
Search for Fancy Yellow Diamond

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Mar 5, 2003
I have been searching for a fancy yellow diamond for more than a year and the more that I look, the more confused that I am. I have observed the following:

1) There is a wide price range. The stones are a lot cheaper w/o GIA cert; however, their color origin can't be verified. Some stones, even with GIA cert, are verified for color only. No clarity was included.
2) The shapes are predominant radiant. I looked at some round, oval and cushion and the color always look funny or not saturated.
3) Natural Fancy Yellow are really not that yellow. Some stones are so pale that I don't even understand why they are classifed as Fancies. Some stones look yellow at face up and washed off on the side or when you tilt up. The only intensive yellow that I found was from Tiffany's, 1.45 cts at $45,000, total ripoff.
4) The stones are always cut very deep. They said the cut is different for fancy color diamond in order to enhance the color.

I came across recently two stones that I like. Stone A and Stone B compared as follows:

Stone A Stone B
GIA Cert Fancy Yellow Fancy Yellow
Carat 2.22 3.01
Length 8.66 mm 9.06 mm
Width 6.09 mm 7.03
Depth % 4.52 mm 4.57 mm
L/D 1.42 1.29
Depth % 74.2% 65%
Table % 66% 65%
Girdle thick N/A
Polish Good N/A
Symmetry Good N/A
Price 7,000 15,500

Both stones faced up yellow on top, side and bottom. Both sparkles. The concern that I have on stone A is it is cut very deep, the dimension does not compare well the Dave Atlas's guide charts for radiant. The stone looks very small, much smaller than my 2.0 ct RB. Also, I don't particularly like the high L/D since I don't know what setting would be good for it. I guess size is the big concern. Stone B faces up good for a 3 carat but does not have clarity certificated in the GIA. I did not notice any flaws in the stone but it is probably due to my lack of experience. I used my caliper to verify the dimension and found that both lenght and width are off by as much as .04 mm. The caliper that I used was the precision type that I used at my work and stone A checked out perfect with it. I am wondering if .04 mm is within the toloerance of measurement. Need some feedback on that. I also bought my diamond/moissanites tester during my diamond excusion and both stones tested out to be diamonds.

I have probably become a skeptic due to all the unpleasant experiences that I had before. Need some help on the standard guideline on cut w.r.t. fancy colored diamond and assessment on these two stones.

I had searched the icestore since they carry a lot of fancy yellow diamonds. However, I am not yet comfortable about buying a diamond, especially a colored one on line since I've seen the vast variations of color among stones.
rad cut are 30%-40% less in round you need to go deep ye op to 1.50 carat
If you really want to see the yellow than you have to go for the intense yellow's and it should not be as much as the 45,000.00 for a 1.45, you have to shop it with different websites and learn a little more about it and do a price comparison.
that is the price for a vivid !

do your home work before buying it!

good luck
Hello Beith,
You are absolutely right ,..
The world of Natural Fancy Colored Diamonds is confusing,...
And for you as a buyer , this must be frustrating,...

Since I deal with Natural fancy colored diamonds I know, that there are very few people that understand fancy colors and are able to provide the ammount of information you need, to be comfortable with your purchase,...

There are also many dealers who would abuse this fact and turn your purchase into easy extra money,...

The Yellow diamonds is considered Fancy colored when the grade of Y-Z is issued. This is the darkest color in the white diamonds scale from D-Z. Y-Z color IS distingtly yellow not at all fanit or pale . It is considered Fancy color BUT Not called Fancy yet. The next step to the darker shade Fancy light yellow,..step darker is Fancy yellow , next step is Fancy Intense yellow and after that
fancy Vivid yellow.
Grading of cut and clarity applies the same to Fancies as to white diamonds. The value suffers less in lower clarities since the color is the most valuable factor of Fancy colored diamond. If the cut is deeper, the gem would look darker in the setting because the deep stones do retain more color.

There are few rules you should follow,...
1) find a dealer who trully understands Fancy colors,...
2) newer buy expensive fancy colored diamond without GIA cert
3) if you can don't buy set diamond
4) Stay away from diamonds with secondary brownish hues
5) Always consult an appraiser to verify your purchase

If you think you will save money when buying uncerted Fancy colored diamond
you most likely de doing the opisite ,...


GLE Gem Imports Ltd

Frankly, we think that people are "insane" to even consider diamonds that have not been graded by a reputable lab such as the GIA, AGS or HRD with all the treatments that are running rampant in the industry! And buying a Fancy, Vivid or Intense "colored" diamond without a lab grading report is just asking for trouble! The Radiant Cut diamonds display color very nicely and as noted above cost less than the rounds.
I need to clarify the post. Both stones that I posted have GIA certificate. However, Stone A has both the color and clarity certified while Stone B has only the color certified. I have determined long ago that it is unwise to buy any stones withour GIA or AGS certification. But in the world of colored diamonds, about 50% of the GIA stones that I checked out had cert for COLOR only.
I have 3 questions and please help me answer them.

1. Should I stick with stones with Cert for BOTH color or clarity?
2. Stone B dimension was off .04 mm and is it within the normal measurement tolerance?
3. Is there any guideline w.r.t to ideal cut and shape of a colored diamond?

Thanks for your input in advance
Usually (but not always), if a stone has a color only report, it's because it has some clarity or cut problems (like I 1 clarity or fair polish or symmetry)...
As someone else said, fancy diamonds are cut to mae the color more intense or light... You'll find very often deep pavilions or very thick girdles(especially in princess or radiant shapes)... I'd say you don't necessarily need to look for a 1A radiant... Anything within 1A and 3A SHOULD (and I stress should) be OK...
What do you mean by 'dimension were off by 0.04'??
What I meant by off is when I measured stone B which has COLOR only GIA cert. which specifies the dimension to be 9.06 mm x 7.03 mm, it came out actually as 9.02 mm x 7.06 mm. I am wondering if the difference (~.04 mm) is norminal or falls within the accuracy of measurement devices. In other words, what is the acceptable deviation range when a stone is measured against its specification. Since stone B has no clarify certication, the only identifiable characteristics is its dimension. Usually, you can tell if the stone is the one presented on a GIA certificate by the flaws identified in the document. In this case, one has to rely only on the dimension. Since I don't have a lot of experience, I don't know if .04 mm is negligible.

When I eventually find my dream stone, I'll definitely send it out to an official appraiser. I am currently still in the searching process. Even though I really like stone B, I am not convinced yet this is the same stone represented in the GIA certificate.
I think this is a bit unusual, but still normal. If you are very unsure you can send the stone and the report to the GIA la and ask for a verification of the grades... It's quite inexpensive (considering GIA's prices
LOL!) and should be quite fast as well...
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