
Root Canal, have you had one and what to expect?

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Nov 24, 2006
I hate to start a thread about this but I guess I have a few questions since I will get one done next week. I was told they don't hurt when you get them done (the procedure itself) but it might hurt after the novocaine wears off for a day or two? I also was told I will need a cap 3 weeks after the root canal (sorry if it is tmi). I am curious what this all was like and any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated; thank you?
I had one about 6 weeks ago, and it wasn''t bad at all. I felt like I''d been punched in the face directly after the procedure (they had to use a special kind of numbing agent on me that wasn''t nearly as strong as the good stuff) but I was able to go to sleep almost completely pain-free after about three hours. I couldn''t believe it- my fillings hurt more and for much longer than my root canal.

Good luck, Skip- I think you''ll be fine!
Skippy, I''ve had one root canal, and it really wasn''t as bad as I was expecting. It was quick! It took longer to get everything numb than it did to do the actual root canal. Afterward, my mouth/jaw was a little sore for the rest of the day, but that was it.
I didn''t have any discomfort after my root canal. I think you''ll be fine sweetie.
Date: 2/9/2009 5:49:19 PM
Author: EBree
I had one about 6 weeks ago, and it wasn't bad at all. I felt like I'd been punched in the face directly after the procedure (they had to use a special kind of numbing agent on me that wasn't nearly as strong as the good stuff) but I was able to go to sleep almost completely pain-free after about three hours. I couldn't believe it- my fillings hurt more and for much longer than my root canal.

Good luck, Skip- I think you'll be fine!
Ebree, the Endodontist did mention something about this; thanks. Did you later have to have a cap put on maybe a few weeks after the root canal? thanks

Thanks Clio and Kaleigh.
Date: 2/9/2009 5:55:16 PM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 2/9/2009 5:49:19 PM
Author: EBree
I had one about 6 weeks ago, and it wasn''t bad at all. I felt like I''d been punched in the face directly after the procedure (they had to use a special kind of numbing agent on me that wasn''t nearly as strong as the good stuff) but I was able to go to sleep almost completely pain-free after about three hours. I couldn''t believe it- my fillings hurt more and for much longer than my root canal.

Good luck, Skip- I think you''ll be fine!
Ebree, the Endodontist did mention something about this; thanks. Did you later have to have a cap put on maybe a few weeks after the root canal? thanks

Thanks Clio and Kaleigh.
I did have a cap put on, my dentist did it, no biggie.
I''ve had 4 in the past few years. Mine were a bit different, because I was in so much pain BEFORE the root canal that they were all a relief. I just had one and honestly was fine right after. Didn''t even need the Vicodin (but fill the prescription anyways just in case).

You will probably be a bit sore, but shouldn''t be too bad.

I think they are similar to fillings, just a bit longer and sometimes it "feels" like they are drilling deeper (even though you are numb and can''t really feel anything).

Honestly, they aren''t too bad. You''ll be fine! I would take off work afterwards though.
Kaleigh, thanks.

Chinacat, thanks for all the info. I am sorry you were hurting so much before and I am glad you got instant relief. Thank you, good to know about the prescription.

Thanks everyone!
Date: 2/9/2009 5:59:55 PM
Author: ChinaCat
I''ve had 4 in the past few years. Mine were a bit different, because I was in so much pain BEFORE the root canal that they were all a relief. I just had one and honestly was fine right after. Didn''t even need the Vicodin (but fill the prescription anyways just in case).
My husband was also prescribed vicodin after each of the two he had. Seems like Ibprophen worked fine for him (but like ChinaCat), he filled the RXs both times.
Date: 2/9/2009 5:55:16 PM
Author: Skippy123
Date: 2/9/2009 5:49:19 PM

Author: EBree

I had one about 6 weeks ago, and it wasn't bad at all. I felt like I'd been punched in the face directly after the procedure (they had to use a special kind of numbing agent on me that wasn't nearly as strong as the good stuff) but I was able to go to sleep almost completely pain-free after about three hours. I couldn't believe it- my fillings hurt more and for much longer than my root canal.

Good luck, Skip- I think you'll be fine!
Ebree, the Endodontist did mention something about this; thanks. Did you later have to have a cap put on maybe a few weeks after the root canal? thanks

I have not yet had a cap put on. They told me some people wait until a year to have one put on, but I think I'll call them today to double check.

As for the pain afterward, I think mine was due to the weak local anesthesia. You'll probably get some stronger stuff so you won't feel as much as I did. Like China, I was in such pain before mine that anything was a relief, but I was truly surprised to find that my pain was at a 1 or a 2 the night of the procedure. I think I took a one regular strength Tylenol that evening, and only halves the day after.
Ebree, thank you, oh no, sorry you were in pain before too like Chinacat. I am glad you are doing better, thanks.

MC, thank you.

thanks everyone I will make sure to fill the prescriptions, I appreciate all your thoughts.
I think I did take Tylenol the night of. I found out I was pregnant the week I needed the root canal, so I was super paranoid about taking anything. But luckily I didn''t really need anything.

On the other ones, I think I did take some painkillers, or maybe 3 or 4 Advil (what the dentist recommended if you didn''t have the vicodin).

It''s not pleasant, and you''ll be sore, but it''s so not as bad as I had heard. I was really freaked out the first time.

I did have to go back for a filling a week afterwards. No cap though.

Good luck!!!!
Root canal sounds bad but it''s really not. I take Advil two hours after the procedure just to make sure I''m not in pain after the novocaine wears off.

As for the cap, the only thing that annoyed me is that I had to keep my mouth open for a long time and I was thirsty. Again - no biggie.

Good luck, don''t worry.
I''ve had 2 root canals. The first one I had an infection in the tooth so I was on antibiotics before and after the root canal. The second time there was no infection, so no antibiotics. While I had no pain whatsoever both times, it is just uncomfortable sitting there with your mouth wide open for so long. Plus they create I think it is called a "dam??" something that covers the area around the tooth being worked on to keep the area as sterile as possible.

They put a temporary on the tooth and all I used afterwards was Advil, plus the warm salt water rinses really helped too! I waited about 4 - 6 weeks before I got the final crown made (another 2 weeks before it came in to be put in). My endodontist was great and no problems both times. They even sent me a reminder 6 months later to come in to get the tooth x-rayed to make sure everything was ok (all included in the charge) will be hard-pressed to find someone more terrified than I am....I can''t comment on the root canal (although I''m told I could need one since I had decay very close to the root)...but I had my first and only cap a few weeks ago...I literally started to cry
and my blood pressure was about 160/90...It didn''t hurt at all and the dentist was great!!!! I''ve had worse fillings...Tomorrow I go for my perm....I''ve had a little pain and a problem with the fit and hope it will be adjusted...but I''m not too worried...I also heard the same thing about the root canal..they aren''t like they used to be!
I had one about 3 years ago. Nothing to it. It was just like getting a filling only it took a little longer. I left with a temp cap and had a permanent cap 10 days later.

I had zero pain and believe me, I don''t like pain.

I''ve had at least three and the most pain I encountered was a dull ache b/c of the pressure applied when cleaning out the roots. Goes away in 2-3 days. Generally no narc''s are prescribed for this procedure Canada--they simply recommend (OTC) NSAIDS or tylenol. My dentist is wonderful and so "gentle" that I never worry about trouble. Hope yours is the same!

Hi...I have had a total of 4 root canals...2 within the last 2 emergency...

Basically the root canal is pretty quick...especially if done by an endodontist...

My regular dentist (DDS) does mine...but one I had done at endo...really quick...

Basically you have this is with crown after

Old filling removed
Decay removed
Root canal type stuff
Prepping tooth for future stuff including molds
Temporary filling

Then on another vist...

Core build up
Temp crown

Then when new crown comes in
remove temp crown
New crown on...adjusting

Depending on what tooth it is may make it more painful

One of mine was the backmost bottom one...tongue in way...they really had to mash my jaw to get it...this was for the core build up...

Of all of the parts the core build up part was the worst for me...

My most recent was an upper...opp side not too bad...

If your dentist has nitrous...go for makes the whole thing that much better...

Over all really not that bad...untill you get the bill
Poor Skippy! I''m so sorry you are having tooth trouble!

I had one done 18 years ago. It wasn''t bad if I remember correctly. Though, I did have tonsilitis, a sinus infection, and a painful tooth. The recovery was so much better than how I felt before. I took 4 advil (same dose as prescription Motrin) every 4 hours rather than using the narcotics they usually prescribe.
Hey Skippy, I have had 2 root canals, one very recently. (I think maybe 3 or 4 months ago?) They are not bad at all. Really no worse than a filling. Don''t worry!

The recent one was on my very back tooth and it was definitely more sore than my first root canal (which was on my canine tooth) because of the poking and prodding and having my mouth all the way open for so long. However, I didn''t get (or need) a prescription for pain medicine and I don''t think I even took Tylenol or Advil afterwards.

The worst part for me is getting the shot for the Novacaine, because it makes me shaky and makes my heart beat fast and I don''t like it!
Aww Miss Skippy, sorry about your toothies! You''ll be fine my friend. I''ve had several root canals and I think the worst part was having to have your mouth open so long. You''ll get a temporary crown and then a permanent one later after it has been made specifically to match your teeth.
Skippy, I had one about a year ago and the endontist put in a wedge thingy as I just couldn''t keep my mouth open that long. Once he did that, I actually fell asleep, so it couldn''t have been that painful. One thing to remember about the cap, mine didn''t fit just right, so I was just going to be a nice girl and not complain, but DH called my dentist who had me come in immediately and fixed it (filed it down) in like five minutes. So if the tooth is not totally comfortable do speak up, it was instant and glorious relief.
Thank you, you all put me at ease; I appreciate the info

MMMD, thank you.

SOOCOOL, thank you. Oh no to the infection before hand, glad you are doing better.

MOREMOREMORE, thank you good to know; I guess I am a scaredy cat! hehe

PURRFECTPEAR, thanks for the info on timeline and no pain.

CANUK, thanks and good news about no prescription afterward.

DIANE, I am sorry; I am glad you are doing better. The endo is doing mine; the dentist will do the cap, thanks.

MIRANDA, thanks sugar!

THING, good to know about the advil, thanks. I hope the novacaine doesn't do that to me. I recently learned laughing gas makes me want to jump out of my skin (bad feeling for me).

CATMOM, ahhh, thanks friend. I will take capstick with me.

SWIMMER, oh thank you, good to know; hopefully I will get a wedge.
All your suggestions really helped me; I just called the dentist real quick and they have something called a bite block and I can ask for that, thank you for that suggestion Swimmer; I kept thinking it will be hard for me to keep my mouth open for a long time. I also asked if I could bring my ipod and they said yes. PS have the best suggestions, thank you
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