
Round Cut Diamond - Color??


Aug 6, 2012
Hello there!

I've put together a rough specification from trawling through everyone's posts. :)
My only question is regarding color as a friend of mine advised to go with an F color as color can be seen with a lower color grading in daylight.
I originally had H-I are my choice but now I am not so sure.

Is this true?

No. It's not in general true for most people. Especially about G's and mostly about H's.

You wear stones SET (so most of the side is covered) on your hand next to either stones of the same grade or similar grade.

That said, color tolerances are personal.

Do you have an Hearts on Fire dealer? Make an appointment and go see them tell them in particular you want to see stones in the near colorless range and see what you think.

Ideal cut masks A LOT of body color. So focus on that.
In my upgrade search I purchased and returned nine different 3+ carat diamonds (!!!) ranging in color from D to L. (The warmer stones were all OECs, the cooler were MRBs.) I had to sort of teach myself to see the color differences as they are not as obvious as you might think they would be. Certainly I could see a difference between D and L, but in a well cut stone, for many people (and certainly to your average non-PS person on the street), F versus G or H is going to be hard to discern. Especially without a higher colored stone right next to it to compare. Even in my GIA L, I never saw any hint of "yellow." It just faced up a warmer ivory color.

After all that, I ended up with a GIA J and am happy with the color. I could probably discern the slight color difference from a purely colorless diamond, but it is not troubling to me, particularly given the increase in size it makes possible. Others are more color sensitive - but my impression is that except for the occasional outlier, even most PSers seem to be happy with G or H colors.

Do what Gypsy said and go look at some HOF diamonds to compare color. The Good Old Gold You Tube color videos are also super helpful.
To the extent it's helpful, here is a GIA L OEC on the left versus a GIA D MRB on the right. (D was shy of ideal cut parameters however which is why I didn't keep it.) To me, the L isn't yellow. But the D is just ... brighter. Just for illustration as these stones are 8 color grades apart. F versus G or H will be far, far more subtle.

Happyness|1456984793|3998960 said:
Hello there!

I've put together a rough specification from trawling through everyone's posts. :)
My only question is regarding color as a friend of mine advised to go with an F color as color can be seen with a lower color grading in daylight.
I originally had H-I are my choice but now I am not so sure.

Is this true?


Often when I show people several diamonds in a slotted tray and tell them nothing, they will pick a G-H-I as the one that they like the best, even if they came in looking only for D and E.

It is funny what we think we want until we allow ourselves to LOOK with our eyes and not our brain.

Thanks everyone for your input!
Sorry wrong thread. :whistle:
Diamond_Hawk|1457297089|4000662 said:
Wink|1457053837|3999365 said:
Happyness|1456984793|3998960 said:
It is funny what we think we want until we allow ourselves to LOOK with our eyes and not our brain.


I think this is right but my eyes always pick out the colorless diamonds.
On their own in their WG settings, my G/H stones in my earrings and my mum's solitaire are very white, unless I place them side by side next to my EC that is an E, then I can see the difference and my EC is definitely whiter.

DK :))
marcy|1457297285|4000664 said:
Diamond_Hawk|1457297089|4000662 said:
Wink|1457053837|3999365 said:
Happyness|1456984793|3998960 said:
It is funny what we think we want until we allow ourselves to LOOK with our eyes and not our brain.


I think this is right but my eyes always pick out the colorless diamonds.

And this is the beauty of looking with YOUR eyes. You are, apparently, one of those who genuinely love the cooler colors. Many love the idea of colorless but when their eyes chose the diamonds they like best it is often NOT the D-E-F colors.

Neither is wrong. Loving the cool colors is fantastic. Loving the warm colors is fantastic. (And a LOT less expensive.)

Color is.

I am fortunate to be pretty much a lover of any color, so long as the diamond is well cut.

There is a whole other wonderful world of the meaning of color when we move to the colored gems world, where the minute variances of color that we obsess over in diamonds seems so unimportant as we look at HUGE swings of color in an emerald, a ruby, a sapphire, etc. Yes, small changes can have large impacts on pricing, but these are changes seen across a room, at a glance. Some tanzanites are magical deep rich blues with a tiny hint of lavender. Others are nearly purplish blue. Easily seen at a glance.

Sorry to digress, I am in love with colored gems too. I am lucky to work with gems, it means I never need have a boring day. If I have nothing else to do, I go to the safe, pull out my personal collection and play. Seems like I get to do that less and less these days, which is why I am at work answering emails and posting on Pricescope on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
