Hi everyone! I'm really hoping that someone can help because I'm at a bit of a loss. I have a princess cut diamond pendant necklace, that I've had for about 5 months. I've rarely taken it off since I've had it - I feel like it's safer on than constantly taking it on and off. However, a few days ago I noticed a straight line running across the diamond, that I hadn't noticed before.
Initially, and after some googling, I decided it was probably an inclusion that I hadn't noticed before - apparently they're more visible if the diamond is dirty, which mine probably was, and also the line kind of goes along the grain of the cut anyway, so I thought it may not have been totally obvious.
I also couldn't feel any indentation on the surface, and could see the mark from the sides of the pendant, i.e. it was actually inside the diamond rather than a surface mark.
However, I decided to take it to a jeweler today to check.
This is where I'm confused - he said it was a scratch! When I then mentioned that whatever it was, was visible from the sides as well, he said 'oh yes... well it's nothing to worry about'. When I came home, I ran a needle across the surface, and sure enough, it 'sticks' over the scratch.
Firstly - how could it be scratched? I thought only diamond scratched diamond? Would it have been sold to me like this without me noticing?
Secondly - how can I see the scratch the whole way through? Surely it shouldn't be visible from the sides if it's only a surface scratch?
Could it be a crack?
I'm really upset and now feel like I don't want to wear the necklace anymore. It was bought from a friend of the family, who is a jeweler, and was meant to be VS2. I don't want to accuse him of fobbing me off with a damaged diamond if the damage is something I've done myself.
I'm planning on taking it to another jeweler to get a second opinion, but I just wondered if there was anyone out there with any advice?
Thanks and sorry for the long post!
Initially, and after some googling, I decided it was probably an inclusion that I hadn't noticed before - apparently they're more visible if the diamond is dirty, which mine probably was, and also the line kind of goes along the grain of the cut anyway, so I thought it may not have been totally obvious.
I also couldn't feel any indentation on the surface, and could see the mark from the sides of the pendant, i.e. it was actually inside the diamond rather than a surface mark.
However, I decided to take it to a jeweler today to check.
This is where I'm confused - he said it was a scratch! When I then mentioned that whatever it was, was visible from the sides as well, he said 'oh yes... well it's nothing to worry about'. When I came home, I ran a needle across the surface, and sure enough, it 'sticks' over the scratch.
Firstly - how could it be scratched? I thought only diamond scratched diamond? Would it have been sold to me like this without me noticing?
Secondly - how can I see the scratch the whole way through? Surely it shouldn't be visible from the sides if it's only a surface scratch?
Could it be a crack?
I'm really upset and now feel like I don't want to wear the necklace anymore. It was bought from a friend of the family, who is a jeweler, and was meant to be VS2. I don't want to accuse him of fobbing me off with a damaged diamond if the damage is something I've done myself.
I'm planning on taking it to another jeweler to get a second opinion, but I just wondered if there was anyone out there with any advice?
Thanks and sorry for the long post!