
Rolling ring fiasco!?!

What to do with rolling ring minus one band?

  • Sell third band. Thereby exorcising ghosts or whatever caused fiasco.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Keep double rolly RHR and have spare made into solo band, huggy earrings, whatever you creative ladi

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Nov 9, 2007
I’ve been really muddled about what to do with my rolling ring, and a bit concerned about asking for help, but I need it and you really are the jewelry experts. The day before my wedding, when the ladies and I were leaving our mani/pedis all lotioned up, I got my rolling ring stuck. There is no other word for it. It simply wasn’t moving. The thread trick was a no go, ice couldn’t do it, Vaseline, elevation, meditation, getting super hydrated, nothing worked, the rings just got aligned really wonky and there was no way to get it over my knuckle.

I tried to ignore it during the RD, carried around a cup of ice (with a bit of drink in it too), it was on my ER finger, which was purple by the end of the night. I tried to sleep with it elevated, but woke up at 6am with a problem. Woke up DH, who was still FI for a few more hours then, and went to my uncle’s house to ask him to deal with it. He thought about it and ended up hacksawing one band off. Note, if you find yourself in this situation, take the blade out of the hacksaw for optimum leverage. DH was certain that going to the ER was a good idea, but my experiences with ERs have always been long waits, even with obviously broken bones, and at that point I wanted the darn thing off!

DH gave the ring to me to have a wedding band to wear when I travel and am doing manual labor. It’s a sign that he is now OK with me going to the far reaches of the earth for months, as long as I go home to him. The ring is rather like the diamond one on but with 7 diamonds per band, a bit larger diamonds, and all three 18k YG, 2mm bands. Oh, and it did fit perfectly till it was stuck.

OK, so finally, here is my question; what to do now? I’ve been wearing a double rolling ring as a RHR, nice, and useable as a wedding band on a recent trip to Greece because of incredible finger swelling. It was over 105 every day, fingers were sausages. I really wanted to wear this as a wedding ring when traveling. I’m on the road about 3-4 months of the year usually, and most of the time doing hard manual labor or in places where my lovely e-ring and eternity band should not go.

Options: Jeweler said that she will send all of rings back to manufacturer to get it back as a 3 ring rolling ring. This concerns me a bit; will it get stuck again? What if my fingers grow? Keep the double rolling ring and get the other band made into either huggie earrings or a solo band. Sell the third band for scrap gold and diamonds because it potentially has bad juju. Not that I believe in juju, good or bad, just karma really, but do I need such similar bands? I am totally not sure what to do and would love to hear your insight. What I’m hoping to not get are suggestions for what I should have done at that time about it being stuck. It was pretty stressful, being the morning of the wedding and all…we tried just about everything. I know I''m an idiot and that no one has ever done this before, oh well. Now what to do? Thank you for your insights!



Nov 9, 2007
Thanks SDL,
I'm not sure if they can resize...probably, but it really fit my wedding band finger just fine, till that lotioned-ed up quick slide on because I had dawdled...

More pictures of the carnage.



Nov 9, 2007
And here is one of the cutting by my wonderful Uncle. DH was a bit concerned. I was just glad to find a Dunkies in my time of stress.



Nov 4, 2007
Date: 8/4/2008 9:37:45 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady

That''s so sad
I''m sorry sweetie. Better to have lost the ring than your finger.
Often times in the hospital we used Windex.. that stuff is slick as snot, I swear.

I''m falling off my chair SDL!

sorry, mini-threadjack. that REALLY cracks me up.


Nov 9, 2007
I hear ya! The ladies at the desk of the hotel tried Windex, they also recited parts of My Big Fat Greek Wedding to go with it. Excellent, and it moved some, rotated with only one band at a time digging in above the knuckle, but out of allignment, so not possible to roll over the knuckle. Hard to explain...I should have videotaped it. My uncle who removed it is a nuclear physicist and he was stumped, but my cousin who is a contractor sorted out the hacksaw plan.


Apr 17, 2002
The three of you are so cute! (You, DH, & Uncle Nuke.) Are you an archaeologist, by any chance? None of my business, just curious. It was the first profession that sprung to mind where you go off & do heavy labor for a few months every year...


Apr 23, 2008
I voted for the earring option, only because I would be terrified it would happen again if I got it restored to three rolly happiness. I can totally picture myself doing this - I am a magnet for stuff like this.


Sep 30, 2007
the forum is here to support ya!So sorry about your ring...but it can be fixed and then this unfortunate turn of events forgotten!YOU WERE SMART TO GET IT CUT OFF.... Ive seen the permanite problems people have with hands and fingers when they wait to have rings lady.


Apr 5, 2007
Neither. Get a plain band for traveling. I travel to developing countries for long periods of time and I never know what I''m getting into so a plain band is safest and best. It wont get caught on anything. Wont attract attention, etc. I''d get your ring fixed, but I wouldn''t wear it traveling. Just get a plain band. Nothing says "I''m married" better than a plain wedding band anyway.


Sep 30, 2007
Date: 8/6/2008 2:30:20 AM
Author: surfgirl
Neither. Get a plain band for traveling. I travel to developing countries for long periods of time and I never know what I''m getting into so a plain band is safest and best. It wont get caught on anything. Wont attract attention, etc. I''d get your ring fixed, but I wouldn''t wear it traveling. Just get a plain band. Nothing says ''I''m married'' better than a plain wedding band anyway.
i have to agree with Surfgirl about the traveling...get a plain band that wont draw attention when traveling for work.Also great for other work that will mess up you good,garden,car repair,charity work,the gym,Sports....


Nov 9, 2007
Thank you for the feedback.

SDL, you are too cute.

Gliterata, thanks! Much cuter are the photos of us dancing together that night, "Uncle Nuke" can really hustle. I''m actually a teacher, though being an archaeologist would be awesome! I travel with students 3xs a year, usually with a heavy community service component, and over the summers I either grab odd gigs as crew on yachts and tall ships around New England, or work for two different HIV-AIDS organizations, usually in North, West Africa or SE Asia. So I keep busy most of the time and want to wear something a bit sparkly, but that won''t get hurt, or get me hurt.

MonkeyPie, Thanks, I hear you! A big part of me just wants the rings back as shining new, all 3...but what if they get stuck again!? Like lightning keeps hitting some people...I''m wondering about SDL''s suggestion of getting them just a smidge bigger, but that might have been why they got stuck. I did have a Cartier trinity that was a size bigger, so pretty! In sapphires, rubies, and diamonds, but it was so loose it fell off and so back to SP it went. DH got me a rolling ring because I really want one.

Jewelerman, Thank you! Yikes, hadn''t thought it was possible to do long term damage, I was just having finger claustrophobia.

Surfgirl, Thank you. I do have a plain band for such occasions, had it years before I had DH, yes it is just easier in much of the world to look solidly married.

So, I''m torn, the diamonds on the band are just little sparklers, I could get it reshaped into a ring for travel, swim practice, etc, and just wear the double roller (no chance of that getting stuck on anything) on my RH to play with it. My other thought was to have it made into huggy earrings. I have holes, but never wear anything because of sheer laziness. I am being so indecisive! T


Mar 31, 2008
If you want to wear it, have it fixed AND sized up at the same time. It is a bit too small or this couldn''t have happened (or at least that''s what I think


Oct 10, 2006


Apr 17, 2002
Date: 8/6/2008 12:20:07 PM
Author: swimmer

Gliterata, thanks! Much cuter are the photos of us dancing together that night, ''Uncle Nuke'' can really hustle. I''m actually a teacher, though being an archaeologist would be awesome! I travel with students 3xs a year, usually with a heavy community service component, and over the summers I either grab odd gigs as crew on yachts and tall ships around New England, or work for two different HIV-AIDS organizations, usually in North, West Africa or SE Asia. So I keep busy most of the time and want to wear something a bit sparkly, but that won''t get hurt, or get me hurt.


A teacher/HIV worker/sailor? Good for you! Glad to know our young people are in such hard-working and thoughtful hands. Yeah, probably best to stick to a plain band just to make sure all ten fingers stay on those hands.


Nov 9, 2007
That WF band(s) is gorgeous. It is super similar to what I have now. I will take a picture tomorrow if the sun ever comes out again. Nice to know that there are double bands out there! Thank you!


Feb 20, 2003
Okay, now I feel like less of a dork because the same thing happened to me (but fortunately not the day before my wedding!) I bought a Cartier rolling ring from SP, and it fit my left hand just fine (too small for right hand, where I really wanted to wear it). A friend came over, and I slipped it on my finger to show her and get her opinion. As soon as it slipped on, it felt "wrong" and too tight. I tried to pull it right back off, but it was a no-go. We tried lotion, baby oil, windex -- nothing worked. The finger was getting more swollen by the hour. I tried soaking my hand in ice water, keeping it elevated, nothing worked. By the next day, my finger hurt and was changing color. I was afraid if I went to the ER or a local jeweler, they would destroy the ring in trying to remove it, so I drove 90 miles to the nearest Cartier (on a work day). The ladies at Cartier told me they had seen this happen several times before. Apparently, it is possible to put the ring on "wrong." When you put the ring on, you have to have to have the 3 rings lined up so the inside is a perfect circle. If one of the rings gets turned around the wrong direction from the other 2, it''s like a Chinese finger puzzle when you put it on. The lady at Cartier said they always instruct buyers on the proper way to put on the ring, but because I did not buy direct from Cartier, I had no warning of the risk. Cartier also could not get it off my finger, so they used a tiny tool to saw open 1 of the 3 bands so I could slip off the other 2. They sent the ring to Cartier in NY for repair -- it cost $95 (they originally quoted me $175, but I said that was ridiculous for a simple soldering job). The ring came back perfect -- the repair was invisible, and it looked brand new because they polished out all the little scratches.

My vote would be to have the ring repaired and then just be careful to have the 3 bands lined up correctly when putting it on each time. I would probably also buy a simple gold band for travel, as has been suggested. BTW, where did you get the rolling ring?


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 8/6/2008 2:30:20 AM
Author: surfgirl
Neither. Get a plain band for traveling. I travel to developing countries for long periods of time and I never know what I''m getting into so a plain band is safest and best. It wont get caught on anything. Wont attract attention, etc. I''d get your ring fixed, but I wouldn''t wear it traveling. Just get a plain band. Nothing says ''I''m married'' better than a plain wedding band anyway.

ditto. i have a plain band and love it. i wear when i travel so that i can leave the diamonds at home and still look married on my hand.


Aug 8, 2005
Date: 8/6/2008 10:02:40 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
Date: 8/6/2008 2:37:29 PM

Author: jmtomaui

Would you want to replace it with something a little different? Whiteflash has a beautiful scattered diamond band that might do the trick... It comes in several sizes of stones and they are all set flush into the band - just like a rolling ring.

This is a beautiful alternative.. and.. you won''t need Windex.

this is also a great solution. you could use your existing diamonds to create the scattered band.


Jan 11, 2006
Ack, that picture with the hacksaw is making me cringe. Trust the contractor to come up with the practical solution! I''m not sure what I''d do, probably get the whole thing repaired and sized up, if it isn''t too expensive.


Nov 9, 2007
Date: 8/9/2008 9:02:17 AM
Author: Kay
Okay, now I feel like less of a dork because the same thing happened to me (but fortunately not the day before my wedding!) I bought a Cartier rolling ring from SP, and it fit my left hand just fine (too small for right hand, where I really wanted to wear it). A friend came over, and I slipped it on my finger to show her and get her opinion. As soon as it slipped on, it felt ''wrong'' and too tight. I tried to pull it right back off, but it was a no-go. We tried lotion, baby oil, windex -- nothing worked. The finger was getting more swollen by the hour. I tried soaking my hand in ice water, keeping it elevated, nothing worked. By the next day, my finger hurt and was changing color. I was afraid if I went to the ER or a local jeweler, they would destroy the ring in trying to remove it, so I drove 90 miles to the nearest Cartier (on a work day). The ladies at Cartier told me they had seen this happen several times before. Apparently, it is possible to put the ring on ''wrong.'' When you put the ring on, you have to have to have the 3 rings lined up so the inside is a perfect circle. If one of the rings gets turned around the wrong direction from the other 2, it''s like a Chinese finger puzzle when you put it on. The lady at Cartier said they always instruct buyers on the proper way to put on the ring, but because I did not buy direct from Cartier, I had no warning of the risk. Cartier also could not get it off my finger, so they used a tiny tool to saw open 1 of the 3 bands so I could slip off the other 2. They sent the ring to Cartier in NY for repair -- it cost $95 (they originally quoted me $175, but I said that was ridiculous for a simple soldering job). The ring came back perfect -- the repair was invisible, and it looked brand new because they polished out all the little scratches.

My vote would be to have the ring repaired and then just be careful to have the 3 bands lined up correctly when putting it on each time. I would probably also buy a simple gold band for travel, as has been suggested. BTW, where did you get the rolling ring?

OMG, I just didn''t know how to reply to people saying to get it sized up, it is the right size! It fit perfectly...till it fit WRONG and then yes, just like you described, a Chinese finger puzzle. I had no idea that there was a right and a wrong way to wear it...but that makes total sense.

I''m still lost as to what to do, but thank you so much for making that clear!


Nov 12, 2006
I really want a diamond rolling band, but this thread scares me! Anyone with experience having one of those stuck???


Nov 9, 2007
Finally some free time in the sun and here is a picture of the ring as a now double rolly ring.
I''m pretty darn sure now that I''m going to send it back to the manufacturer to get it made back into a triple, but I have to stop by Cartier and ask how to put on the ring so it lines up properly. I think I understand...but my uncle lives far away, and though he gave me a hacksaw as a joke...well, it was only sorta funny.



Nov 9, 2007
And just to show you how pretty and sparkly she is!
Thank you so much for both advice and sympathy!



Sep 28, 2004
Date: 8/22/2008 3:21:36 PM
Author: swimmer
Finally some free time in the sun and here is a picture of the ring as a now double rolly ring.

I''m pretty darn sure now that I''m going to send it back to the manufacturer to get it made back into a triple, but I have to stop by Cartier and ask how to put on the ring so it lines up properly. I think I understand...but my uncle lives far away, and though he gave me a hacksaw as a joke...well, it was only sorta funny.


Reading this thread just now reminded me... Last year I had a chance to try on the rolling rings at the Cartier store in NYC. I was switching between two Trinity rings -- one with diamonds and one without -- and in the process almost put a ring on the "wrong" way. The sales rep stopped me in time, and proceeded to softly toss the ring onto the padded jewelry tray. From what she told me, the gentle tossing action would cause the bands to untangle and naturally "align themselves" into the proper order. Sure enough, after she repeated the toss two to three times, the bands looked "right" again. Maybe the other rolling ring owners on PS can try the trick and see how well it works -- just make sure you have a nice and soft surface for the toss.

Swimmer -- I''m so sorry for what you went through! I''m not sure if I would ever want to see that hacksaw again...
On a brighter note, I think the double rolly ring is actually a very pretty look, but you made a good decision to make it back to a triple.
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