
SCARED! Can I get preggo???

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Feb 20, 2009
Okay, I am a regular PS poster, I just started this account to remain anonymous.

Here's the situation. I kinda managed to remove my IUD yesterday, which is fine, I was planning to have it removed for various reasons. I am slightly terrified because, um, my boyfriend and I had a lot of, er, personal time over the weekend. A lot. Sunday night would have been the last time, but the IUD came out on Thursday night. How long can the little soldiers live in there???, because I don't have a job right now, I don't have insurance, I am not engaged or married, and I cannot have a kid!

Can I get pregnant? How long could it be until I know? How soon are pregnancy tests accurate? This is such a stupid debacle, we are always so careful and I am freaking out! With the IUD, I didn't get periods, so I have no idea when I ovulate anymore, and I woke up today feeling nauseous but I am thinking it might just be psychological, or maybe have to do with the change in hormone levels?

Can anyone offer any advice or support? Anyone who has had an IUD or is in the medical field? Should I mention this to my boyfriend, I don't want to freak him out for no reason! Oh god, what a nightmare!
Date: 2/20/2009 3:25:03 PM
Okay, I am a regular PS poster, I just started this account to remain anonymous.

Here's the situation. I kinda managed to remove my IUD yesterday, which is fine, I was planning to have it removed for various reasons. I am slightly terrified because, um, my boyfriend and I had a lot of, er, personal time over the weekend. A lot. Sunday night would have been the last time, but the IUD came out on Thursday night. How long can the little soldiers live in there???, because I don't have a job right now, I don't have insurance, I am not engaged or married, and I cannot have a kid!

Can I get pregnant? How long could it be until I know? How soon are pregnancy tests accurate? This is such a stupid debacle, we are always so careful and I am freaking out! With the IUD, I didn't get periods, so I have no idea when I ovulate anymore, and I woke up today feeling nauseous but I am thinking it might just be psychological, or maybe have to do with the change in hormone levels?

Can anyone offer any advice or support? Anyone who has had an IUD or is in the medical field? Should I mention this to my boyfriend, I don't want to freak him out for no reason! Oh god, what a nightmare!
Max I think is 7 days, usual is between 2 and 4 days. If you do not want a pregnancy go to your GP and have a serious chat. You may want to discuss options such as the morning after pill. E.T.A If applicable - depending on when perceived conception may have taken place.

Bring your BF. After all he was there too and should understand consequences.
Sperm *can* live for up to 5 days, so from that measure alone pregancy is on the other edge of possibility, but I have no idea if your uterus instantly returns to a fertile state when the IUD comes out or if there is a delay before it becomes implantation-friendly. Since you don''t get your periods, I am guessing that your IUD also releases hormones? Meaning ovulation was being chemically supressed in addition to the IUD irritating your uterus? You would need your ovulation timing to line up just perfect with the IUD removal, so all in all I think the likelihood is quite, quite low. Not really enough to worry about, except getting on some more reliable b.c. pronto if you were ready to be done with the IUD.

The earliest pregnancy tests might register a positive at 10-11 days after ovulation, but a negative at that point would not be definitive. You would probably need to wait another week or so for a negative test to be definitive.
I don''t really know anything about IUDs, but you might want to get checked out by your gynecologist if the removal was accidental, just to make sure that nothing got hurt in the process. I''m sure that if you call her office, they can tell you whether you need an appointment or not. Also, while the likelihood of you getting pregnant is probably pretty slim, have you thought about Plan B just in case? All you have to do is ask a pharmacist for it, and it might help put your mind at ease. If you call your doctor, it might be good to ask about that as well because I''m sure they''ll have more accurate information.
3-5 days...chances are you aren''t. In perfect conditions you only have a 20-25% chance of getting preggo. It is amazing that accidental pregnancies happen but they do. I second contacting your doctor. I didn''t know they could be removed so easily. Kinda scary.
Most likely the sperm could not survive but to be 100% safe if it was me, I would run not walk to the nearest pharmacy for a morning after pill.

Many years ago I had an IUD that came out on its own so I''ve been there and its a scary thing.
Steel I have considered the morning after pill, I just wasn't sure if I am over reacting. Plus, I had a girl friend that took one and had just a horrid experience.

Cara Yes, the IUD releases hormones and makes the uterine environment inhospitable, but I don't think it kills anything per se. For instance, if sperm and egg did meet, it just wouldn't be likely to be able to 'stick'. lol, I think I would be less worried, but the men in his family are EXTRA fertile for no reason at all.

And thank you for the info on pregnancy tests!

Octavia Thank you for the info on plan B! I would call a GP, but I don't have one currently and am uninsured. I'm pretty young, only been to the gyn twice, and once was to get the IUD. And those were 2 different people. The IUD is supposed to be easy to remove, but I didn't think it was THAT easy to remove. You are supposed to periodically check the strings to make sure they are in place, and my strings were bent and curled under, I tried to find and straighten them out and, well, that was that. Saved me at least $100 though, assuming I don't get pregnant...

Tacori Sigh, these odds are really terrifying when you have no control over things. It's funny how 20-25% chance sounds HUGE when you don't want something and meager when you do! I also had no idea that they could be so easily removed! I mean, it didn't fall out, and I have had it for years, but yeah, a bit scary. God, I should just get Essure and be done with all this. I hate suspense. Odds say no, but the 'what if' is killing me.

Thank you all for responding, I had no one else to talk to about this!

Asscher Thank you for sharing your story. Ack, I am terrified of taking that pill, but maybe I should suck it up? I am 100% sure that a kid is not in the cards.
If you are going to take it, you need to HURRY, from what I understand it most effective if taken within 48 hours and if your IUD fell out yesterday. But I don''t know if its 48 hous from the act or from fertilization. (I apologize if thats too graphic, don''t know how else to phrase it).

If you 100% don''t want a baby, I would not put it off. Can you call your gyn and tell the answering service its an emergency so you get a call back? A pharmacists should be able to give you info as well. I know when my IUD fell out, I was able to get my gyn on the phone even after hours through the answering service and she was very hellpful.
Date: 2/20/2009 6:07:40 PM
Author: asscherisme
If you are going to take it, you need to HURRY, from what I understand it most effective if taken within 48 hours and if your IUD fell out yesterday. But I don''t know if its 48 hous from the act or from fertilization. (I apologize if thats too graphic, don''t know how else to phrase it).

If you 100% don''t want a baby, I would not put it off. Can you call your gyn and tell the answering service its an emergency so you get a call back? A pharmacists should be able to give you info as well. I know when my IUD fell out, I was able to get my gyn on the phone even after hours through the answering service and she was very hellpful.

yeah, one of my girlfriends from college is doing gynecology... And she also has an IUD. Maybe I can call and ask her what her professional opinion is, I know the pharmacies are open fairly late, it hasn''t been 24 yet. I wish I could talk to my boyfriend, but he is unavailable until fairly late tonight...
Date: 2/20/2009 6:07:40 PM
Author: asscherisme
If you are going to take it, you need to HURRY, from what I understand it most effective if taken within 48 hours and if your IUD fell out yesterday. But I don''t know if its 48 hous from the act or from fertilization. (I apologize if thats too graphic, don''t know how else to phrase it).

If you 100% don''t want a baby, I would not put it off. Can you call your gyn and tell the answering service its an emergency so you get a call back? A pharmacists should be able to give you info as well. I know when my IUD fell out, I was able to get my gyn on the phone even after hours through the answering service and she was very hellpful.
Ditto. Call sooner than later. You need to act fast, to be on the safe side.
I know you said that you are uninsured. Have you thought about making an appointment at Planned Parenthood. I they charge on a sliding scale. Good luck.
There is no time for an appointment. You need to act FAST. If you can''t reach your friend on the phone or doctor , call a pharmacy to find out if they even carry it and then talk to the pharmacist.
You do not need a prescription for the Plan B anymore just go to the pharmacy counter and ask for it. The only thing is that since it''s not prescription costs like $80 cuz insurance doesn''t cover it.
Date: 2/20/2009 6:45:14 PM
Author: AllieLuv83
You do not need a prescription for the Plan B anymore just go to the pharmacy counter and ask for it. The only thing is that since it''s not prescription costs like $80 cuz insurance doesn''t cover it.
I feel like it was more like $30 when I bought it, which admittedly wasn''t that long after it went OTC - I don''t know if it''s increased. It''s also more effective the sooner you take it, so I''d go get it now if you think you''re going to go that route. Good luck.
Date: 2/20/2009 8:12:03 PM
Author: Blenheim
Date: 2/20/2009 6:45:14 PM

Author: AllieLuv83

You do not need a prescription for the Plan B anymore just go to the pharmacy counter and ask for it. The only thing is that since it''s not prescription costs like $80 cuz insurance doesn''t cover it.

I feel like it was more like $30 when I bought it, which admittedly wasn''t that long after it went OTC - I don''t know if it''s increased. It''s also more effective the sooner you take it, so I''d go get it now if you think you''re going to go that route. Good luck.

How ever much it is, it is cheaper than a baby. Promise you that! If you are 100% sure a baby is not in the cards for you right now go ASAP. Many pharmacies are open late (not sure what time zone you are in). Time is NOT on your side.
You need to either take the Morning After Pill or get another IUD fitted within 72 hours.

I would be suprised if you were pregnant - but the possibility is always there.

Do not just sit and cross your fingers - seeing that second line on a pregnancy test when it is something you absolutely do not want and cannot go through with is not a fun thing - go and see your GP as soon as possible.
Definitely get Plan B ASAP. It is effective for up to 72 hrs after the "situation" took place, but is more effective the sooner you take it. It costs around $50 and you just need to show your drivers license to prove you are over 18 yo. Some pharmacies are open 24hrs so you should have no problem getting it. (I am a retail pharmacist so I see this a lot)

It is unlikely that you are preggo, but Plan B should give you some peace of mind, and its worth the $50 just for that! Also, its best to be safe, just in case.

Good luck!
Chances are very slim, but like everyone suggested just pick up a Plan B at the pharmacy.
Thanks everyone! Went with Plan B as suggested. Didn''t die, and I can actually relax now. Also amazed at how little information pharmacists and other med professions have to offer about such things.

Thanks again!
Date: 2/22/2009 5:58:51 PM
Author: OMGOMG
Thanks everyone! Went with Plan B as suggested. Didn''t die, and I can actually relax now. Also amazed at how little information pharmacists and other med professions have to offer about such things.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the update. And glad to hear that you can relax now and not worry about it. LikeI said before, the odds were pretty slim anyway that you could have gotten pregnant, but then again, there was a tiny little chance and since you were not ready for a baby thats too much risk so with plan B you can relax now. Interesting that pharmacists and other med. professions have little info. and kinda disturbing.
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