
Scratched diamond necklace??


Apr 14, 2016
Hi everyone! I'm really hoping that someone can help because I'm at a bit of a loss. I have a princess cut diamond pendant necklace, that I've had for about 5 months. I've rarely taken it off since I've had it - I feel like it's safer on than constantly taking it on and off. However, a few days ago I noticed a straight line running across the diamond, that I hadn't noticed before.
Initially, and after some googling, I decided it was probably an inclusion that I hadn't noticed before - apparently they're more visible if the diamond is dirty, which mine probably was, and also the line kind of goes along the grain of the cut anyway, so I thought it may not have been totally obvious.
I also couldn't feel any indentation on the surface, and could see the mark from the sides of the pendant, i.e. it was actually inside the diamond rather than a surface mark.
However, I decided to take it to a jeweler today to check.
This is where I'm confused - he said it was a scratch! When I then mentioned that whatever it was, was visible from the sides as well, he said 'oh yes... well it's nothing to worry about'. When I came home, I ran a needle across the surface, and sure enough, it 'sticks' over the scratch.
Firstly - how could it be scratched? I thought only diamond scratched diamond? Would it have been sold to me like this without me noticing?
Secondly - how can I see the scratch the whole way through? Surely it shouldn't be visible from the sides if it's only a surface scratch?
Could it be a crack?

I'm really upset and now feel like I don't want to wear the necklace anymore. It was bought from a friend of the family, who is a jeweler, and was meant to be VS2. I don't want to accuse him of fobbing me off with a damaged diamond if the damage is something I've done myself.
I'm planning on taking it to another jeweler to get a second opinion, but I just wondered if there was anyone out there with any advice?
Thanks and sorry for the long post!
I would get a second opinion.

While it can happen, like you mentioned yourself it usually is either an inclusion or part of the cut along graining line.

I have had cases where diamonds appeared to have been chipped and it was a natural, which I was quite sure about but had gotten more opinion on it and my opinion was confirmed.

Generally try to tilt the diamond in a way that you see the surface clearly and that should tell you if it reaches the surface or not.

Sometimes it can also be a surface reaching inclusion.

Most likely it was not scratched, that is rare. A surface reaching inclusion is not great either especially when on the table but at this point you really should have it checked by someone competent in diamonds, a gemologist, cutter, or appraiser would be your best bet.

Do not panic before that please. I have lines in several of my diamonds and some have naturals too, one has a feather that almost reaches the surface but not quite.

Try to get it to someone knowledgable and then wear your necklace happily. If it was indeed scratched, you can consider a recut depending whether it is a large enough stone and worth doing it.
Thank you for your reply! Yes, I was pretty sure it was an inclusion, and I wasn't expecting to feel anything when I ran the needle over it, but unfortunately I did.
I will definitely get a second opinion - to be perfectly honest, it's not overly noticeable, I just tried to show a friend and she couldn't see it! I think I was over-reacting, but it's just disappointing when you notice a flaw, and my heart sank when he said it was a scratch.
I'm glad you said it's unlikely that I scratched it myself. I think that's what I was most worried about, that I hadn't looked after it properly or something.
I do still love it and I'll keep wearing it!
I think it possibly could be a surface inclusion....... The jeweler I took it to today didn't seem to know loads about diamonds so maybe that's why I was a bit confused.
Thanks again!
Rocks are harder than knives, but you can scratch a rock with a knife. Try it.

Just don't use your best knife.

Gouge might be a better term than scratch.
If the diamond was not GIA graded, it could have any clarity down to I1 or lower. Some of the worst deals we see here were diamonds bought from "friends of the family". If you have a GIA report, that would be helpful to see if it was there at the outset. It also could be a clarity enhanced diamond and the filler has come out or something like that. Sounds like you need to take it to a jeweler who is a gemologist and can examine the stone and tell you what it is. Or you can send it to a PS appraiser like Neil Beaty or David Atlas.
I am reiterating what a few people have said, but your best course of action (if you want to take further action) is to get it examined by a qualified appraiser. You may not have one local to you. It is easy to find one here on PS.