
Santa has arrived early in Australia

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Oct 16, 2004
My original story was posted under "Overexcited about my MDX purchase?".

My diamond arrived today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It must have definitely been hastened by Santa, as I had not really dared to hope it would arrive and be cleared by customs before Xmas. It was only ordered 6 days ago. MDX inspected and photographed it yesterday and I collected it before work this morning, not having the patience to wait for a delivery. All I can say is wow!!!!!!!!

It is the most beautiful stone I have ever seen. Under diffuse fluorescent light at work it flashes incredibly bright white beautifully symmetrical arrows, but little fire. Wriggle it under a halogen downlight and there are hundreds of colourful scintillations and occasional HUGE flashes of colour. Outside it is a different stone again. On the way home from work I was tooted twice when I did not move away from traffic lights when they turned green. This was because I was absolutely spellbound looking at it. I found when I tipped the stone to a particular spot I was rewarded with a steady circle of bright red about 4 cm (1.5 inches) in diameter that COMPLETELY obliterated the diamond and surrounding case. Closing one eye accentuated this, as the view was different with each eye and closing one eliminated retinal rivalry. To top it off if I then squinted slightly I could induce a steady shaft of red light about 20 cm (8 inches) long passing diagonally through the stone. If this wasn’t enough, I could either tip the case or my head slightly and it would turn to a steady green, and slightly more tipping produced an amazingly intense blue. I never knew a diamond could do this! I have not read of this in other posts.

I had really wanted an icy white stone, but in the end size won out and I went for a G. It thankfully faces very white. I thought I was very colour sensitive, but I cannot pick any “warmth” at all under any lighting conditions. It looks icy white even unset.

Many thanks Johan for showing me the absolutely fascinating DiamondCalc images as the stone was rotated and position of incident rays altered. There was amazingly little leakage. It was also very interesting watching a Sarin analyser in operation.

I have been unable to resist repeatedly peering down the H&A viewer, and to my inexperienced eye they look very crisp and uniform with no splits in the hearts and good separation, etc.

I can find no fault at all. Even the single tiny cobweb like curved inclusion (it is a VS2) is well below the surface and in no way impairs the beauty, even under 30x magnification, which I have at work. I have examined the stone carefully from every angle under this.

While waiting for the stone I had been a bit concerned by several posts which stated that “pavilion angles of 40.6 and shallower, when coupled with many ideal crown angles (particularly under 35 degrees) produce a little too much head obstruction in diffuse light conditions giving the stone a *dark* appearance.” Mine has a pav angle of only 40.5 and crown angle of 34.7. It is definitely not just imagination on my part – there is no darkness at all in diffuse light, even if I just about put my nose on it. All I can see are bright white arrows. So anyone out there purchasing, don’t be automatically put off with an HCA score of 0.6 – see the stone before making a decision.

One more thing – I just love the shape of it. It has a “steepish” crown at 34.7 and a smallish table at 54.8 and this produces a plump crown which I love.

Well I have finished raving about it. I am going to try to post the Idealscope image. Any comments about it? There is a little leakage at the edges, but the stone is still incredibly beautiful.

Thankyou to everyone who responded to my post while I was anxiously waiting for it to arrive. I feel very, very lucky. I hope everyone else’s wishes, big or small, come true for Xmas and the New Year.
Trying to work out how to attach a file from an email. Any tips? I will try and contact Leonid.
I think you might need to first download that email photo onto your computer''s hard drive before uploading it onto this site.

I hope that makes sense.
how very exciting angela!!! i''m glad your wish came true!!!
Congrats asblackrock!

It is fun isn''t it. Reading your post was like reading a description of my stone as well! hihi!! Mine acts just the same way! I am sure you will never stop staring at it. I have had mine for about a month and I am sooooo mesmerized by it all the time.!

Enjoy it!

Many Blessings! and Happy Holidays!
DiamondsRagirlsbestfriend: trying hard to attach image. If I click download the photo appears, but there is no new file created on the desktop which can then be selected to attach.

Belle: Thankyou so much. It is 2 am here and I am too excited too sleep, so will continue trying to attach idealscope image.
fortheloveofdiamonds: I just can''t stop taking peeks at it which is delaying working out how to attach the photo! I hope your husband is still at home with you. It is such a good time of year. Everyone is cheerier and smiling more.

I just can''t wipe the grin off my face.

He is still here and will be spending the holidays with me. He will be leaving at the end of Jan. Although, the holidays here are bittersweet this year with so many we know in Mosul and their families at Ft. Lewis are suffering and sad.

Many Blessings to all!
Hopefully here it is. This came from the disc MDX gave me rather than their email.


Congrats and Merry Christmas!!

Oh, fortheloveofdiamonds, I feel so much for you. I can''t imagine being separated from my husband, let alone having him posted overseas. I hope so much that he returns to you very quickly. I wish him a safe and boringly uneventful trip.
I have a query for anyone experienced at assessing Idealscope images. In the above photo the 11 o''clock arrow is a bit wonky. I just can''t seem to reproduce this when I examine the stone under the H&A viewer. Is is just an artifact, or does the idealscope provide a better assessment of the arrows integrity?
Just curious.

PS I had a funny response from one "expert" assistant in a fairly high profile B&M store when I asked if they had any hearts and arrows stones. She replied they had lots of hearts, but no arrows!!!!!
Angela - Congrats on your diamond purchase. It is always great to hear someone so excited!

First off all, that IdealScope image is remarkable for a stone with 40.5 pavilion angles. I would have expected more leakage than that. Bravo.

The reflection of the table that is the star in the middle looks pretty equal, and there are other indicators that the stone was level when it was photographed, so any "wonky-ness" is probably not attributable to that. In order to accurately assess the patterning we need to see the hearts imagery.

The IdealScope is a passable assessment of arrows patterning, but the H&A viewer will tell you more about overall patterning, especially the hearts image.

All this is secondary to the most important things you have said... Your eyes love the stone! Enjoy!

That is a great IdeaScope Image. The bits of white at the arrow tips and the points in a bit between the arrows are known to add to the effect of the diamond.

JohnQuixote: Many thanks for your response. I don't have a H&A photo, a viewer was provided with the stone. You are very right though -to me the visual performance is so good to the naked eye that it does not matter at all what the arrow heads are actually doing!! I was only curious.
I have just woken up and of course the first thing I did was was put it on the white sheet next to my pillow. I am seeing it a fourth way now. It is still cradled in the black foam of the box and if I blur my eyes slightly it looks whiter than the snowy white of the sheet. If I lean right over it I can see the crisp detail of 8 beautiful very pale grey arrows. I have read that this perfect symmetry does not really enhance sparkle much, but WOW seeing arrows like this under diffuse light is absolutely awesome, a big part of the pleasure.

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank your staff. In my research to purchase I corresponded with both Lesley and Henry. Your ACA diamonds looked absolutey beautiful. Making a first (and hopefully not last) purchase I was just more comfortable purchasing through someone with an office in my home town. I have enjoyed browsing through your website.

I wish you all a very, very happy festive season. I am off to work now ( with my diamond of course!) and won't be able to answer any replies until I get home.

PERRY: Thank you for your response too.
Congrats to you Angela!!! Enjoy your new sparkly!

Regarding the IS/H&A images, the IS image while showing the arrows pattern is not the general scope used to actually grade the arrows. That is done under the H&A viewer.

Sir John... this comment stumped me.

"First off all, that IdealScope image is remarkable for a stone with 40.5 pavilion angles. I would have expected more leakage than that."

40.5/34.7 ... you would''ve expected more leakage?
Date: 12/23/2004 5:28:58 PM
Author: Rhino
40.5/34.7 ... you would've expected more leakage?

Aye, my good Rhino. For two reasons.

1. With a 40.5 given as pavilion angle you could expect variance to range hither and yon, reasonably 40.3 to 40.7. Combine either of those with 34.7 crown and you'll see more leakage.

2. Also in the more leakage category would be that 40.5/34.7 combo with a slightly larger table (55-57%).

I will attach examples.
Ignore the cut nuts the diamond is awesome!
We just like to argue over the smallest details.
Date: 12/23/2004 5:28:58 PM
Author: Rhino

Sir John... this comment stumped me.

''First off all, that IdealScope image is remarkable for a stone with 40.5 pavilion angles. I would have expected more leakage than that.''

Hopefully this un-stumps.

An interesting discussion might be ascending table size relative to some of these combo platters and leakage.

Bottom line, Angela''s stone is a winner. These proportions work out. I suspect it has tight variances. Angela... Your friends will be right when they say "It''s ti-eeeeght!"
Date: 12/24/2004 7
0:44 PM
Author: strmrdr

Ignore the cut nuts the diamond is awesome!
We just like to argue over the smallest details.


LOL, Strm, now that is the pot calling the kettle black!!

Despite that, I second what you said.

Pass the mashed potatoes please.
I have just logged on. I find the discussions intriguing. Nothing is going to diminish my enjoyment of the stone, so feel free to add anything. I have developed a passion for diamonds and my knowledge is still terribly limited despite a few months of reading. I will be purchasing earrings in the far future (John says VERY FAR future, but I will work on that one) and in the meantime I would love to learn more about what makes a diamond cut perform well visually.

I have just been trying to take photos and will post them in a thread titled "Angela''s attempts to photogragh her diamond" in a few minutes.

Still very excited!
TO: JohnQuixote
Hi John
The GIA cert actually listed table as 54%, Sarin was 54.8. If it is actually closer to 54, by the sound of it this may explain further why there is less leakage. Is this correct?
Hello Angela.

Indeed. Miss Aussie, you are a quick study... Are you perchance related to our beloved Garry?

Thank you for the potent patience with our perseverant posts.
Date: 12/24/2004 6:54:39 PM
Author: JohnQuixote
...And with 57% table.
Hi John,

As much as I'd like to discuss this topic with you I find that my dear friend *time* has the upper hand on me again. I have a busy weekend cut out for me and I'm heading on a short vacation this Monday but will be back on the 4th. Perhaps we can pick it up then? To be sure we are on the same page, when I get back the first question I'm going to ask you is to interpret the colors in image you have posted. Which colors represent light being reflected at the highest intensity, lowest intensity and everything in between.

strmrdr... John and I are not arguing or fighting. Much to the contrary John and I are, what I consider, very good acquaintances ... even friends. Please don't construe my statements to him in any other way. John... if you like, when I get back we can begin another thread so this doesn't get hijacked.

Have a great holiday week everyone!

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