
Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in class


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Ok ruby. You're right.

That's seems to be what you desperately want to hear.

And there you have it.

I can understand there is more than one way out there and that our experiences color our judgment.

I can respect other opinions, without putting down the person expressing it.


Jul 23, 2012
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

ruby59|1474250146|4078223 said:
Ok ruby. You're right.

That's seems to be what you desperately want to hear.

And there you have it.

I can understand there is more than one way out there and that our experiences color our judgment.

I can respect other opinions, without putting down the person expressing it.

You're right.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Anyways - I see your point in a me generation. However, who are the people who want to cut social programs? Who have LITERALLY said in this very thread that people should just do shit themselves - not to let systemic racism get them down. Why should you have to help them? People who judge others based on what they buy with their food stamps. Why was gay marriage only made legal (in your country at least) a few years ago? A lot of older people are firmly planted in the status quo and don't want things to change or be better for others.
eta - also, when I post a link directly related to what someone says, and they don't bother reading it and try to claim ignorance (whilst using the word incorrectly :lol: ). Ignorance is not innocence. This is why I posted the head in the sand photo. So many people (on this thread) refuse to learn new things, they disagree with it AND THATS THAT.


I can only speak for myself. I do not follow the herd. I am not that familiar with other people's back grounds enough to know if they are male or female, never mind their age or ethnicity.

Until you just said it above, I did not even realize you are not from the US.

As far as social programs, my belief is based on how I was raised. My mom grew up during the depression. We were taught G-d helps those who help themselves. I started working when I was 15. And even though I am much older and my health has changed, I still work because I know it is the only way to put food on the table and clothes on my back. My husband is getting to retirement age, but he kids that he will probably die at his desk.

Now, I feel the elderly and the handicapped and our veterans should always be looked after and taken care of. But able bodied people, imo are a different story. My husband works for the state. And he sees first hand the welfare abuses by many generational families. As far as food stamps we have had several instances in our area of people using them in strip clubs and casinos, and I have the articles to prove it. It was happening so much in my little home state that they finally cracked down, and I am sure mine is not the only one. As a taxpayer, I think I have a right to know that the money is going where is should.

As far as a gay or straight marriage, as long as you do not throw loud parties and keep your lawn nice and do not mow your grass at 6 am on a Sunday morning, martians could move next to me and I could not care less. I probably would not even notice as I do not get involvedinto other people's business.

Yes, many older people do not want to see things change. For many it is frightening and confusing when things change too fast around you and you cannot keep up. And others are just plain bigots, but that is their problem, so do not judge me by them.

As far as others here, they are free to post as they wish. I am not here to judge them. But please do not lump us all together. We may share an opinion, but for totally different reasons.

I tend not to read links to be honest. I fried my last computer when I picked something up. So I am sometimes afraid to click on it.

As far as the cut and paste, it is how I do it on another site I visit often. But I do not like the quote button. If people keep quoting, you are just repeating things over and over again making the posts way too long.

That is why I just cut and paste the part I am responding to.


Mar 28, 2012
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

ruby59|1474239803|4078179 said:
Do you ever speak without making stereotypes? I don't make assumptions about the right. I have plenty of opinions about you though.

How old are you?

I have lived in the real world for multiple decades. I saw then, I see now. I have seen enough to make comparisons.

As far as your opinion about me, I could not care less.

I'm old enough not to be surprised by the judgmental and racist comments on this board.


Feb 12, 2013
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Another thread gone unnecessarily nasty.


Dec 25, 2012
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Sharing because it made me laugh



Jul 1, 2014
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Elliot86|1474254629|4078243 said:
Sharing because it made me laugh


I've been saying this forever!!!!


Aug 8, 2005
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

AnnaH|1474253381|4078240 said:
Another thread gone unnecessarily nasty.

No, just real. Reality isn't pretty. It's isn't "nice" or "polite". It just is. Sometimes you have to get your hand dirty, have to get uncomfortable for progress. And that's what we're fighting for: social progress and yes, that means educating children is current events even when those current events are ugly. Well, at least some of us are fighting for progress.


Aug 8, 2005
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

On a related note. I grew up as a child during the cold war. From the earliest days in elementary school we did drills, frequently, to prepare for a nuclear holocaust. We were shown videos of what a mushroom cloud was, and what it could do. We learned about Hiroshima and Nagasaki in grade school.

This was our reality when I was a 1st grader. When I was a second grader. When I was a third grader. When I was a fourth grader. Endless drills of lining up of hiding under our desks (as if that would do anything!). Of knowing that ANY SECOND the world could erupt in a war that could decimate the human race.

When I was in middle school we were shown images of the mutilated survivors of those tragedies in Japan.

Those of you opposed to BLM T-shirts in a class room, in order to "protect the children"... REALLY???

Children are resilient. Children are SMART. And they are more capable that YOU seem to be from your comments in this thread of dealing with the reality of racism in this country. Who are you really protecting? Because I don't think it's the children. I think it's your own world view you are protecting.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

ruby59|1474251725|4078232 said:
Now, I feel the elderly and the handicapped and our veterans should always be looked after and taken care of. But able bodied people, imo are a different story. My husband works for the state. And he sees first hand the welfare abuses by many generational families. As far as food stamps we have had several instances in our area of people using them in strip clubs and casinos, and I have the articles to prove it. It was happening so much in my little home state that they finally cracked down, and I am sure mine is not the only one. As a taxpayer, I think I have a right to know that the money is going where is should.
The Liberals are not or don't wanna believe you... ;))

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Tekate|1474233320|4078152 said:
They aren't my generation, they aren't the slackers, they are the millenial generation, they base their feeling, thoughts, ideas, beliefs on what they have seen, felt and know.. their experiences are different than my boomer generation, for me, dang if I didn't just about die when I saw black people being sprayed with fire houses!!! WTF... (being 17 and all).. that was what was going down (again I am a boomer), best of my knowledge, whites know better today than to wily nily kill blacks in the street. ALL lives matter, black lives matter is not exclusionary to this, unfortunately, it's easier to get away with killing a black life. I never want to read again about a cop dying, but I will, there are crazies out there.
And have nothing to do but rioting on the street.. :wall: So whites must love us Asians but hate blacks?


Dec 25, 2012
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

azstonie|1474259394|4078258 said:
Elliot86|1474254629|4078243 said:
Sharing because it made me laugh


I've been saying this forever!!!!

We all just need to pull ourselves up by our boot straps, ya know? Sorry for your poverty and all, but if we can all just be nice and realize once and for all that we're all EQUAL...


Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Why work???.. :confused: when I can live off taxpayers money. Please call me "Mr. Entitlement"...:praise:


Dec 25, 2012
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

DF run into anyone buying lobster with food stamps lately? It's been awhile since you've had a good story about poor people and their lives of luxury :cheeky:


Feb 12, 2013
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

So is the school curriculum going to include the BLM chants "pigs in a blanket; fry them like bacon" and "what do we want--dead cops now"
??? We want to keep it "real" right?

And explain why disagreement here often leads to accusations of racism and all the other isms? What does this topic have to do with sexuality issues? I disagree with teachers wearing BLM shirts, so I must hate everyone? As far as I know, there is no one posting here who hates any minority group. Equality for all is important to everyone here from what I have read. The false accusations do nothing to advance the discussion.

There are many successful outstanding people of color, past and present, from whom the children can learn.


Feb 11, 2006
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas


It occurs to me that the issue of child safety in the school is obviously caused by white people threatening to do harm, for, I sincerely doubt that black people would oppose BLM in a violent way. In fact this would have been a teaching moment for all, as I am sure it was meant to be.

I do not think support of white threats is a good thing. Safety my A$$.



Aug 29, 2014
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Dancing Fire|1474270280|4078268 said:
And have nothing to do but rioting on the street.. :wall: So whites must love us Asians but hate blacks?
Since you continually bring it up, I assume you must not know what white America thinks of Asians.
Specifically 3, 4 and 5.

Asian men aren't seen aren't seen as strong and capable. They are smart, and good followers. Cops love Asians - they are so obedient! Plus, if they aren't, what are they going to do? They don't play football or hockey or laX (typical 'strong' sports), they play badminton and chess. Cops aren't afraid of Asians, so they have nothing to fear from cops either. They are never the lead love interest, so no one is afraid of them stealing their girl.

Obviously this is a huge generalization and does NOT apply to all Asians. But if you want to talk about stereotypes about loving and hating colours, there you go.

This is a really interesting article both on positive and negative effects of being Asian in America.

Elliot86 said:
Sharing because it made me laugh
Love this!


Aug 31, 2005
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Elliot86|1474254629|4078243 said:
Sharing because it made me laugh

This is too good. (Depressing, but good. Y'know what I mean. :cheeky: )


May 11, 2013
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Dancing Fire|1474270280|4078268 said:
Tekate|1474233320|4078152 said:
They aren't my generation, they aren't the slackers, they are the millenial generation, they base their feeling, thoughts, ideas, beliefs on what they have seen, felt and know.. their experiences are different than my boomer generation, for me, dang if I didn't just about die when I saw black people being sprayed with fire houses!!! WTF... (being 17 and all).. that was what was going down (again I am a boomer), best of my knowledge, whites know better today than to wily nily kill blacks in the street. ALL lives matter, black lives matter is not exclusionary to this, unfortunately, it's easier to get away with killing a black life. I never want to read again about a cop dying, but I will, there are crazies out there.
And have nothing to do but rioting on the street.. :wall: So whites must love us Asians but hate blacks?

this is what is happening

They do not espouse violence btw:

And I do think whites like asians more..


Jul 1, 2014
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Elliot86|1474292801|4078334 said:
DF run into anyone buying lobster with food stamps lately? It's been awhile since you've had a good story about poor people and their lives of luxury :cheeky:

And don't forget: They drove to Maison Des Lobsters in a Cadillac! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no zealot like the recent convert, DF :wavey: You've done well for yourself and I don't judge you because you no compassion for anyone who has performed on a lesser curve. You got yours, screw everybody else.

However: When some day *you* are at the medical mercy of the poorly educated and trained, keep in mind they are earning minimum wage with no benefits so *you* got what *you* paid for. When *you* have NO ANTIBIOTICS to treat your infected tooth or sinuses and that infection goes to your brain, well THAT"S OKAY because why should the pharmaceutical companies research and develop anything other than wiener drugs and variations on insulin? Its not like government, who pays for all the research and development ANYWAY, should prompt corporations to act in the best interests of the very society they are busy fleecing.


Jan 30, 2008
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

azstonie|1474304698|4078406 said:
Elliot86|1474292801|4078334 said:
DF run into anyone buying lobster with food stamps lately? It's been awhile since you've had a good story about poor people and their lives of luxury :cheeky:

And don't forget: They drove to Maison Des Lobsters in a Cadillac! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no zealot like the recent convert, DF :wavey: You've done well for yourself and I don't judge you because you no compassion for anyone who has performed on a lesser curve. You got yours, screw everybody else.

However: When some day *you* are at the medical mercy of the poorly educated and trained, keep in mind they are earning minimum wage with no benefits so *you* got what *you* paid for. When *you* have NO ANTIBIOTICS to treat your infected tooth or sinuses and that infection goes to your brain, well THAT"S OKAY because why should the pharmaceutical companies research and develop anything other than wiener drugs and variations on insulin? Its not like government, who pays for all the research and development ANYWAY, should prompt corporations to act in the best interests of the very society they are busy fleecing.

It's also helpful to remember that DF has been sucking at the government teat for as long as I've been posting here.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

It occurs to me that the issue of child safety in the school is obviously caused by white people threatening to do harm, for, I sincerely doubt that black people would oppose BLM in a violent way. In fact this would have been a teaching moment for all, as I am sure it was meant to be.

It is not white or black, but people who are just plain unstable.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Elliot86|1474292801|4078334 said:
DF run into anyone buying lobster with food stamps lately? It's been awhile since you've had a good story about poor people and their lives of luxury :cheeky:
No but my daughter have. She said... her and her husband can't afford lobsters nor abalones but people on food stamp can... :angryfire: I said...your tax dollars are buying lobsters and abalones for the poor... :devil:

Elliot, If you go to Asian markets on food stamp day you will see live lobsters FLYING out of the tank... :bigsmile:


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

So is the school curriculum going to include the BLM chants "pigs in a blanket; fry them like bacon" and "what do we want--dead cops now"
??? We want to keep it "real" right?


Or burn that bi*ch down. All we need is one nut to take them up on it.


Feb 5, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Another thread gone unnecessarily nasty.

Many here who are discussing the issue. And as Gypsy said, it is not a pleasant one.

But then there are those few who have to bring the poster himself/herself into it by getting nasty and personal, digging up everything they might have said in past posts.

But it is very easy to see who is making contributions to this thread, and who to give a wide berth to and ignore.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

The students should wear "COP LIVES MATTER" T-shirts to class.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

telephone89|1474297269|4078360 said:
Asian men aren't seen aren't seen as strong and capable. They are smart, and good followers. Cops love Asians - they are so obedient! Plus, if they aren't, what are they going to do? They don't play football or hockey or laX (typical 'strong' sports), they play badminton and chess. Cops aren't afraid of Asians, so they have nothing to fear from cops either. They are never the lead love interest, so no one is afraid of them stealing their girl.
Yup, Asians live a boring life b/c they don't go out rioting on the streets... :rolleyes:

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

azstonie|1474304698|4078406 said:
Elliot86|1474292801|4078334 said:
DF run into anyone buying lobster with food stamps lately? It's been awhile since you've had a good story about poor people and their lives of luxury :cheeky:

And don't forget: They drove to Maison Des Lobsters in a Cadillac! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no zealot like the recent convert, DF :wavey: You've done well for yourself and I don't judge you because you no compassion for anyone who has performed on a lesser curve. You got yours, screw everybody else.
IMO, The rich (not that I am) should help the poors, but the poors should try to help themselves out of poverty.


Apr 22, 2004
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Dancing Fire|1474310476|4078443 said:
IMO, The rich (not that I am) should help the poors, but the poors should try to help themselves out of poverty.
If you can afford your collection of watches and diamonds (Octavia included) yet do not consider yourself rich, then I suppose I must be considered destitute. :lol:


Apr 30, 2005
Re: Seattle Elementary teachers to wear BLM t-shirts in clas

Chrono|1474310779|4078446 said:
Dancing Fire|1474310476|4078443 said:
IMO, The rich (not that I am) should help the poors, but the poors should try to help themselves out of poverty.
If you can afford your collection of watches and diamonds (Octavia included) yet do not consider yourself rich, then I suppose I must be considered destitute. :lol:

Chrono, DF and I are poor, but we are 'kept men' of PS cougars. :naughty:
We give them what they want, and they give us our baubles.
Win Win.

You've met me so you know that I'm the perfect, GQ-Cover, husky, manly, Hunk-O-Burning-Love Man that every woman dreams of, but I have no idea what they see in DF. :tongue:
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