
Red Andesine vs Red Hessonite

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Mar 5, 2008
I am a new rockhound, gem collector. I had two stones sent over, one is a 11.18 ct. deep red hessonite cost around $436.00 from Kamburuptiya, Sri Lanka, and the other is a 3.4 ct red andesine cost around $302. Both are cushion cuts.
Which would be the best to keep if on a limited budget?

Also have a deep "signature" tanzanite 4.50ct, and wondered if anyone has ever heard of "signature" tanzanite which is suppose to be better than triple A. The tanzanite, is a concern because it is soo purple inside. Outside it has the blue, but I don''t see red flashes that I have read about. This is a violet /blue not blue/violet--so what do they go for a ct. as market price? This is an oval-running around$2380.00 does that sound correct?

Then finally I have a pretty "peach" 10.18ct. Hessonite, orgin Kataragama Mine, Sir Lanka, this is eye clean, and was called an "Imperial Hessonite" selling for $498.

Of the four, which would be a collectors best value to keep for investment?
Please let me know.


Feb 11, 2006
Hi Newcomer,
The latest news on Red and Green Andesine is that they are treated gemstones. The full extent of the treatment is not yet known as good labs have not yet studied the problem. I would stay away from andesine for the moment.
I like Red Hessonite and if the color is good it might be a good choice. I think the price is about right although if t comes directly from Sri Lanka i would think it woud be cheaper. Imperial Hessonite I always thought was a marketing tool. Its lighter in color and is not a favorite of mine. Maybe others can add more.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
I found this very interesting, what do you think?


Feb 28, 2008

The latest news on Red and Green Andesine is that they are treated gemstones. The full extent of the treatment is not yet known as good labs have not yet studied the problem. I would stay away from andesine for the moment.

I like Red Hessonite and if the color is good it might be a good choice. I think the price is about right although if t comes directly from Sri Lanka i would think it woud be cheaper. Imperial Hessonite I always thought was a marketing tool. Its lighter in color and is not a favorite of mine. Maybe others can add more. Thanks,


Hi Newcomer,

I agree with Annette, straight down the line, although I wish you could post some photos of the stones, as value depends so strongly on color and cut, as well as the weight. The faceters groups have raised questions about the andesine for several years, as none were able to obtain "rough" andesine stones to cut. This was unusual for a "natural - no treatment stones" as there has always been mine material that was available as rough, even if it was smuggled out by mine workers. I had to buy a cut stone myself to have one to test and observe
Supply and demand ( or lack of it ) will certainly affect prices , especially if the TV suppliers have to buy it back from customers, they will just dump it on ebay intermediates and value will go down IMO.

The other stones really need to be seen to comment. I have never been a fan of tanzanite myself.



Mar 7, 2006

Hello everybody,

I cannot stay quite when I read that on this forum "The latest news on Red and Green Andesine is that they are treated gemstones".
They are not "news" but presently only "rumours". And these are concerning stones called "Chinese Andesine", not "Congo Andesine" as I supply.
My stones are not treated.

They are rumours about not only heating put treatment with cupper with andesine sold as "Chinese andesine". Laboratories are working on and I hope that we''ll have some news soon to know how to prove it on a faceted stones.

What I am going to say is only what I know and what I have heard.
I have some information without any ability to confirm regarding the situation in Congo (RDC, near Goma).
I have presently the largest inventory in the world of red Andesine coming from Congo since 2002. (RDC).
Since 2002 it is definitely impossible to go there regarding the situation with what is a real “civil war”.
I have bought all my stones in Bangkok. I was the first to introduce these stones in 2002 on the market.
I received the information regarding the locality, first from my supplier, and on second hand from a friend, geologist who have sent the stones there. I received from him the map. The locality in the south east of the Nyacongo volcano, near Goma.
So there is there what we need to have red feldspar: basalt and cupper. As for the huge and well known Oregon sunstone.
I have tried to go there, but every time it was said to me “don’t go there, you have only one life”. And even if I go there, on the point where these andesines was found, is there still andesine after 6 years?

I have begun to promote these stones in 2002 and some times after more stones was coming on the market said as a Chinese andesine. I don''t know if these stones are andesine or Labradorite. I have never seen any certificate form these people. It is also why theses stones are called many times “Andesine – Labradorite”
For my stones, I have 120 certificates for my biggest stones. All are "andesine".
The first analysis was maid by Emmanuel Fritsch in Nantes University and published in Gems and Gemmology. All the certificates were coming by independent laboratories. (CCIP in France, AGTA in USA and now all from AIGS in Bangkok). You can see on my website when you go on “andesine with certificate”.

I have received an information regarding treatment since 2 years from a Japanese laboratory. He said that he have used a Labradorite and have heated it. It was coming red with a brownish tone.

When I was exhibiting in Hong Kong in 2006 September, a Chinese man came to my booth saying that he could supply me with quantities of rough. In the same time a Chinese company was selling quantities of these new andesine, saying sometime Tibetan andesine, sometime Chinese.
I said that I have heard this story about treatment. He said "I don''t think that we could keep the secret so long time".

During this Tucson show I was exhibiting with my andesine. Many people have checked my stones and said that mine was redder and cleaner.
Even, a friend digging in Oregon sunstones, so knowing very well the feldspars, have confirmed that my stones are not the same than the stones said as “Tibet” or “Chinese” or now “Mongolian” andesine.
I have also received a man from a Japanese laboratory. He said to me that the treatment is done in Thailand by heating yellow Labradorite in a tumbler with cupper during one month. This treatment is done 3 times so during 3 months.
He works on this problem to check how to prove on a cut stone if it is heated and treated (with cupper) or not.
The problem is also that during the last Tucson show, the Chinese people have announced that Andesine will be the official stone for the next Olympic Games. So, doping?
I have also received the information that Chinese people have bought quantities of yellow Labradorite in Mexico.

I am geologist, so I am a scientist and I want to know the truth. And I am also the French Ambassador of ICA. And regarding my situation it is also very important that I publish information.

What about my stones? I am in confidence with my suppliers and with my friend geologist who have informed me about the locality in Congo. I have made quantities of certificates. But those ones have only confirmed andesine, of course.
I hope that the truth will come. I am open to cooperate with the laboratories.

But it is also interesting to know that I a very large andesine as a 33.42ct. (You’ll find the picture on my website
Is it the largest in the world?
Take care with the rumours; It is why it is also very important for me say what I know and what I have heard. I ask to the laboratories to going on…
And never forget that the most important thing is the beauty!
I want to add that, of course, I offer to my customers a return back guaranty. Since 6 years, only 2 customers have returned stones bought for my website…
I hope that all what I have written here will help.

All the best




Mar 5, 2008
Thank you for your kind reply
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