
Sharing my sadness about future in-laws

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Aug 4, 2007
Hello, all. I feel the urge to share what’s been happening with you because, other than the people I work with who have caught me crying a few times (and James, of course), I haven’t told a soul.

About nine months ago, J and I had planned to do our ideal wedding in the UK by keeping it small, having it done in a registry office and then taking the guests and ourselves out for a nice meal at a restaurant. However, J’s mom really wanted J’s aunts & uncles there and offered us a compromise where she would host the reception at her house and do all the food (with the help of J’s sisters) so that we could have the people she wanted but without adding to our costs. I was very reluctant to do this, knowing that it would add lots of stress and that J didn’t care if his aunts & uncles came, but everyone (including J) reassured me that it would be great because J’s mom loves to host parties. So, we agreed to it. I liked the idea of a reception held at someone’s home, and the big benefit was that it would’ve given us a huge amount of flexibility in terms of what date our wedding is—-something we still do not know because we are waiting to get the papers that say I (as a foreigner) am allowed to marry a British citizen.

Last Saturday, about a week and a half ago, J’s mom calls us up to say that she’s been looking at venues again and that she’s going to book somewhere for us and that she’ll “let me know what she decides.” She bulldozed my end of the conversation so I couldn’t get her to explain what she was talking about, so we had to call her back to ask her what she meant. She told us she could still host the reception, but that having it at a venue would be so much better and that they’d pay. Even when pressed and when we said, “Look, it’s ok if you don’t want to host it anymore, but if so you need to tell us so we can make other arrangements.” But she insisted she could but then kept going on about these fancy venues to rent (that probably aren’t even available now). Later it turns out that J’s mom has told his sisters that there’s no way she’s hosting it anymore-—she doesn’t have room (because I want to invite my parents and a few friends, which she previously said was ok), the house is having work done, and wouldn’t it be so much nicer for everyone if it was at a venue? She said she wants to make the UK wedding bigger and fancier because J’s sisters can’t come to the US anymore. She also said that I should think about what my parents want for my wedding, which according to her (who’s never spoken to either of my parents or so much as sent them a card, letter or email) is huge and fancy, just like what she wants! In truth, my parents are coming to the UK simply to share our day with us. My mother told me at one point that she didn’t care if we got married inside a closet; she wasn’t going to miss my wedding for the world.

Here’s where things go sour. She then decided that she’s forevermore in charge of our wedding (no big shock there because she’s turned into a bit of a control freak) and started telling us that we must do what she wants for a wedding. When we stuck to our guns and said that we just want to go back to our original plan of taking only immediate family out, since not only is that within budget but it’s what we actually would prefer, she flipped out. She started calling me all sorts of names, saying that I was selfish and offensive and rude, and she started twisting my words to make me look bad—like when I had said that I didn’t care what outfits J’s nieces and nephews wore to the wedding (they want all matching stuff), that got twisted into me not wanting them at the wedding at all because I don’t love them. And that it doesn’t matter what I’ve said about the kind of wedding I want or how many times I''ve said it--my dress says it all for me, that it must be a big, huge, fancy-pants wedding, no matter the cost or whatever else I say! Because I couldn’t possibly have just bought the dress I felt the most beautiful in, right? -rolls eyes-

Since last Saturday, twelve days ago, either J’s mother or one of his sisters has called us under the guise of “trying to help sort this out,” but then just launches into awful, hurtful things about what a terrible person I am. All because I would prefer to pay for my own wedding and keep it small? I tried to explain how difficult it is for me that my own brothers won’t be at the wedding, nor my best friends, and that the bigger deal we make of the UK wedding, the more they will be missing. Not to mention I think it’s ridiculous that we should be made to have a fancy wedding for J’s sisters who have both already gotten married! Why should they get our day as well? And originally J’s parents commended us for wanting to keep the budget very low for our wedding so that we would have more money to put towards a house—but now the thought of not having an extravagant wedding is supremely insulting to them? Also, J and I are both pretty low-key people and wanted to spend the day surrounded by the people that really matter—not as many people as we can afford to invite so we can “get more presents” (which is J’s mom’s line to try to talk us into inviting extra people). But, we’re not getting married for gifts—-it’s a much bigger deal to that, and we just want who’s important to us around. Basically, because I haven’t just gone along with what they want, J’s family has twisted that into me being some evil person who hates his whole family and who doesn’t want them to even come to the wedding or be in our lives. If that was the case, why would I have been ok with compromising initially so that more of J’s family could come?

J has been absolutely disgusted and furious with them. They have no idea that anything they’ve said has hurt me, so they will never apologize for any of it. They have threatened to disown us (the parents will never speak to us again, and they will tell the sisters never to speak to us again, and therefore we’d never see the nieces and nephews again) if we don’t go along with what they want, which feels like we’ve been taken hostage over our own wedding. They have emailed me just to say that they think I am a terrible person and should stop and think about what other people want and not be so selfish. Even just thinking about those emails has me crying now because they make me feel heartbroken. I have tried to explain that it''s just my preference for weddings and that they all mean so much to me since they are the family we spend the most time with, but they do not care. They think that everything is a snub against them, and will not consider anything else.

All I feel I am guilty of is having my own opinion about what’s important for my wedding. They have not let up on their attacks, and as a result I have had almost no sleep because I have dreams about them, and two days ago I started to develop a migraine as well. I have ended up crying in front of half the staff members in my school—-a simple question like, “Are you alright?” has had me burst into tears as everything has come flooding back to me—and the supreme over-tiredness doesn’t help either. I have stayed home from work today to try to get rid of the migraine and catch up on some sleep. I have been feeling like I am losing my mind. And I do not want to talk to my parents about this, because they are (probably) going to meet J’s parents and I don’t want to influence their opinions of them. But at the same time, I need a way to vent and get all this out of my head so that maybe I can stop having these awful dreams.

J has told me repeatedly that he will write them off if they continue to be so horrible and that we will go and elope (with my parents who are arriving at the end of this month) if we want. But I feel like that’s not a good idea because it would probably just solidify them not being in our lives anymore. I don’t want our wedding to be ‘that day when we lost J’s family for good,’ you know? But at the same time, I don’t want to be surrounded by their poisonous attitudes. There doesn’t seem to be a winning situation here.

Despite all we’ve been through, I am still (perhaps stupidly) optimistic that we can come to a compromise that we can both live with, but this incident has affected my feelings about my future in-laws permanently. We had originally planned to move closer to them, but we won’t be doing that now. We also will not be staying in J’s parents’ house when we visit his family, because I will not feel welcome in their home. J at one point told a sister that he was embarrassed by the way his family treats me, since my family has always gone out of its way to treat J like a prince but his family treats me like a servant when I am around. J’s support has truly been remarkable and all this has brought us closer together.

Thank you for reading. If anyone thinks I have done things badly or have caused what has happened, please be kind when you tell me so, as I feel very fragile and beaten up already. But I always want the truth—-just be gentle with it, please.



Aug 3, 2009
Oh, Gwen, my heart goes out to you. I don''t have any advice for you but from the sounds of it I wouldn''t have done anything differently were I in your shoes. I also hope that somehow everything will turn out okay with this and that some solution will be found that you and your in-laws can work with. Will keep you in my thoughts and am sending you lots of ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))).


Nov 2, 2006
**hugs** Gwen.


Aug 3, 2009
Honestly, I wouldn''t blame you for eloping. I''m glad J is sticking firmly to your side.


Feb 20, 2009
OMG, Gwen, I am SO incredibly sorry for all of the pain they have caused you. No bride should have to deal with ANY of this in the course of planning, especially getting close this to when you guys are to marry. I''ve had my fair share of family issues, and it''s caused major and irrepairable damage to me towards my family who have treated me similarly to how you''ve been treated (with the whole "you''re selfish, only care about yourself, etc) thing. I''ve been following everything that has gone on (albeit through lurkdom), but my heart broke when I began to read this.

You in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM did ANYTHING even remotely wrong. Their goal is to make you feel like you did so you succumb to their wishes and do what they want. That way, they don''t hold any responsibility in the decision...if people ask, they say "Gwen and J decided on this lavish reception". They''re deflecting the guilt onto you. I am truly disgusted that they are treating their soon to be daughter in law like this. And they call YOU selfish???? They seriously need to step back and really look at what''s taking place here....the fact that they are selfish, controlling people who don''t give a damn about anyone but themselves. ::Hugs::


Oct 13, 2008
I''m so sorry. You did nothing wrong, its your wedding and you are just trying to accommodate everyone as much as you can. Everyone says do what you want its your wedding, but that''s not always realistic as I have also found out.

Things usually have their way of working out with families. Has J talked to his parents about how he feels about the situation? Maybe if it came from him it may shed some light on the situation?

Either way you are one lucky girl that your FI is by your side through all of this :)

I hope things get worked out. FMIL sounds like a terrible woman.


Aug 17, 2009
It sounds like you need a neutral third party.
Some sort of "referee" who has their respect.


Sep 20, 2007
I''m so sorry you have to deal with all this. I hope you have the wedding you want with the people you want and where you want. I''m glad your FI is standing up for you and is supporting you.


May 9, 2006

This is a far cry from the woman who urged you to consider her your ''mom away from home'' when you and J were having some bumps in the road to engagement.

Some quick thoughts before I run off to work:
-J needs to sit his family down before they destroy their relationship with him and possibly his future children (if that''s on the table) by abusing his life partner. If that''s not possible:
-Is there someone they would listen to, like a local pastor if they are religious? Family counselling? This can''t go on, and I do not want the ''something that has to give'' to be your happiness or sanity.

You are not in the wrong, and you have made many, many sacrifices to be with him (as an international couple myself, oh man do I know this is true) and they need to stop thinking about what THEY want for THEIR SON. This is not THEIR SON''S wedding, it is yours and his.

I need to run to work before I''m late, but I''ll mull over it today and post my thoughts later. You are a dear and sweet person, Gwen, even the Internet can tell. You do not deserve this. Hugs!


Sep 3, 2008
Gwendolyn- first off, *hugs* I know this is a terrible situation to be in. Been there done that, unfortunately. Second, you did nothing wrong! It sounds like you have been very gracious to your soon to be MIL. As a person who has been there, I will tell you this ELOPE. If your mil continues to have free reign like this, you are setting a bad precident (sp?) for the future. This will be the first of many battles with this person, imo. What happens if/when you and DH decide to start a family? Both you and your FI need to take control of the situation, have him do it since its his mother, no good will come of any conversation you have with her about the subject . BUT, I do think its best if you are with FI at the time. UNITED FRONT is the only thing most in laws understand, and until you do it a few times they will keep pulling this crap. Be strong, it sounds like your FI is willing to do what it takes, it might be hard now, but its what is best for your family. Best of luck to you.


Aug 19, 2009
Geesh, I know they say weddings can bring out the worst in people, but this is truly horrible! I''m so sorry you''re going through this, Gwen.
I hope things get better soon ..


Jun 8, 2009
Gwen, I''m so sorry you''re going through this! I''m glad that J is by your side and your relationship with him is just getting stronger and stronger. I don''t have any advice, but {{{{HUGS}}}} my dear!


Jan 17, 2009
Oh my Gwen i am so sorry you are having to deal with all of this! How awful.
You have definately not done anything wrong. It sounds to me like it doesn''t matter what you do, that nasty MIL is always going to find something wrong with it. The positive is that J is standing behind you, but i feel like he really needs to stand up for you more, he needs to sit his family down and tell his mother to stop bullying you. I really hope thing get better soon!! *Big Hugs*


Nov 17, 2009
Dearest Gwen, ***HUGS***
I''ve been treated like that by my ex husband''s familly, who have ruined everything for me, but that was because their son, who was my fiance'' then and afterwards my husband, didn''t stand by my side on this and didn''t stay true to me and what i thought we shared. He supported THEM, took their side and stood by their total insanity. You are very lucky and blessed because you have a wonderful fiance who understands the way you feel and who realizes that his familly''s behaviour is unacceptable. I believe that this is the most important thing and i''m positive that things will work out one way or another. I think that J should have a long discussion with his familly without you being present and politely explain to them what they''re doing to his wedding, to his fiancee and to his life, maybe without even realizing it...If after this polite talk they don''t come back to their senses, then i wouldn''t blame you for eloping. Frankly, i don''t want to imagine you with tears in your beautiful big eyes on your wedding. It''s your day and you should be happy and smiling. You owe that to yourself and your husband to be...

Please don''t allow this insanity to get to you that much and make you lose your mind. Please don''t cry...
I''m sending you all my love...


Sep 20, 2008
Date: 3/3/2010 9:07:41 AM
Author: sctsbride09
Gwendolyn- first off, *hugs* I know this is a terrible situation to be in. Been there done that, unfortunately. Second, you did nothing wrong! It sounds like you have been very gracious to your soon to be MIL. As a person who has been there, I will tell you this ELOPE. If your mil continues to have free reign like this, you are setting a bad precident (sp?) for the future. This will be the first of many battles with this person, imo. What happens if/when you and DH decide to start a family? Both you and your FI need to take control of the situation, have him do it since its his mother, no good will come of any conversation you have with her about the subject . BUT, I do think its best if you are with FI at the time. UNITED FRONT is the only thing most in laws understand, and until you do it a few times they will keep pulling this crap. Be strong, it sounds like your FI is willing to do what it takes, it might be hard now, but its what is best for your family. Best of luck to you.
Big ditto ***HUGS***


Aug 4, 2007
Thank you all so much for your responses, especially considering how long my post was. There is still more that I haven't written, either because there wasn't room or because I just forgot. J has been defending me to his mother and has gotten nowhere. She sometimes will talk right over him, and other times she lets him speak but then ignores what he has said and just carries on as she was. It's not due to a lack of trying on his part.

There's more but am in need of more rest so will continue later on. Thank you again, everyone.


Dec 11, 2008
Gwen, I''m so sorry you are dealing with this. *hugs*


Feb 15, 2007
Oh Gwennie, I''m so sorry you''re going through this.
You did nothing wrong. Your wedding is just bringing out the crazy in his family, and there''s nothing you could have done to prevent that.
I hope that in the end you''ll end up with a lovely wedding, and that everything will be mended between all of you. Until then, big hugs, honey.


Nov 13, 2007
Gwen, I am so so so so sorry that you are having to deal with this.
J's mom sounds like my MIL was, and can still be. The little underhanded comments that you have mentioned are all the reminder I need.




Apr 23, 2008
So, so many hugs sent your way, Gwen. This is completely wrong on her part and I am so glad James is sticking with you and trying to mediate. I hope she comes to a realization of what she will lose if she cuts her son - and by association, you - out of her life before it''s too late.


May 18, 2008
Big hugs Gwen. I really don''t have any suggestion other than eloping which I know wouldn''t be fair since you really want your mom there.

The only other thing I can think of is just letting his mom blow air but continuing with your original plans. Once a date is set, say "this is the day we are getting married and this is how we''re going to do it" and leave it at that. She has to get over it.

I can relate to an extent. FI''s mom never got into the details of our wedding when we were planning one but she was all over the details of my pregnancy. It is easy in theory to say "screw them" when in reality it is really hard to upset your future family, especially if you know that it will upset your FDH at the same time. At the end of the day though, they do get over it.


Aug 8, 2008
Oh Gwen. I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. I can sympathize with you as my fiance's mom and stepdad (and their daughters) are very similar to your FMIL.

It's so hard to deal with people that you won't ever be able to please. Even if your FMIL has her way with your wedding, she will still be there after the wedding saying how you did "this" wrong, or you said "that" to offend someone.

For me, it's come to the point where I have had to realize (with FI's help) that it's not me. It's their character defects and as long as I try my hardest to get a long and be sweet to these people, it will continue to be their fault. Because truthfully, anyone could marry my fiance and his mother would hate her no matter what. That's just the type of judgemental, hurtful person she is.

And it's terrible that you have to suffer through this... but at least you have James' support. I find that a lot of women in our circumstance often do not have their fiance's by their sides when it comes to things like this with their families.

Every time my fiance's mom and stepdad start in on me, Fi and I just remind each other that in 13 months, we will officially be our own family. And if they are going to miss out on being included in our family because of the things they say and the choices we make, we feel very sorry for them.

{{{hugs to you}}}


Nov 10, 2006
I think it's great that J is trying to talk to his family about this, but actually I think he should be the ONLY one who communicates with them about wedding stuff going forward. No more of them calling or emailing you. If they want to talk about wedding, they talk to him, period. You should stop opening emails from them and stop picking up the phone when they call. Perhaps once they learn that J will not let them abuse you anymore and that he's the only one they get to talk to about this, they will see that bashing you is no longer a winning tactic and will back off a bit. Honestly, there's no reason you shouldn't have to endure their bullying. As long as you continue to engage them, they will continue to bully. So, only J should engage them from now on.

Honestly, I would go back to your original plan- taking a small group of family out to dinner after your wedding. If you can include J's aunts and uncles (perhaps by going to a less expensive place) that would be a nice gesture and a way of keeping some peace with your FILs. I would just go and get invitations printed with the wedding and after-dinner partty info and send them out so that it would be the end of story interms of going back and forth between different wedding plans. I would have J tell his parents that you are planning to do this before you send them out (so they aren't shocked when the find the invite in the mailbox) but he should be firm about this being what you both have planned. If your FMIL wants to fancy it up a bit by ordering nice floral centerpieces for the tables or something, that's fine.

I know they said they would diisown you if you didn't let FMIL control the wedding, but honestly that sounds like an empty threat to me. It may mean they don't talk to you for a bit, but I doubt it would last forever.

I really do hope you decide something soon- being in limbo is just going to drag things out. It sounds like the battles with your FMIL over venues and stuff have been going on for a very long time now, so I think you guys just need to end it once and for all and stop wishing for a grand compromise, which is kind of "stupidly optimistic" to use your own words because by remaining optimistic all you are doing is allowing them to keep on abusing you! You just need to decide on something and stick with it.


Jul 12, 2008
Big, huge HUGS, Gwen. I can''t believe they''re willing to disown you over a party. If this reception means more to them than you two, then I just have no words.

If I were you, I would probably elope. No more drama. You don''t want to look back on your wedding day and see all the awfulness you had to go through. You want to look back and think of a happy, joyous time. But I understand it would result in absolute hell from the inlaws. Blahhh.

I wish I could come down and punch them a nice black eye.


Mar 18, 2007
Gwen, I am totally stunned by this woman''s behaviour.

The only thing I would say is let J be there for you. If he decides to cut contact with his family, or do something that they say will result in them cutting contact, let him. It''s his family, and it will be in no way, shape, or form your fault that contact between them dies for a little while. Let him support you and show his family that YOU are number one for him.

It seems very obvious that she needs to see that there are boundaries, and they need to be respected. If that means the two of you take your parents and some close friends to dinner after you get married and write off this whole party (no matter how much his mother complains and screams and abuses you), then do it. In the long term, I think you''ll be happier.

*hugs* sweetie. We''re always here for you.


Mar 22, 2008
Hi Gwen.

I hardly ever post on PS anymore but your post has brought me out of the shadows.

You are a wonderful person and thank God you and your fiance are not letting this come between you. He sounds like a wonderful man who will make an awesome hubby. I am so sorry for all the pain and drama this is bringing to you both but I have to say I think you seem to be handling it better than most of us would. You are in the best position to decide how to deal with the individuals involved, but ultimately you have no control over their behavior, only your own. You have been kind and gracious and honest and more than compromising. No one reasonable would blame you if you drew a line in the sand and said ENOUGH.

I have to say my own parents caused serious pain and drama in the way they treated me and my husband when we were engaged - it was like I didn''t even know who they were. I was firm and respectful and ultimately they got over it by the wedding, but we have several very unhappy memories from a time that should have been joy-filled. We are close to both sets of parents, but in our case it really helps that they are 700 and 1000 miles away, respectively. That''s what phones and airplanes are for.
12 years later we are still happy, in love, and parents of the best little boy EVER.

hugs hugs hugs.

You''ll get through this!!


Dec 16, 2008
I say Elope! I feel for you. Keep your chin up. It''s great that J is on your side.


Dec 20, 2007

I sympathize with what you are going through and wish you the best of luck. My m-i-l died before we even got engaged and my f-i-l is great. My fiance, now husband''s sister is another matter. I don''t blame your fiance for wanting to elope because that''s what we did. I don''t want to step on anyone''s toes here, but I always wondered when did weddings get from being a day to celebrate two people wanting to share there lives together to having to throw some fancy/expensive party? I guess it''s because I was never one of those little girls dreaming about her wedding day and imagining what dress/decorations. When my fiance and I were planning our wedding, we already knew we wanted to go away (Hawaii) and get married on the beach by ourselves. There were no permissions to ask, we just informed our family and friends. Normal people respect that because it''s your "day" not something that they should have a say in. We didn''t find out until after we got back from our wedding/honeymoon when she no showed/no called for our tiny reception that my husband''s sister was mad at us for eloping. She felt that we should of had a wedding in town. My husband stuck by me and just told her that it wasn''t her decision to begin with. I never "apoligized" to her nor awknowledged that I was aware of her disagreement with our wedding plan.

I agree that you should get a third party/therapist involved that your future in-laws at least respect, because they don''t respect you nor your finace. And if that doesn''t work, stick to your plan and either elope or hold your small ceremony at the time/place you initially planned on. I suggest that your fiance try one more time to sit down with his family and lay it all out that they need to respect you and both your decision for the wedding and if they can''t, then you two will miss them at YOUR wedding and from YOUR lives. Don''t give them the power that they have by affecting your lives and health. If you think planning the wedding with them is stressful, can you imagine when you decide to buy a house, have babies, etc.

Best of luck!


May 4, 2009
Gwen, I''m so sorry you have to deal with this. Wedding planning really does bring out the absolute worst in people sometimes.

I know just how controlling and awful in-laws can be and I''ve learned that the most important thing is that your fiance sticks firmly by your side. The fact that J is standing by you and you are tackling this issue as a team is wonderful. As far as I can tell, you have not done *anything* wrong in this situation! They decided they want it their way and if you or J disagree, they don''t care how much they hurt you. I hate people like that.

It''s your wedding. You should do what makes you happy - if that means eloping, then go for it. If it means trying to come to a compromise with his parents, then work towards that. Unfortunately, they don''t seem the type to want to compromise, but you never know. You and J need to figure out the best solution for the TWO OF YOU and forget what anyone else wants. It''s your wedding day and the most important thing is for you and J to be happy.

*HUGS* to you, Gwen.


Dec 14, 2007
Love and hugs to you, my friend.

Get some rest. When you're sleep deprived, everything looks worse.
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