
Seeking advice for a reasonably priced emerald pendant


Jan 26, 2016
I would like to give a gift of an Emerald pendant necklace, birthstone, but I’ve really been struggling to find anything in a ~$300-400 sort of range. There are of course lots of beautiful options in the $1000 range and mall junk in the $100 range, but not a whole lot in between.

I’m not at all picky about the treatment or clarity, just that the color is reasonable well saturated and that the gem is structurally sound. Too dark would likely be better than too light, my goal is mostly just want to stay away from the stuff that looks too much like colored glass. Something around 1ct, at minimum say… 7x5mm, probably oval or pear cut since they appear largest by weight.
The structural part in particular I worry about; having it set and then breaking. An already-set gem (or shop that will do so as part of the purchase) would be an absolute dream if it exists.

Digging the post history here only really turns up Embassy Emeralds with any regularity, who do look quite nice, but are maybe a bit higher end? Maybe I'm just asking for something that just doesn't exist... :think:

Anyway, I realize that most of the posts here are about the ah… significantly higher end, but I would be immensely thankful for any suggestions. There doesn’t really seem to be a whole lot of other online resources to turn to. Thanks!
That first one looks amazing if the photo is at all representative. Generally also good just to see some other sites to shop and pricing.

pregcurious|1453853000|3982045 said:
I would contact Yvonne Raley. She works in silver and has emeralds. Here's an example silver piece:

I would second the suggestion of contacting Yvonne. I bought a Columbian emerald pendant from her and it was gorgeous!
Her prices are very reasonable and she can work with silver. As far as I know, she does not set outside stones so you would have to source the emerald through her. Having said that, she has listed some very nice emeralds in the past, so it's likely she can find what you want.
I am going to third contacting Yvonne. I'm working with her right now on a couple of rings and she is great to work with. She has what I think is a great buy for an emerald in her etsy shop right now, and like mochiko said, she works in silver. Here are some pictures from her shop of the emerald I'm talking about. It's not a shape for everyone, but I think the color is nice. 7x5, $217. And if that one isnt what you would like, she is going to Tucson and can try to find something for you. [emoji4]


Hmm, I'll give Yvonne a shot then, I'm certainly no stranger to Etsy. I actually looked around a bit there before concluding that I would have no reliable way to spot people re-selling cheap Chinese junk.

The stone pictured here is a bit light to my taste, but I do most certainly prefer the idea of getting a finished piece over the 100-200$ to get a setting and setter for my own loose stone.
I just wanted to comment that the emerald from Yvonne Raley shown above is priced very fairly.

Flynn, if you are looking for a better colored emerald at your price, you should be aware that there is a lot of synthetic emerald out there, and very highly treated (dyed, glued, etc) stones. If the price is too good, there is probably something wrong. Within your budget, I think you have to be realistic about what you can afford.
pregcurious|1453915152|3982402 said:
I just wanted to comment that the emerald from Yvonne Raley shown above is priced very fairly.

Flynn, if you are looking for a better colored emerald at your price, you should be aware that there is a lot of synthetic emerald out there, and very highly treated (dyed, glued, etc) stones. If the price is too good, there is probably something wrong. Within your budget, I think you have to be realistic about what you can afford.
Oh certainly, price was not what I was thinking of as a problem.

I really just want to get something that is actually "emerald" colored. The lighter and very clear (like above) look a lot like a colored sapphire to me, which I would just get instead if I wanted that. A lighter color like above would be fine if it wasn't so clean and clear. Maybe it's not that bad in person? I actually was considering asking Yvonne about that stone regardless.

The synthetics are also just kind of the wrong color, they don't look the same at all as the real thing.

The question on the table is basically: If you are willing to go with something treated and highly included (to the point of being more translucent than transparent), can you get something truly emerald colored for not a pile of dough?
In actuality, a synthetic emerald comes closest to what a truly fine real emerald looks like. If you want top colour for not much money, something has to give as you mentioned. For me though, there isn't much beauty if the emerald is so included to the point where it is distracting to the eye.
Chrono|1453922325|3982469 said:
In actuality, a synthetic emerald comes closest to what a truly fine real emerald looks like. If you want top colour for not much money, something has to give as you mentioned. For me though, there isn't much beauty if the emerald is so included to the point where it is distracting to the eye.
I guess I should say that the synthetics are all a sort of dark green only? I think the medium blue-green color is gorgeous.

SparkliesLuver's 2nd photo from mastercutgems is on the money for what I'm talking about and that's a larger 2ct gem.
(Really, the color on all of his links are great, all a medium and highly saturated green and none are able to be seen through.)

But really, I'm sure there's at least some truth to the assertion that I'm silly/unrealistic. I am the John Snow of Emeralds, so please don't misread the tone of my replies as anything but contrite explanation.
Medium blue green isn't the trade ideal for an emerald but if that's what you like, then it's great because it'll be less expensive. :bigsmile: The synthetics I've seen are a medium dark green with a blue modfier, which are gorgeous. I understand what you mean though. For example, the trade ideal for tsavorite is medium dark green with a blue modifier but I prefer a medium bluish green tsavorite.
part gypsy|1454003032|3983073 said:
Check this out. They are darker (and more included emeralds) set in silver

Oh! I do like that prong mounted pear... already sold. :doh:

The really cheaper ones further down I don't really like the full-surround mount look, prongs please :)

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