
resposting message because no one responded!! I need advice please!!

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Jun 11, 2003
Well, here are the numbers on my diamond, purchased today at Barmakian Brothers in Boston. Do you think we got a good deal? I was a little worried about the I color because its going into a white gold setting but it looked pretty white to me (at least in their lighting!) It is an EGL certified diamond

1.64 carat Round Brilliant
I color (no fluourescence)
VS2 clarity
62% depth
55% table
15.7% crown
43.2% paviliion
no culet
medium to think girdle
good symmetry
good polish

price for the stone was $6400. Tell me what you think!!
I guess I don't count.
Oh no!!! I didn't see your post until after I posted the second message!! thank you so much! here are the rest of details you said you needed

medium to thick girdle, no culet, good symmetry and good polish.

i'm mostly worried about the "I" color from EGL. I have a white gold setting and don't want it to look at all yellow. think its ok? and what about the price?
Until you hear from someone more knowledge here's my input.

Ran the numbers on the HAC, results a 1.6 Ex Ex Vg Vg (under 2 is very good). I compared the price with others on the pricescope database and this price seems extremely good. At least $1000 cheaper. I don't know if that should raise any flags or not. Is it an H&A stone, branded or unbranded? It doesn't hurt to have the peace of mind from an appraiser, but it looks like a great deal. How does the stone look? Can you post pictures?

Homer J

Disclaimer: I am not an expert. (How's that Leonid?)

It's tough to determine based on the info you gave. An exceptionally cut I diamond will look whiter than it really is, but you really need to get angles, not percentages, for crown and pavilion in order to definitely say it's well cut. Also, many find that a touch of fluorescence actually helps "I" diamonds look whiter.

The price seems too low for this to be an excellently cut stone. If you look at the Price stats, a super ideal cut stone runs $6056 per carat; a 3B cut stone (which is not the most excellently cut stone) in this range runs on average $5170 per carat. My calculations show the EGL stone price is about $3964 per carat. That's quite a huge difference. The pricing suggests to me that the stone isn't well-cut, which affects performance once you get it away from the magic "jewelry store" lighting.

I'd also be a bit concerned given that the color/clarity rating was issued by EGL. Their grading can be spotty at times; I'd have more faith in GIA/AGS. As long as it looks OK to you, though, no worries.

Finally, a recommendation. A little patience on your part would be helpful. You just posted your first message only a half-hour ago, and most of us check in sporadically during the day. We don't all sit here waiting for a new question, so it may behoove you to give a bit more time for folks to respond.

Good luck!
Thanks for the input!!! It looked great when he placed it in the setting, although it did have a slightly warmer color to it (but not yellow really). i looked at it over and over with a 10x loupe and it did look like a VS2 stone, i could hardly notice any inclusions at all! i don't have pics yet because my boyfriend hasn't picked it up yet! but i will later and post it here.
i don't understand what you meant by "branded". what does that mean?
Rough Rock-

I'm sorry for being so pushy!!! This is just such a big purchase for us and I want to make sure I'm not making a big mistake!! I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, really. Its the italian in me, i swear!

anyway, i just found out that it was graded by the EGL lab in new york. is this good news or bad news? not really sure. the cut did look really nice in the store and so did the clarity. how long do i have after my boyfriend picks up the ring to get it appraised and returned (if the appraisal isn't very good)?
On 6/11/2003 2
7:11 PM alicat wrote:

Rough Rock-

I'm sorry for being so pushy!!! This is just such a big purchase for us and I want to make sure I'm not making a big mistake!! I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, really. Its the italian in me, i swear!

anyway, i just found out that it was graded by the EGL lab in new york. is this good news or bad news? not really sure. the cut did look really nice in the store and so did the clarity. how long do i have after my boyfriend picks up the ring to get it appraised and returned (if the appraisal isn't very good)?----------------

Honestly, I think an engagement ring is a big purchase for anyone, and I can understand your concern.

You know, it sounds as though you really like the stone, so I'm not sure what it is you want us to tell you. Everyone has different priorities in selecting a diamond. Some don't care as much about technical aspects and care more about size. Others care more about cut/clarity/color, etc. It depends on what's important to you.

If you like it and you feel as though you paid a fair price for it, then that's great. Wear it in good health, and congratulations!

You note your boyfriend hasn't picked up the ring yet. Does that mean it also hasn't been paid for? As far as how long you have to return it, you need to check the terms of sale listed by the jeweler. If your concern is "did I pay too much", I'd say no. Most diamonds of comparable size and specs go for a lot more per carat if they are excellently again it's likely you got an average cut stone. If you don't care about that, then no worries.

You've said you feel it looks white in the setting, so again, I'm not sure what your concern is. If it looks nice to you, then celebrate in your purchase.

For future big purchases, my recommendation would be to do the research up're much more likely to feel confident in your purchase, and more likely to make a smart, well-informed buying decision.

I forgot.....if you do get it appraised, take it to an independent appraiser. I'd suggest New England Gemological Labs.

You can find them at

Keep in mind that most items appraise for double what you pay for them. Some people mistakenly think that means they got a BARGAIN when that's really quite standard.

Again, good luck!
Also be sure you CAN return it after the stone has been set into a ring. You're not just talking a loose stone here and you want to read the fine print of the return policy before plunking down the money.

Good luck!
First of all, if you bought from Barmakian brothers, relax. They have a 14-days money back guarantee and you can return the ring for a full refund. No questions asked. So you have plenty of time to have the ring checked out.

We just bought our e-ring from Barmakians in Nashua, NH and found their service to be top notch and their price very competitive.
Good luck.
-- Larry
Sounds good. Need not worry The table however is a bit narrow 58% to 61% would be ideal. You did get a good buy.

On 9/13/2004 10:08:39 AM Ladydap2 wrote:

Sounds good. Need not worry The table however is a bit narrow 58% to 61% would be ideal. You did get a good buy.

I never understand how people find these random threads that are a year old and then respond to them as though the poster is still waiting for advice.

Secondly, the table a bit narrow at 55? Hardly! 58 to 61 being ideal? Hardly!! My range for an ideal table would be 55-57...having had a 61% tabled stone and saw that it was borderline fish-eye and leaked like a sieve out the center. My current stone has a 55% table and it's a 1000% improvement over the old one. Of course the table is just one number out of many that make up a beuatiful stone...but advising 58-61 as the ideal table specs to look for is incorrect in my opinion!

That is your opinion. Opinions will vary with different jewelers. And please understand I give advise, I buy ...sell..etc. I apoligize for answering an old ad. I am responding to you attacking me fairly late as well. I am not on this site very much. Upon grading,
appraising and selling thousands of diamonds over the years. I have come to the conclusion as well as many others simply that each stone is different. I hold my ground for this stone in question. I have worked side by side with the best of the best. I have formal education and I am a well respected Gemologist.

Generally the best looking diamonds have table sizes in the range of 55% to 60% (measured as a percentage of the diameter of the diamond). The size of the table is more important in larger diamonds, say over 1/2 ct.

Larger table diamonds can be more brilliant, i.e. they return the most light, but have less fire and scintillation than diamonds with smaller tables. This is because the ability of a diamond to break light into rainbow colours (fire or dispersion) is enhanced by light entering or leaving a diamond at an acute angle.

If you have a business relationship with Barmakian Brothers you should disclose it.
Without a doubt........

I would have the stone checked by Martin Haske. You can make an appointment with him at 617-232-5508

He is a gemologist that will be independent and fair, and is knowledgeable.

Better to be safe and have peace of mind, than worrying about it.

Don''t even think about keeping this stone without checking it out, particularly because the price seems to be a bargain.

Hope this helps.

I had worked at Barmakians in Boston a few years back. I had a baby . Due to the travel ( over one hour from RI ) I didn''t go back. I now work for a local jeweler.
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