
SAME diamond, different dealers??

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Sep 2, 2002
Hello again!!

Perhaps some of the experts out there could explain a bit about the online diamond trade. I've noticed that sometimes two or three different dealers will be advertising the same diamond in their this because they all deal with the same wholesalers? If I'm interested in one of these diamonds, is there any good way to decide which of the internet dealers to go with other than perks like free shipping?

Thanks again!!!:praise:
You should read all of their policies on shipping, returns, etc and then decide if your sure thats the diamond you want.

Educate Yourself First!

You may also run into the problem of the one diamond may be out working or already sold so I would pick a couple you think you like.

Nothing like going and comparing diamond too. A *good* local jewler can compete very nicely with the web and offer comparisons, and real diamonds to look at.............. just another thought.
Steve is correct most independent local jewelers have access to these stones on the web as well.
Not all of them know about this possibility though :)

And not all the suppliers will ship diamonds on memo to somebody they don't know unless they get paid cash upfront.

Am I right, StevL?
probably true Leonid....but if you have references they will ship on memo. I mean a good independent jeweler. Yes, being on that web is expensive. You do have to subscribe. My jeweler prefers to work w/ certain suppliers - but when they don't have what his clients need - he goes to the web.
My comment was certainly not intended to exclude internet dealers from your shopping experience. My setting came from an internet dealer...and I'm quite happy - meeting a great goldsmith in the process.
If I were a consumer and found a jeweler that couldn't have diamonds shipped in on memo I would find another jeweler (now a certain brand(s) they may truly not be able to get because of dealer agreements).

They either have a poor credit rating or screwed over someone. Either way the consumer should run.

When I speak of a *good* jeweler I'm also talking about jewelers who actually stock diamonds. A jeweler you can compare different diamonds and if the perfect one isn't on the table they will find it for you and let you look at it and add it to your comparison.
I was a pretty particular client. Curious Steve, how many clients ask for 3c H/I SI1 w/ very good cut (preferably on the deeper side) , med/strong blue fluor? Another curious question, what is your most requested stone?:wavey:
In all honesty I only sell about 5 to 6 diamonds a year over 2 carats. They can range from 3 to 5 carat (and have been up to 12.25ct) and all over the board as far as quality is concerned.

My most asked for diamond :)
First line when they come in; "I'm looking for a 1 carat diamond, SI1 in clarity and G in color, what do you have and how much?"

My first reply is; what quality?

Their second answer; I already told you.

My second answer; what about the cut?

Their third answer; Round.

Then we go into differences cut can make and start the process. I do sell about 50 to 60 1 carat diamonds a year (local), most buy from G to H in color, SI1 to VS1 in clarity, and most fall in the cut grade of 2 (at least 50%). In most cases size does matter and they want the 1 carat size.

Then I have the web informed customer (about 20 one carat sales a year for me, add 20 more for 1/2 to 1ct, and 10 more for over 1.25ct). Nine out of ten will buy an E to G color, VS1 or 2, and at least an AGS Ideal proportioned diamond. About 70% will buy what amounts to an AGS000, but some are GIA ex/ex, and one in four will buy an Eightstar.

Please keep in mind we are not a web vendor per-say. I only help people that ask and don't even list diamonds on our web site. I don't see pursuing the web business either in the near future. We have a 5,000 sq/ft store and in the process of building our own free standing building. We sell jewelry too, not just diamonds.

I hope this helps you see what we do and what direction we are headed. I enjoy people face to face. It is a thrill to see them in person make their first (in many cases) major decision and to be a part of that is very satisfying.
Interesting Steve. As far as resale, would 1 c be the easiest to sell? From your tone, I imagine that you have a very high end store. Do you think that the general public requests 1c stones or that your clientel lean that way.

BTW, I am amazed that these kids can afford 1 c E VS ideal stones. Maybe they are getting married later in life. Our budget back 20 years ago was 2500 - and that was stretching it. We did end up w/ a lovely ideal .70 F VS1 or vvs1 (can't remember) stone. To add to the budget constraints - we were on the tail end of the diamond bubble.

I feel special that you only sell 5 stones in excess of 2 c! But, I have to hear the scoop on the 12.25 stone - ws it RB?
I don't know that you would call them kids. Most of our customers are from 30 and up. We are considered a higher end store in our area (not 5th Ave). We sell very few diamonds to the 18 to 29 year olds (I don't know why). I can't even tell you the last time we sold an engagement ring that was 1/4 or 1/3 carat, but they are bought somewhere.

I think the 1 carat thing has evolved over time. It, I guess makes some statement (of what I'm not sure). But that really seems to be the *goal* of most couples. Maybe a few consumers could chime in on this subject and voice their opinions.

The 12 carat was an emerald cut. It had a fabulous ratio (length:width) off memory about 1.4:1, it was K in color and was SI1 in clarity. A lot of show for the money spent, but not really my taste.

I sold a five carat about two years ago for almost 100K. This was a truly great diamond. It was fun to sell as we don't see many sales approaching 6 figures.

The most expensive item we have ever sold was a diamond and emerald bracelet for $150,000 about 10 or so years ago. Wish I had more clients like that, and not for the money! The profits can be very low on those price items, but it is just simply fun to work with pieces like that and the consumers are very interesting themselves.
No, 30 would not be kids. We became engaged in our earlier 20's. Hubby in grad school still.

It's certainly a tribute to you that one would feel comfortable enough to spend 150K!

It seems almost rare these days to have a high end family owned independent jewelery store. Many in our neck of the woods were bought by big chains. The gentlemen we purchased our stone from specializes in estate jewelry (which is my primary passion). Actually my town a long standing family jewelry store is non existent. The last one "Schwartchild" was bought by a conglomerate.
I can understand that. We have about 125 doors selling jewelry in our town (that includes Wal-Mart, etc). We have three of what I would consider upper-end stores (us being one). We had four but one has been sold and now they seem to be just another marketer without the personal service they once had.

Business is consistently changing.
Don't let Steve fool ya. HE IS THE BEST THERE IS IN A 500 MILE RADIUS! ;)
Hi biscuit,

What everyone is saying is true. The diamonds listed on the pricescope searchengine are indeed NOT STOCKED by the vendors advertising them. People in the trade (like Steve, myself and the vendors listed) have access to inventories of wholesalers who list their inventory to password protected sites online. So there are sites that take those inventory listings and list it as their own and offer the stones for sale. Interestingly this is done many times without the knowledge of the wholesaler and sometimes the vendor can not even get the stone since the wholesaler does not even know who the person is.
I happened to be on the phone today with a wholesaler who lists his diamonds on one of these wholesaler/retailer networks who I know for 2 decades and asked him ... did you know that your diamonds are being offered for sale by people who do not even have a store or a reputation to stand on? His response: "Let's see them try and get my diamonds!" This particular company will not send diamonds to a client unless they are an established business and there are others like that as well. It pays to research a little deeper than the surface info you see. Established brick and mortar stores with an internet presence offer what I would consider a balanced blend of Inet value and the quality service that can only come from a store that can offer it. Good luck in your hunt. If you need any help we're all here for ya.

Hey all!

Thanks so much for the help...that totally clears up the subject. Kind of unsettling to know that some Inet vendors are advertising stones they may not even have access to!

Thanks again!:praise:
Hi! I know this isn't on the e-vendor subject, but fire&ice mentioned the engagement thing. I think many have the "ideal" set in their mind at 1.0c...then again, I guess it depends on where you are. My fiance is from rural Arkansas and everyone from his home town is amazed at how huge my .72c diamond is. Granted, it is beautiful, regardless of the size, but the culture there is not the same as other places. I am 23 and in grad school, he is 22 and in Nursing school. He worked all summer to buy this awesome stone that I love...he actually only spent $1500 for the diamond+ setting. Uncerted stone but he got to see it before he bought it and I assure you it is gorgeous! I think some girls (and guys) think 1c is the standard, but in reality, few actually reach that mark, especially if you are young and in school. Just my 2 cents!
Jess, wondering where you have been.......stilling waiting for your proposal story....

just an old softy for romance
Oh, I'm sorry!! I posted in on the forum for that stuff. "You and no other" in latin, whatever it is. I have been lurking around, just not posting as ofter. Wedding plans are in full swing and school has started back! If I live through the next 9 or 10 months it will be a miracle!

Thanks! I took Spanish in High School!:tongue:
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