
Repeat thread - can I request help on flying with cats?


Aug 14, 2009
I posted a thread earlier and had it deleted, I think I'm calm enough now to coherently solicit advice ::)

DH, MIL, and I are flying with three cats (in the cabin) tomorrow from San Francisco to Philadelphia. Here's what I've done/got so far to prepare:

- Sedatives. I'm thinking we'll give them 1/4 tablet each about an hour before we leave for the airport, as I think the airport will be the most stressful part, and wait and see if anything else is even necessary - I'm hoping they'll just sleep! We did a trial run - they were all knocked out, no unfortunate side effects.

- Antihistamine - our boy has perpetual sinus trouble, so he'll get half a tablet if he seems to need it. We do have a stop (no plane change) so that's two landings and two takeoffs, and I know my ears are miserable if I have even the slightest sniffle so... we'll be on the lookout.

- 3 carriers confirmed okay for flight, Southwest has confirmed the cats have spots on our plane.
- Baby animal wipes
- Small packet of food
- Bottle of litter and spare shoebox, lots of gloves and rubbish bags
- Extra carrier mats (one per box)
- Small bowl for water (we'll just get a water bottle at the airport)
- Directions from all airports to the nearest 24hr emergency vet
- Medical histories and travel papers for all three cats, proof of rabies vaccine papers, microchip numbers
- Harnesses and leashes

Does anyone have any other advice on things we should take? Tips to get through security? Things to look for to decide if they need sedation or antihistamine - or *not* to?



Jul 21, 2008
If you know one of your cats has sinus problems I would consider giving him the antihistamine regardless of how he seems that morning. I would ask about drug interactions with the sedative though. I don't know anything about that but I would think he will be quieter if he has the antihistamine than just the sedative.

Seems like you've covered your bases otherwise. I'll ask B.E.G. to stop in if she has a chance. She has flown a lot with her cats between Chicago and Montana.


Jun 8, 2008
I have nothing to add but just wanted to wish you and your dh and your kitties good luck!!!!


Dec 7, 2010
Hi Yssie,

Unfortunately I don't have much advice as I have never flown with animals. But I can say that it seems that you are very well-prepared and I can't think of anything else that you could possibly need! Good going on testing the drugs before hand.

I saw some disposable litter containers at the pet store - they reminded me of paint tray liners, except without a slope, and were pre-filled with litter and sealed. It might be an option for you! Which makes me think, would the shoe box need to be waterproof? Or will you be using the bags as liners?

Last time I flew there was this one guy who had a tiny puppy in a carrier in the cabin - The puppy was probably drugged since it was sleeping so deep, and did not seem to cause any trouble during the 3hr flight; hopefully your kitties will sleep right through!

Good luck!


Aug 14, 2009
Clairitek|1314047379|2996830 said:
If you know one of your cats has sinus problems I would consider giving him the antihistamine regardless of how he seems that morning. I would ask about drug interactions with the sedative though. I don't know anything about that but I would think he will be quieter if he has the antihistamine than just the sedative.

Seems like you've covered your bases otherwise. I'll ask B.E.G. to stop in if she has a chance. She has flown a lot with her cats between Chicago and Montana.

Our vet didn't think there would be any problems, and we did a trial with both drugs and nothing unfortunate happened. I'm just worried about sedative + antihistamine + cabin pressure + high stress... but no antihistamine + burst eardrum is obviously much, much worse!

I hope BGD does see this thread!

Thank you missy! We'll need it.

vsc - disposable pre-sealed litter containers, you say? How intriguing! I will have to check into that tonight.. we were going to use bags as liners, but if we can use 'n toss that's even better!


Sep 10, 2003
There are two ways to get through security -- you either have to hold the cat as you go through the scanner or you can ask for a room. In the room, they'll remove the cat from the carrier and either examine the carrier or send it through x-ray. I've flown 3x with kittens and asked for a room each time since I had only met the cat the day before and didn't know what to expect when trying to hold it in a crowded area. Only once did they actually handle the cat and wipe down the walking jacket looking for evidence of explosives.


Sep 10, 2003
Re: litter and stuff. I used puppy pee pads inside the carrier and carried along extras.


Aug 14, 2009
Well - the disposable boxes and pee pads are no-gos - they won't touch the former, and overuse the latter :cheeky:

Matata|1314063481|2997029 said:
There are two ways to get through security -- you either have to hold the cat as you go through the scanner or you can ask for a room. In the room, they'll remove the cat from the carrier and either examine the carrier or send it through x-ray. I've flown 3x with kittens and asked for a room each time since I had only met the cat the day before and didn't know what to expect when trying to hold it in a crowded area. Only once did they actually handle the cat and wipe down the walking jacket looking for evidence of explosives.

Oh good point. I will ask for a room -- with three cats hopefully at least one TSA rep will be sympathetic to *not* wanting to carry them through and wait for the carrier on the other end! We have harnesses but...


Apr 28, 2010
I have absolutely no advice but I hope your flight into Philly with the cats is safe and everything goes smoothly!

I live in Philly, how long are you around?!
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