
Ruby advice for an engagement ring


May 25, 2022

I'm desperate for some advice please in my search for a ruby engagement ring.

I've settled on a setting (platinum pave), so I need to decide on a ruby. I've looked at many over recent weeks but times running out. I'm in the UK and currently considering going through a well known company who sources the rubies and designs the ring too. They've presented me a few, of only one I like enough to consider (see attached - sorry couldn't work out how to post a video so its photos). Its GIA report advises it's 1.01ct, Mozambique and unheated. I've no doubt their markup will be on the expensive side, but not sure if over priced (can I do better?). The ruby is priced at £4.2k. When all is set and done I'm looking at £5.8k total which is just about doable (although my search started with a total £4kish budget).

I appreciate sometimes it's in the eye of the beholder (I like the vibrancy of this and not keen on too deep reds, so my search is intense/vivid), but I'd never just buy such a high cost item without knowing it's a good choice. Shape wise, I prefer cushion and nothing too oblong (this ruby is about as far as oblong I'd go). Me and my girlfriend are far from gemologists so all the minute details may not apply to us, but I do want something I'm proud to give her and last lifetimes (so unheated or heat only).

I've been looking elsewhere but there seems to be few quality options in the UK (77Diamonds have poor reports, not a lot on Etsy, and then its trusting the sources). I've considered ordering from outside of UK (e.g. Starlanka - Bangkok) which seem sometimes too cheap, but then that carries its own significant concerns.

If anyone can offer some advice on the ruby I've shown here, and maybe alternative trustworthy sources ideally in the UK (I don't mind buying a stone and setting later - if an all-in-one purchase isn't advisable), I'd be extremely grateful.

Its such a minefield, especially for such an important purchase!

Kind regards

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I'm desperate for some advice please in my search for a ruby engagement ring.

I've settled on a setting (platinum pave), so I need to decide on a ruby. I've looked at many over recent weeks but times running out. I'm in the UK and currently considering going through a well known company who sources the rubies and designs the ring too. They've presented me a few, of only one I like enough to consider (see attached - sorry couldn't work out how to post a video so its photos). Its GIA report advises it's 1.01ct, Mozambique and unheated. I've no doubt their markup will be on the expensive side, but not sure if over priced (can I do better?). The ruby is priced at £4.2k. When all is set and done I'm looking at £5.8k total which is just about doable (although my search started with a total £4kish budget).

I appreciate sometimes it's in the eye of the beholder (I like the vibrancy of this and not keen on too deep reds, so my search is intense/vivid), but I'd never just buy such a high cost item without knowing it's a good choice. Shape wise, I prefer cushion and nothing too oblong (this ruby is about as far as oblong I'd go). Me and my girlfriend are far from gemologists so all the minute details may not apply to us, but I do want something I'm proud to give her and last lifetimes (so unheated or heat only).

I've been looking elsewhere but there seems to be few quality options in the UK (77Diamonds have poor reports, not a lot on Etsy, and then its trusting the sources). I've considered ordering from outside of UK (e.g. Starlanka - Bangkok) which seem sometimes too cheap, but then that carries its own significant concerns.

If anyone can offer some advice on the ruby I've shown here, and maybe alternative trustworthy sources ideally in the UK (I don't mind buying a stone and setting later - if an all-in-one purchase isn't advisable), I'd be extremely grateful.

Its such a minefield, especially for such an important purchase!

Kind regards

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Ps I can put a video up if advised what format is allowed.
First off, your intended has expressed a desire for a ruby engagement ring?
This matters, while it’s lovely to surprise your loved one, sometimes the surprise can not be a great one if her heart was thinking diamond.
Secondly, of all gemstones, ruby is one of the hardest to buy because they are both expensive and desirable so there are many unscrupulous treatments that turn an ugly low standard crystal into something that looks fabulous.
so lab reports are essential.
well regarded lab reports, like GIA, Lotus, AGL.
There is nothing wrong with buying heated, as long as it’s H or possibly it’s H (a) which is Heat with minor residue.
Origin and colour are important factors in pricing. Burma and Pigeon blood red equals $$$$$.
I personally would advise against buying from an Etsy or Instagram seller based in the Asian area. Can be risky. Even if they offer a return policy it can be extremely expensive to insure and ship back (if not impossible to return) AND any duties or taxes you paid upon importation to the UK you usually can’t get back.
check what these duties are, they can be 10% or more.
The ruby you like is nice but expensive. It looks like it might have a window ( that’s a see through section in the centre as you look down). Not necessarily a deal breaker but it should lower the price.
Have you checked out any UK antique jewellers? Sometimes it’s possible to source a gem out of another setting. Again, though you need a lab report upfront. Even though you choice in the UK is limited and on the expensive side that might be preferable to the stress and anxiety of buying internationally as a newbie.
Ruby is not a stone to purchase when time is of the essence. You can post a link to the video the vendor gave you. I am not impressed with the colour and dullness but then again, $4K doesn't get you much of a ruby if untreated. Your options are futher limited due to time and being in the UK (taxes, etc).
Yes a ruby is indeed (the only thing) I know she would like (birthstone).

I do trust the seller of the ruby and the GIA report checks out, so I'm satisfied it is as advised (unheated). I assume a window that you refer to means not only seeing into the ruby (which is a good thing I trust), but actually out the back of it (=bad). I've looked at the two videos I have and it's not obvious to my untrained eye - I do need to ask the seller for photos/videos of the reverse so I can always ask if there is a window I should know about.

I've uploaded the videos to youtube now as they were originally emailed to me:

I did ask the seller to show me some heated options (to try and maximize gains in colour etc) but those they showed me (although 1/2 to 2/3 the price and between 1.2-1.3 in size, where either much too dark or hazy).

Please note the £4.2k is GPB, tax inclusive. Time restraint is self made really, I have two dates in mind to propose being either July or September - worst case I would opt for September if I genuinely couldn't find the right ruby/ring in time for July.

Hopefully the videos give some more detail which I can't, I should mention the GIA report states: 1.01 ct, 6.25 x 4.60 x 3.39 mm, brilliant & step cut, transparent, red, Mozambique, No Indications of Heating.

Thank you for any further advice you can give!
First of all, welcome to the forum and congrats on your upcoming engagement! I think you've done a great job of sourcing this stone, especially in knowing that you required a reputable lab certificate. So, kudos! £4.2k for an untreated Mozambique ruby of this quality is an appropriate price, in my opinion. How is the clarity? Did you ask if it is "eye clean" without any inclusions that may affect durability? That is important with ruby. About the window, yes, I see a small one. But it looks less obvious in the videos than the stills, and it will close up some when set. The color appears vibrant and on-point to my eyes. As chrono wisely pointed out though, you don't want to rush this purchase. But if this seller offers a reasonable return policy, I see no problem with getting it home and taking a look in person. Good luck, Mark!
Hey thanks all, especially the lovely welcome from Autumn, thanks for that (its scary being here not knowing what I'm really talking about, blagging my way through it).
That's very reassuring to know, I feel I just need to know I'm not being taken for a ride - I certainly find the ruby very appealing to look at and my gut feeling my girlfriend will too.

Yes I've confirmed it's eye clean, with nothing visible until at least 10x magnification. It feels slightly rushed only because I've been looking at random rubies for about 4-5 weeks, eliminating as I go. I'm kind of at that point of pulling the trigger but thought I should get some expert eyes involved (in hindsight I should of done this 5 weeks ago...!).

Thank you so much again, I feel a bit more confident in moving forward now.
Another tip often recommended is to put the stone in some foil or whatnot to mimic what the stone could look like when set. That might help close up the window some. Plus, having a more enclosed setting could further help close up the window.
Another tip often recommended is to put the stone in some foil or whatnot to mimic what the stone could look like when set. That might help close up the window some. Plus, having a more enclosed setting could further help close up the window.
Great tip, thanks for that.

I've enquired about the window and they advise there is none. I wonder if me posting the screenshots from the video (before posting the actual videos) shows something not there. Although if windows are seen in the videos, maybe the supplier is incorrect.

They do offer an excellent warranty so I feel like I may need to get this home and see it in the flesh to be sure. I can get this set as I wish and still return without quibble should I not be happy with either the ruby or setting.

Thanks for all the help so far folks, its been a great help.
I think it will behave somewhat like this one, and the ruby you found is really pretty. Definitely bring it home for a look.

There are a few fully certed rubies on Etsy, and I wouldn't give up the source completely. It's harder to do this kind of hunt super fast on a budget, unfortunately. You're also not looking for closest to specimen perfection. Many of the examples you'll find here on PS are the finest to be found for the price with a lot of expertise behind the choice and that takes time, sometimes quite a long time, to find. I would be looking at possible cannibal candidates from other certed rings from antique shops in your area/online.
Or maybe this vendor has something in range in inventory, they cert their stones.
I am also a budget shopper, so I've had to get creative. It can be done!
Great advice from everyone, as usual and unsurprisingly. To answer your question, OP, regarding your understandable fear of overpaying, I feel very comfortable telling you that based upon all of the info you've provided, I believe the price to be very fair. And I think the stone has the potential to be a winner. Now the only thing you've left to decide is whether the stone "speaks to you" in person. I'm really interested to see this project unfold. I do hope you'll return and keep us posted! Whichever stone you choose, I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd love to see the finished piece!!