
REVISED - Too good to be true? What am I missing?

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Nov 25, 2002
Ok, let''s try it this way.

Stone is 1.10 ct; F, SI1
Depth: 61.2%
Table: 55%
Crown: 15.5%
Pavilion: 43.5%
Culet: None
Fluor: None
Girdle: Thin to med. semipolished
Polish: Good
Symmetry: Good
6.75mm x 6.72mm x 4.12mm
EGL-US cert.

I show this as rating a 1.7 on HCA. Diamond is selling for $4,180.....and from what I see on pricescope, comparable diamonds all price at $6,200-6,700.

What am I missing about this stone that makes seller willing to take such a low price for it?

Hi Aljdewey,

Usually but not always, you will get exactly
what you pay for.

If the price seems great and the diamond
fits your criteria.

Than go the extra mile and have your stone checked
out by an expert.

This way you can be assured of protection
against any concerns you may have...

Buy Informed!

Kirk Konst
Fake certificate maybe? Get that stone appraised. If it matches with
the certif, than buy it!

Good luck,

45 people have viewed this, and only 2 took the time to respond? This is the 3rd or 4th time I've posted to this forum on different topics, and each time the results are equally weak. What does it take to get feedback from this board? What am I doing wrong....or is this a club that you have to belong to first? What gives? I come here looking for help, and I know you aren't obligated to provide it, but I cannot understand how people can respond ad nauseum to the same few questions week after week and not bother with most of the others.

I'd really like to hear from people on this one.....maybe I'm missing something.

Kirk and Trichrome, thank you for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it.

Sorry you feel that your posts are being responded to. There's no club

I haven't followed your prior posts (but will take time to look at them after I finish this post, promise) but as for this one - I'll give you my .02.

Basically you've told us that it looks like a great deal, the cut looks good, HCA give the stone a good rating and that the price is considerably lower than anything else you've seen.

Have you checked with the vendor to see if in fact the stone is 'really' available. When I started looking 3 months ago I was very frustrated when I thought I had found "the one" only to inquire and be told that inventories weren't updated - stone was gone. Happened 4x -I started believing that these were 'come-on' stones - don't know but vendors were never able to produce same 4 C's at same price. Point to this rambling is call and see if it is really available.

If you have inquired, I can't provide any further insight into your post because you've done your homework. Checked HCA, checked comparative prices, researched, etc.

The ONLY thing you can do to assure yourself that it in fact is a great deal is to send to an appraiser and verify it is was it says it is.

Appraisers are easily found - good (ethical)appraisers are rarer.

Report back and let me know why I can applaud for you:
a.)you discovered why it was a bargain
b.)you found a GREAT deal.

Please don't take this post as be adversarial - it is not intended to be at all. I am truly trying to help you understand why I (and possibly others) haven't responded.

Oh - the other reason is I tend to lurk and research (my own personality quirk) rather than immediately reply. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent searching for settings, boxes, proposal help etc for people before responding.

On 1/16/2003 4
8:54 PM aljdewey wrote:

What does it take to get feedback from this board? What am I doing wrong....or is this a club that you have to belong to first? What gives? I come here looking for help, and I know you aren't obligated to provide it, but I cannot understand how people can respond ad nauseum to the same few questions week after week and not bother with most of the others.

Let's see, a little quick math on response rates and it looks like the average responses to views ratio is 5%. 2/45 = 4.44% Oh my! Everyone hates you!

Be patient grasshopper. Whining will never get you into our secret club.

And by the way, the answers you've already gotten are pretty good. What more do you want?
The $6200 to $6700 is a more correct price range for a stone of this grade than the $4180. As someone pointed out earlier, you usually get what you paid for, but when I check this stone out it seems that there's nothing wrong with it. If it's truly an F/SI1 with those proportions, then it's a steal.

There is another possibility though. EGL is generally a good lab, but occasionally can be a little loose in their grading. Not usually, but sometimes. It happens.

If this stone were overgraded one color grade and one clarity grade, then the price would make sense. A G/SI2 for $4180.
I'd have to agree with those that have told you to get the stone appraised. I believe Rocdoc does a thorough job on his appraisals, but perhaps you can find someone locally that will do a more simpler appraisal just to confirm your suspicions. That might be the cheapest way to go then if you decide to get that stone, then you can send it off for a complete analysis. Some might disagree with me, but I'm not sure how deep you have to go with the analysis for peace of mind.

Good luck to you.
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