my ring to arrive (with such excitement)

The ring came and when i opened the box...I was absolutely delighted. I have read posts saying that the clarity and colour of their merchandise is not what it should be....but i have to say that even if that is the case, I couldn't have bought the same ring in the UK for anything like the same price. So even if I have got an S1 instead of a VS1, I still think i have got good value for money.

Last of all, I have looked at the picture of the ring you recieved and I have to say that i prefer it to the one you ordered. I hope your proposal went to plan...and the lady said YES !

I am sure she was absolutely blown away with the ring you bought !

please let us know how it all went.

kindest wishes....dyanne (manchester)
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