
Ring Size Q


Apr 6, 2011
I am still very much a newbie :wavey:

I have a very big Question mark in my head about ring size.
In the process of custom designing a ring and this has been on my mind for awhile now. Need some advice and I guess just more human voices rather than the voices in my head :twirl: lol!

I'm wearing a L (5 1/2) eternity on my right hand very comfortably. (2mm wide, 1mm high)
When I switch it to my left hand it is a bit loose, but not badly, just a slight bit looser than the right hand.
Living in very hot countries (I do) also sometimes makes your hands swell or when I'm hormonal and then its still perfect.
So L (5 1/2) is a great size.

BUT.... thats just a single tiny little eternity.
and it sits on the smallest part of the finger (right against the palm).

What about when I put a ring on that is wider? Esp since essentially at the end of the day I would like 2 eternity's and then the engagement ring.
If I had to add that up, 2mm + 2mm + 3-4mm = 7-8mm! (which is not actually that hugggeee but I have small hands)
Then maybe the (5 1/2) will be too small?
THEN say I put on 5kg in the distant future (it better be distant).... weird to mention but its normal for a women's weight to fluctuate over the years.

I have squishy, baby hands, my mom still thinks I'm like 12. So there is 'space' from the bone....

I think I am looking for feedback from you guys on your experience of your rings, how you chose the size, how do you think about it now say since 2yrs + have passed? etcetera

Thanx for your time!


Apr 6, 2011
here are some photo's of my current eternity on my left hand.

P.S. Sorry for all the psych stuff in the background - I'm in the process of writing my final year psychology exams :)






Feb 12, 2011
One small reco is to sleep with your ring on your left hand or take a long walk with it on your left. I notice my hands swell a bit when I am waking outside (I live in FL) or at night. Maybe the night is just me. But my wring is a little big in cooler weather and just ringt in the heat. I really struggled with this and considered those sizing things in my ring because the difference is probably almost a half size. I have also noticed trying on my bands with my ring (wedding four weeks away) and I will have one on each side tightens up my ring and it doesn't spin. Don't know why. Good luck. I thnk this was a difficult decision.


Apr 6, 2011
Mayk|1306064527|2927679 said:
One small reco is to sleep with your ring on your left hand or take a long walk with it on your left. I notice my hands swell a bit when I am waking outside (I live in FL) or at night. Maybe the night is just me. But my wring is a little big in cooler weather and just ringt in the heat. I really struggled with this and considered those sizing things in my ring because the difference is probably almost a half size. I have also noticed trying on my bands with my ring (wedding four weeks away) and I will have one on each side tightens up my ring and it doesn't spin. Don't know why. Good luck. I thnk this was a difficult decision.

You're exactly right - it comes down to half sizes and even half half sizes difference, but it actually does make a big impact at the end of the day.
That is along the lines of what I was thinking, maybe have the e-ring a half or quarter size bigger? and then have the eternity's stay at L (5 1/2)? Then they will anchor it in a sense.

Thank you for responding! Nice to know that this is not just a silly question and that it actually holds some weight.
Hope I can get a few more ppl to respond about their 'Life of Ring size' :tongue:

P.s. I did sleep with it on and my hands did swell abit you're right... the eternity fitted fine...but yet again... its only 2mm...


Feb 26, 2004
I'm super picky about how my rings fit. I can not stand if they are tight at all. What I did, was buy an eternity a quarter size larger than my e-ring. My fingers swell in the heat but for winter when my fingers are cold I have a tiny 1mm spacer that is 1/4 size smaller than my e-ring that I wear to keep it from falling off when it's chilly. So, my eternity is size 4.5, my ering 4.25 and my winter spacer is 4.


Apr 6, 2011
makemepretty|1306148641|2928198 said:
I'm super picky about how my rings fit. I can not stand if they are tight at all. What I did, was buy an eternity a quarter size larger than my e-ring. My fingers swell in the heat but for winter when my fingers are cold I have a tiny 1mm spacer that is 1/4 size smaller than my e-ring that I wear to keep it from falling off when it's chilly. So, my eternity is size 4.5, my ering 4.25 and my winter spacer is 4.

wow that is such a good idea!!
Did you chose your eternity's to be larger cause you sometimes wear it without the e-ring?
lol cause I was thinking the exact opposite for me! lol :D ~ having the e-ring 0.25 or 0.5 bigger and then securing it with the eternity's.
What made you do it the way you did? (bigger eternity)


Apr 6, 2011
stlc said:

I am looking for feedback from you guys on your experience of your rings size, how you chose the size, did you put on some weight/loose some weight and did it affect your ring size? how do you think about it now say since 2yrs + have passed?
What would you maybe do differently? Advice? Tips? Hints?

I have searched and I have not found any post like this before but if there is one ~ plz could you paste the link in here.
Thanx for your time!

Come on ladies!
I know we all have a story! =)


Feb 26, 2004
I decided to go with the larger eternity because of the fact that they are not easily sizable. Whereas, my ering could be resized at any time no problem. I needed a size I felt I could wear for years and years comfortably with the eternity band. I absolutely do not want to risk my ering falling off so that one I sized as close to comfortable but still tight enough to stop at my knuckle. In the cold though my hands shrink so that's why I have the tiny spacer just to feel that my ering has not chance of sliding off without me knowing. If I chose to wear my eternity band without my ering, I could just add my tiny spacer on top of it and "presto" it's not going anywhere.


Dec 16, 2007
I have hands like you. With rings in the 2mm size range I can go smaller. I wear 1/2 size larger when the ring is 5mm width. But I can stack three 2.5mm rings on my hand no problem and they are all sized the same.


Apr 6, 2011
Dreamer_D|1306270436|2929333 said:
I have hands like you. With rings in the 2mm size range I can go smaller. I wear 1/2 size larger when the ring is 5mm width. But I can stack three 2.5mm rings on my hand no problem and they are all sized the same.

aaah! great to know! I think ppl say you only have to go up a quarter size but I think in my case I'm like you, need to bump up a half size.
three 2.5mm would basically come to 7.5mm ~ do you think its because its 3 independent rings so they can all sorta shift around as they need too?
which is different than if you had to actually have a solid 7.5mm ring??
I really dont want to have the look of my finger having a serious "muffin top" even though it may feel comfortable :lol: 8)

I have read so many topics and threads, I am actually surprised how I don't seem to come across alot of info on this, meaning like ppl's life experience and how they choose, or maybe changed their ring sizes. Is it easy for some peeps? I do find some info but really not in excess like every other aspect of a ring is discussed in depth and detail. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places yet :saint:
I really hope some more ppl respond to this, not just for my story but for Real Life Ring Size Stories =)

Thanx for all the responses so far! oxoxo
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