Hey PSers,
I have a question for all you ladies.
Once everything has been selected and all that is left for your SO to do is go order the ring, did anyone experience him having cold feet???
I am sad to report that that is the case for me
Suddenly I find him bringing up all these issues and he's saying he wants to resolve all these things before he buys it.
I am taking it quite badly, because I thought with all the talk about getting married we already had (over a year), you'd think he would of brought up any worries at that time and not now, when I am just sitting back and waiting for the day.
So here I am left with him not sure he wants to proceed, leaving me completely heart broken
What do I do??? Do I take it as he just doens't love me enough and we aren't meant to be???
Any insight is appreciated and badly needed!!!
EDITED: This is my first time posting ... I wanted to wait till I had some great happy news, but unfortunately it didn't happen that way, and my very first post is a very sad one for me.