
selling on LT questions...


Jun 20, 2013
Hi, I have an offer on one of my LT items. The buyer is overseas and the customs form says "no loose stones or jewelry." I've been told to just write "craft item" or such, but I am worried that if it is opened at customs, that my address is on it and I could possibly get in trouble? Has anyone had any situations arise like this?

My other question is regarding final sale. I am selling final sale. If the buyer receives the ring, doesn't like it for some reason and tries to return or file a paypal dispute, will I be in a situation where I would have to refund money?

New to this and just want to cover all my bases... Thanks for any advice!


May 11, 2012
Is it a well known member? Sometimes people are horrible/scammers and they claim they don't receive the item so make sure for your own security you send it with some sort of tracking or a signed for service so that you know/have proof it actually reached the intended destination. That way you are not out of pocket for the item and the possible refund they can claim via Paypal as well.

I would also be sticking to countries that you can trust as well to again eliminate potential scammers and most of them as far as I am aware allow both jewellery and gemstones. If it is worth any considerable amount it should be sent via an insured service to cover yourself against it going missing in which case you have to declare properly what it is.

The risk is not customs picking it up for something else - which they can because they X-ray most packages, but the main risk is that if it is declared incorrectly and not fully insured when shipped the person at the other end can claim they never got the item insist on a Paypal refund from Paypal and then you are out of pocket for the item and the refund ie two amounts. This is a quite common scam from people overseas.


Jun 20, 2013
arkieb1|1460466246|4018251 said:
Is it a well known member? Sometimes people are horrible/scammers and they claim they don't receive the item so make sure for your own security you send it with some sort of tracking or a signed for service so that you know/have proof it actually reached the intended destination. That way you are not out of pocket for the item and the possible refund they can claim via Paypal as well.

I would also be sticking to countries that you can trust as well to again eliminate potential scammers and most of them as far as I am aware allow both jewellery and gemstones.

She is, and is very nice and can also provide referrals from PS'ers, so that is great:) I would definitely be sending it insured, tracked, all of that.


Jun 20, 2013
The country is Singapore.


Apr 21, 2010
If you're mailing via USPS First Class International Registered Mail, insurance/liability is limited to a pay-out of $42.56 regardless of the declared value of the item or the amount of insurance you purchase.

Per the USPS Country Conditions for Mailing for Singapore - - mailing prohibitions include precious stones and jewelery. " However, unmounted precious stones may be sent in registered First-Class Mail International and First-Class Package International Service shipments if authorization is obtained from the Postmaster General of Singapore." [Not sure how you'd get the Singapore Postmaster's authorization, but presumably USPS could assist]

If you send stones/jewelry to Singapore via USPS options other than First-Class International Mail and it is lost, you will have no recourse/no recovery. If you ship via First Class International Registered Mail, your recovery is limited to $42.56.

Each person has to make their own calculations regarding stone/jewelry value and risk of loss when it comes to international shipping, and the USPS rules vary depending on the destination country ...


Jun 20, 2013
marymm|1460471151|4018262 said:
If you're mailing via USPS First Class International Registered Mail, insurance/liability is limited to a pay-out of $42.56 regardless of the declared value of the item or the amount of insurance you purchase.

Per the USPS Country Conditions for Mailing for Singapore - - mailing prohibitions include precious stones and jewelery. " However, unmounted precious stones may be sent in registered First-Class Mail International and First-Class Package International Service shipments if authorization is obtained from the Postmaster General of Singapore." [Not sure how you'd get the Singapore Postmaster's authorization, but presumably USPS could assist]

If you send stones/jewelry to Singapore via USPS options other than First-Class International Mail and it is lost, you will have no recourse/no recovery. If you ship via First Class International Registered Mail, your recovery is limited to $42.56.

Each person has to make their own calculations regarding stone/jewelry value and risk of loss when it comes to international shipping, and the USPS rules vary depending on the destination country ...

Yikes. I just can't take this risk..... :oops:


Apr 28, 2008
In my and others' experiences, Paypal sides with the buyer most of the time for things like SNAD (buyer claims your item is "significantly not as described"). So just be careful and only sell to reputable people who won't try to scam you.

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Just wanted to share my experience when returning a stone to Thailand. I sent it USPS registered mail. Unfortunately the stone was "lost" and the USPS could not help me. They told me that once it left the US they could not track it. I suspect it may be the same shipping to Singapore.

Also- regarding Paypal. As noted they almost always side with the buyer. Even if the buyer pays through friends and family Paypal has been known to refund the buyer for an "as is" item claiming item is not as described. In those scams the buyer can send you back an empty package as long as they can prove you received the package. They can then close or suspend your account for not abiding by their seller rules.


Jun 20, 2013
LisaRN|1460741731|4019749 said:
Just wanted to share my experience when returning a stone to Thailand. I sent it USPS registered mail. Unfortunately the stone was "lost" and the USPS could not help me. They told me that once it left the US they could not track it. I suspect it may be the same shipping to Singapore.

Also- regarding Paypal. As noted they almost always side with the buyer. Even if the buyer pays through friends and family Paypal has been known to refund the buyer for an "as is" item claiming item is not as described. In those scams the buyer can send you back an empty package as long as they can prove you received the package. They can then close or suspend your account for not abiding by their seller rules.

WOW. I sold one ring to a vendor, thank God! The other to a well-known PS member in the U.S. I will definitely keep in mind for my last item!
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