
Real or fake video left by mass murderer?


Apr 30, 2005

Last night a young gunman drove his BMW slowly in Santa Barbara university area killing 6 random victims.
He is also dead from a gunshot wound, unclear if self-inflicted or from police.

Reportedly he left a youtube video.
Do you think this is it, or was it made by a a tasteless moron after the fact?
When I saw it 10 minutes ago it had only 301 views. Hmm.
If real it seems that Youtube would have taken it down.

Time will tell, but it seems fake to me.
What do you think?
If real, what a spoiled narcissistic psychopath ... glad he's dead.
either way...the murderer or someone trying to be "funny"....what a creep.
RIP victims.
it is the real deal, it seems; unfortunately.

what an entitled self-absorbed POS.
movie zombie|1400959353|3679354 said:
it is the real deal, it seems; unfortunately.

Just curious, what's is your source for feeling it is real?
I haven't found a news source linking it.

Another idiot who thinks it all should drop into his lap. There's obviously a good reason girls didn't flock to him. Asperger's is no excuse -- thousands have it & don't shoot up the world for not making them its center. I'm SO sick of violent narcissists!

--- Laurie
This video was painful to watch. I had to stop, which is a first for me - usually my curiosity gets the best of me.

That kid looked like a bad actor, auditioning for the role of psychopathic murderer. It just didn't feel like he MEANT any of it. That fake laugh, the same ridiculous line about 'rotting in loneliness.' He kept referring to lack of sex, but I've been to college - only reason you're not getting laid is because you demand perfection or you give off uber creepy vibes. I think this kid probably did both. He even said something about being 'the perfect man' -- did he think 'one step from mass murder' was a great personal attribute in a partner or something?

Anyway, the video felt insincere, like he was role playing. Maybe that's all murder is to these kids now.
This kid was spoiled rotten. His father was ass't director of Hunger Games. With all his material possessions, if he couldn't get a girlfriend, he must have been a real big jerk -- a lot of women find that stuff makes a guy a lot more attractive. He had so much but the world owed him everything he wanted, boo hoo.

Here are some of his FB brags:
... okay, so the killing people thing is awful and obviously this young man had lots of stuff very wrong in his head but OH MY GOD THAT VIDEO IS HILARIOUS.

"You do deserve it, just for the crime of living a better life than me." Whoa, slow your roll, buddy. There is always going to be something with a better life than you in some way. Did no one ever teach you this!??!?
kenny|1400989314|3679551 said:
The father of one of the fatalities speaks up.

I didn't want to watch a video by the murderer, but I watched this one. It was very moving. I agreed with that father. God bless him. I hope he keeps up his crusade and persuades people. Enough already.

I feel for that father but total BS where he is putting blame. He stabbed victims too so do we ban knives also? Sorry but he is misplacing his anger.
His son died from gunshots.
IMO he put the blame were it belongs, politicians and the NRA.
"I don't know why you girls are so repulsed by me,"
said poor little Mass Murderer.

^ I have a good idea why women might have shied away from that one. He's just another out of control kid with a gun, a BMW, some rich parents, and a sense of entitlement. But bat guano crazy never looks in the mirror and sees bat guano crazy. It's time to reopen the asylums and start tossing these crazy people back in. I have zero compassion for narcissistic evil people who go around killing other people.
kenny|1400994218|3679571 said:
His son died from gunshots.
IMO he put the blame were it belongs, politicians and the NRA.

I am respectfully disagreeing with you kenny. His son was killed by a crazy person not politicians and not the NRA. Until everyone agrees that mental health is the actual problem in these incidents they will continue to happen. Even then it will still happen. Money needs to be spent in that area instead of pushing gun control. It seems the family thought something was wrong with this young man and reported him to authorities, but he had developed the ability to mask and manipulate very well.

The whole thing is terribly sad and many families are hurting right now including the murderer's.
kenny said:
His son died from gunshots.
IMO he put the blame were it belongs, politicians and the NRA.

No, the blame falls squarely on the parents. They are guilty of parental abdication and affluenza.I believe the money he used to purchased the guns came from mommy and daddy. Coupled with the diagnoses of Aspergers and let's not hurt anyone's feelings. Was coddled and pacified .Bullied my ass. We have several "highly functioning kids in our school diagnosed with Aspergers, one of whom Friday threatened to stab another student with a pencil because she was tapping her foot on the back of his seat. When spoken to he said I just wanted to scare her. Very often these kids are the bullies because they have no social skills and mom and dad are wearing blinders.
I'm pretty sure This is a kid whose parents knew he was troubled, but did not want to admit it. so they shower him with gifts and give him to a psychiatrist to fix.
They suspected he was going over the edge and called police to do a wellness check,after seeing the video, what about going there yourself and hauling his ass into some kind of treatment?

Mom and dad are the ones to blame here.
Ok rant over.
I'll agree with that too Sparklu. But to actually commit the acts shows it was beyond their control and maybe they had become afraid of him. I am not giving them a pass but many spoiled rich kids turn out as poor human beings but they do not commit mass murder. Bad parenting is a problem whether you are rich or poor.
I think it was real and he was a totally selfish ahole. And he wonders why girls didn't like him.
What I really want to know is if he made and posted the video the night before, why didn't anyone of his FB friends have him arrested????
He was 22 years old. His parents no longer control him, although they did try to get the police to intervene. Because of patients' rights issues, it's very difficult to have someone committed for mental issues or even on the basis that they are a danger to themselves or others. AprilBaby, I suspect he had very few real-life or internet friends, and that he posted primarily in sites where making threats against others is accepted or maybe even glorified.

Check out - Elliot Rodger and Men Who Hate Women
Unfortunately, one of the girls was my high school friend's daughter. I went to school with both parents and her aunt. My heart aches for them.
Now, that being said, I can't believe your opinions about the parents of this murderer. You don't know what they did or did not do. I can't believe how judgmental you people are being because he comes from a fortunate family and drives a BMW. OMG! How many of you have said "those poor, innocent, young people, who have lost their lives to this very sick young man." I do hope that everyone here with children doesn't Ever have to experience heartache like these... All of the parents involved, including the parents of the killer. Get over the rich part and stop speculating. What would you have said if he drove a Camry?
Gem Queen|1401074154|3680077 said:
I do hope that everyone here with children doesn't Ever have to experience heartache like these... All of the parents involved, including the parents of the killer.

I have a mentally ill daughter. You are a kind woman. Thank you.

having read the story I believe the mother did everything she could to prevent this tragedy.
may she and her husband find peace and may families of the victims' also find peace.
JewelFreak|1400966138|3679387 said:
Another idiot who thinks it all should drop into his lap. There's obviously a good reason girls didn't flock to him. Asperger's is no excuse -- thousands have it & don't shoot up the world for not making them its center. I'm SO sick of violent narcissists!

--- Laurie

YES! With you 100% on this.

I think Facebook and all that makes it worse, because their friends all seem to have better lives than they do. Breeds resentment.

Add in violence as entertainment (shooter video games) and this is what happens with the idiots. :cry:
I went to both undergrad and grad school at UCSB. I was there when David Attias mowed down and killed four people with his car (ironically, also the son of a Hollywood director). So sad to hear that the students and community are now dealing with this.
kenny|1400994218|3679571 said:
His son died from gunshots.
IMO he put the blame were it belongs, politicians and the NRA.

The politicians and the NRA didn't shoot his son. The gun didn't do it either, it's a tool that was used. Put the blame squarely where if belongs, the murdering kid.
and where was the blame placed for the first three murders committed with a KNIFE?!
I'm sure those victims are just as precious to their parents.
his first weapon of choice was a KNIFE and he was 3 for 3 with that weapon.
the gun was his 2nd choice and while he did murder 3 people he certainly shot off a lot more rounds and was unsuccessful.
then he used is car as a weapon injuring people when he tried to run them down.
he proves the point that bad people will do bad things with any thing...making anything a weapon.
blaming the NRA for the first 3 murders [how can anyone overlook this?!] doesn't make any sense....and it makes no sense to blame the NRA for his attempts to murder with his car...why the concentration on the 3 murdered by gun shot?!
no matter the weapon the blame rests solely with the young man.
he was a sick individual.
that is where the blame lies....and for a system that didn't make sure he couldn't do anyone any harm.
the sheriff's department claims it didn't know about his videos.
his mother says she called the department because of them.
someone dropped the ball and it was not the NRA.
It is too bad that one of the first 3 that were stabbed did not have a GUN to defend themselves against this lunatic. Maybe the story would have ended differently.
redwood66|1401085105|3680162 said:
It is too bad that one of the first 3 that were stabbed did not have a GUN to defend themselves against this lunatic. Maybe the story would have ended differently.

That was my first thought.

Many years ago, someone near and very dear to me was killed by a drunk driver. ;( Even in the worst of my pain I never blamed the car or the DMV that licensed it, always the drunken scumbag behind the wheel.
redwood66|1401085105|3680162 said:
It is too bad that one of the first 3 that were stabbed did not have a GUN to defend themselves against this lunatic. Maybe the story would have ended differently.

I agree.
movie zombie|1401117579|3680334 said:
redwood66|1401085105|3680162 said:
It is too bad that one of the first 3 that were stabbed did not have a GUN to defend themselves against this lunatic. Maybe the story would have ended differently.

I agree.

He murdered the first three in his own apartment, the same place he kept his cache of guns and ammo. At least one of those victims was his roommate. If one of them had had a gun, Rodgers wouldn't have gone after them with a knife but with one of his own semi-automatics. They'd be just as dead and he would have finished his rampage as planned.