
Ready to propose! Diamond purchase help please!

I love the setting you picked out. :love:
I haven't been very thorough about reading through this thread but if you are thinking about buying from JA, there was recently a 25% off sale. Loose diamonds were not included but settings and wedding bands were. At the time-just last week- I spoke to a JA sales rep and she said that there was a good chance this sale would be repeated Thanksgiving Weekend. For you, the money saved on the setting could go toward an upgrade on the diamond.
WasatchWarrior|1478218225|4093457 said:
Awesome info on the OECs. I had no idea but now that I look closer at your avatar I TOTALLY see what you're saying. I think that is gorgeous and something that I would consider. My concern is that I don't think my dollar will go as far on that and might be able to get the same type of return policy if I purchased an OEC.

I think I haven't done a good job of explaining myself, sorry for that. She doesn't wear a lot of jewelry and I don't see her as the type of person that will be so specific in what she wants that she will want to pick out her own ring. In knowing her and her personality I truly think she will love the fact that I put so much work into getting something special and surprising her. I could be wrong but I have the peace of mind of the return policy. Here is what I know, from things she has said she wants a white metal in an engagement ring and she doesn't want a simple solitaire. Those are the only specific things she has said about engagement rings and she said them in casual conversation during the time we have been together. Next I have her Pinterest account. She pins a million things but it's all food related and only a handful of pins had anything to do with fashion and only a fraction of those were jewlery with the rest being clothing. 2 years ago I gave her a a pearl bracelet for xmas and she LOVED it and to this day says her favorite part is that the clasp on the bracelet is decorative and not plain but rather pretty and unique. This tells me she is going to want a unique and pretty setting. I think vintage STYLE but maybe I'm wrong.

Sorry for the long post, but what I am trying to figure out if everyone just thinks the setting I've chosen is not very attractive and if that is totally the case then I will gladly switch to another setting but if it's just about letting her pick and not the setting I've chosen then that doesn't help my situation. Lady- I really liked the 1st setting you posted, like I said earlier I almost chose that over the one I posted above. Are there other settings that you think might work for what I've described? And is it safe to assume that you find the one you posted to be more attractive just overall? If so why?

Hmm... just got home from a hockey game and scoped out the James Allen site. IDK if this one is out of budget, but it has a couple lovely vintage touches and a halo. Thought it was at least worth a look.

The filigree one just doesn't do it for me because it is, IMHO, too modern looking. There's no milgrain or discernible pattern to what they're calling filigree (like floral, leaf, scrollwork, geometric, etc.). It looks maybe wavy or swirly? And the semi-halo head is square-ish, but turned at a 90 degree angle, and set with only stones at N, S, E, & W. But again, that's just my opinion, and I'm just some random stranger on the internet! Lol. Anywho, a practical consideration would be if she's going to have a wedding band? The shape of the setting you picked would not allow for a flush-fit band, unless you have a band custom made. If it is worn with a straight band, there will be a gap. I have a ring and plain, straight band that I will post a pic of so you can see what I'm talking about. My gap is small and doesn't bother me, but some people don't like having a ring gap.
It's been awhile since I cleaned these guys... See how the wedding band sits against the widest part of the e-ring, and the gap widens as the e-ring tapers so you can see a wedge of my finger on each side between the two?


JLW05|1478231154|4093539 said:
I haven't been very thorough about reading through this thread but if you are thinking about buying from JA, there was recently a 25% off sale. Loose diamonds were not included but settings and wedding bands were. At the time-just last week- I spoke to a JA sales rep and she said that there was a good chance this sale would be repeated Thanksgiving Weekend. For you, the money saved on the setting could go toward an upgrade on the diamond.

Ooh, that would be awesome for OP!
JLW05|1478231154|4093539 said:
I haven't been very thorough about reading through this thread but if you are thinking about buying from JA, there was recently a 25% off sale. Loose diamonds were not included but settings and wedding bands were. At the time-just last week- I spoke to a JA sales rep and she said that there was a good chance this sale would be repeated Thanksgiving Weekend. For you, the money saved on the setting could go toward an upgrade on the diamond.

I took advantage of this sale a couple weeks ago, and did exactly that! They called it their early black Friday/cyber Monday sale.
It made a significant difference in the setting price and allowed me to upgrade the diamond to something much nicer than I originally thought I could afford. I would also suggest waiting for the next sale or at least calling them to see if they can give you the same kind of discount now. I plan on picking up the matching wedding band when it goes on sale again.
LadyMCh said:
Hmm... just got home from a hockey game and scoped out the James Allen site. IDK if this one is out of budget, but it has a couple lovely vintage touches and a halo. Thought it was at least worth a look.

The filigree one just doesn't do it for me because it is, IMHO, too modern looking. There's no milgrain or discernible pattern to what they're calling filigree (like floral, leaf, scrollwork, geometric, etc.). It looks maybe wavy or swirly? And the semi-halo head is square-ish, but turned at a 90 degree angle, and set with only stones at N, S, E, & W. But again, that's just my opinion, and I'm just some random stranger on the internet! Lol. Anywho, a practical consideration would be if she's going to have a wedding band? The shape of the setting you picked would not allow for a flush-fit band, unless you have a band custom made. If it is worn with a straight band, there will be a gap. I have a ring and plain, straight band that I will post a pic of so you can see what I'm talking about. My gap is small and doesn't bother me, but some people don't like having a ring gap.

love this setting LadyMCH linked! I have to agree with her about the setting you chose, too.... i wouldn't label it really vintage... more of a modern interpretation of vintage.

Not a halo but what about this one in white gold?

and this is really out of the box, a marquise diamond set east/west, but its very different and quite lovely imo. but i am partial to marquise set east/west and a marquise will get some great finger coverage. it is risky though unless you know she loves the shape. just throwing out there.
As if we have not diverted you enough from your original intent (sorry, but it's for the best), here's another idea. This ring is sold, but finding a vintage style, high end setting like Van Craeynest, ready to go, is not an impossibility:

I also love the idea of getting the Whiteflash diamond in the simple solitaire on Loupe Troop.
Okay so several things to cover here...first THANK YOU to everyone for your help and opinions. It is extremely helpful even if I don't always like what I hear lol.

Whitewave: Thanks! I agree with your 3 points, pretty much spot on I believe. :) Also I don't have a set date to pop the question probably sometime in the next 90 days, although the exchange guidelines may or may not effect that. We are pretty outdoorsy people and so I was thinking of asking on top of a mountain...sounds cheesy I know, but if you have ever climbed to the top of a mountain it is pretty spectacular. Alternatively we have season tickets to the ballet so I could ask one evening when we are all dressed up anyway and I think that would be equally as special.

AC117: Thanks for the link to the complete ring for sale. It is stunning, no denying. I do though feel like it is a bit too plain for her tastes.

JLWO5: I called customer service this morning. They can't get me that discount nor can they comment on future discounts. If I purchased today and they had a discount on the item in the next 30 days then they could give me the difference back in or I could exchange and purchase something nicer for the same money using the savings of the discount. This makes life TOUGH on 1 hand I have no trouble waiting but on the other hand her and I will be together that ENTIRE thanksgiving weekend. So even if the band is 25% off which would allow me to pick out a nicer rock I wouldn't have the time to go pick out a rock and order it without her knowing....let alone I wouldn't feel comfortable picking a stone without posting it up here for review first and there is no way I would have that kind of time without her finding out since we will be doing stuff over the weekend. This makes me think that maybe I should just order it and at worst I receive money back if it goes on sale. Thoughts on this plan? The idea of maybe being able to jump up to a .9 carat or higher since the setting would be cheaper is EXTREMELY appealing if I could work it out somehow. Veteran's day is coming up...any chance there is a sale then lol?

Farrahyln: Not a huge fan of the 1st setting. Love the look on the 2nd one, but I think it is a bit too risky. Thanks for the suggestions though. :)

Sagefemme: I actually looked at that EXACT ring last night after the topic of finding a vintage ring online came up. Noticed it sold and didn't see anything else that unique while at the same time classic/timeless so I moved on. With the vintage ring (I assume that is vintage meaning at least 50 years old correct?) I wouldn't have the peace of mind of the return policy however if she doesn't like I could just buy another ring and sale the vintage peace after the fact, no big deal, plus I assume a classic peace like that would sale quickly anyway.

Lady: I'm 99% sure she isn't going to want a Ering and a band, good question though. Also let me be the first in this forum to say that you have quite lovely hands. :) Also I LOVE the halo marquise ring you posted! Stunning. I am okay with the bump in price at 14K gold, but I can't afford that in platinum without really going way down in stone size which I don't want to do. So is it worth not getting platinum? On such a delicate setting I was thinking I needed platinum no matter what (we are pretty active) but maybe I am being short sided in only wanting platinum? Just based on looks I think I'm 55% leaning towards the one you posted and 45% leaning towards the one I posted. I texted her friend an image of Lady's selection, along with like 5 other choices and she said she didn't like it and thought it was too princess-ish! That surprised me so I asked for clarification because I did sent her like 5 different settings all at once so maybe she was referring to another one. Waiting to hear back now on that...If her friend is adamant about thinking my intended wouldn't like it then I guess that kills it though that would really shock me because that setting is freaking amazing.

Cliff notes for people not wanting to read all the posts...below are the 2 settings I'm considering. Literally like 55% on the 1st one and 45% on the second one. Thinking a round .6 or .7 stone to be placed. Budget is $3K ish for ring and stone. Like the idea of getting more for the same money by waiting until Turkey Day sales HOWEVER we will be together the whole holiday weekend so I think it might be impossible to find/post here for review/order without spoiling the surprise.

55% leaning towards this one, but can only afford it in 14K white though :(

45% leaning towards this one. Can get it in platinum, it was my first choice, and her friend thinks the intended would like it:
A few things. to be honest, your budget is really a 14k gold budget if you want to maximize the size of your stone. Do a little searching on the forum, there are some posts about the pros and cons of 14k gold vs platinum. You should be ok with 14k, lots of ladies on here that have it and no problem with their setting. My first setting was 14k and i wore it for 15years with no issues and my current ring (1yo) is micropave 14k and no problems.

So, with your purchase, you could be a bit sneaky. :angel: JA will most likely be having a T-day sale, they usually do on holidays and last year was 25% iirc. a few days before, come on here and get some opinions on diamonds. Factor in the discount you'd get on the setting and pick a few stones accordingly (maybe a few different sizes since you really don't know for sure what the discount will be) and put them on hold. i believe you can do this with 3, max but i'm not entirely sure how long they will hold them. i'm sure someone else will be able to tell you. If they don't have a sale, you can go ahead with a purchase on a smaller stone after t-giving with some help from the experts here, nothing lost.

ETA: My vote is for the halo with marquise/round stones in the band. I think its beautiful! Also, even though you guys are active, she may not want to wear her e-ring while hiking, etc. I don't wear my ring to do housework, workout or run around outside with the kids. hiking or indoor rockclimbing, etc i'll wear just my wedding band or nothing at all. My fingers tend to swell up when i get hot and i prefer nothing a lot of the time when i'm being active. Just a thought to consider.
Scratch what I said about using the saving from a potential holiday sale to get me closer to .9 carat....If I got 25% off the setting then that isn't going to be enough money to jump up anywhere close to even a .8 let alone a .9. Unless I am missing something, but I did some searching on JA and it seems like prices go up dramatically as you go above .75. With that in mind I think I just make a decision, order and if I get money back great and if not then no worries.
if we're voting, I vote for the first one you picked. I think it's really, really lovely and would look great with that size stone.

One thing I noticed about the one with the marquise in the shank, the design is for a round halo, but most of the examples they show of rings they sold with it have more of a cushion shaped halo (but with round center stone). I assume that was a deliberate choice by the buyers, but if you do go with this one you might want to look at that and make sure you get the halo shaped the way you want it.
farrahlyn|1478275973|4093679 said:
A few things. to be honest, your budget is really a 14k gold budget if you want to maximize the size of your stone. Do a little searching on the forum, there are some posts about the pros and cons of 14k gold vs platinum. You should be ok with 14k, lots of ladies on here that have it and no problem with their setting. My first setting was 14k and i wore it for 15years with no issues and my current ring (1yo) is micropave 14k and no problems.

So, with your purchase, you could be a bit sneaky. :angel: JA will most likely be having a T-day sale, they usually do on holidays and last year was 25% iirc. a few days before, come on here and get some opinions on diamonds. Factor in the discount you'd get on the setting and pick a few stones accordingly (maybe a few different sizes since you really don't know for sure what the discount will be) and put them on hold. i believe you can do this with 3, max but i'm not entirely sure how long they will hold them. i'm sure someone else will be able to tell you. If they don't have a sale, you can go ahead with a purchase on a smaller stone after t-giving with some help from the experts here, nothing lost.

ETA: My vote is for the halo with marquise/round stones in the band. I think its beautiful! Also, even though you guys are active, she may not want to wear her e-ring while hiking, etc. I don't wear my ring to do housework, workout or run around outside with the kids. hiking or indoor rockclimbing, etc i'll wear just my wedding band or nothing at all. My fingers tend to swell up when i get hot and i prefer nothing a lot of the time when i'm being active. Just a thought to consider.

Okay so I am probably being too stubborn when it comes to insisting on platinum. One thing though that played a role in wanting platinum is that I was was told it normally doubles the setting cost and on the setting I originally posted it was only $300 more or <30% so that seemed like too good of a deal not to spring for the platinum.

Also her friend got back to me and she was indeed referring to the halo marquise when she said she didn't think it was a good choice and looked too princess-ish. I completely disagree with the princess comment but I also respect her opinion on what my intended would like. What was interesting though in talking to her was that we both agreed that our favorite part of that setting was the floral style basket and her friend said that since you can only see that from the side then it isn't worth chosing that setting over the filigree type one. That seems like a really good point to me so considering all of that I think I now back to leaning towards my original setting choice. Gosh this is hard lol, regardless I am going to need to sleep on it for a few days before I buy.

In regards to the sale...I'm assuming it is only 25% off of the setting, not the stone, but you said 25% off of iirc and I don't know what "iirc" stands for...can you clarify? Not sure if you saw my other post but I looked on JA and it doesn't seem like 25% off of my setting price would be enough to get me to a .8 or close to .9 stone given the apparent jump in prices from a percentage standpoint when you go above .75 carat. Am I correct?

I went to Blue Nile and made this one. Several people here are hesitant about BN because they dont have ideal scope, etc, but I have bought 3 diamonds from them, and all three have been beautiful. I kept all 3.

ETA: i dont think this setting comes in platinum.

IIRC means "if I recall correctly"
Did you see this option I posted for you - you could afford platinum? You could ask them to add milgrain (I think they do that for free) for a bit of vintage flare. See recent purchases below the setting and there are a couple of examples with milgrain and two with .70ct stones

ETA: Kb1gra has the setting above with a .8 stone and it's lovely...picture shared on this thread: [URL=''][/URL]

I also like this option posted:
I personally can't stand a cathedral setting-- don't know why-- just hate them.

I do like the second one ac117 posted.

But I like the original most of all...
whitewave|1478278400|4093697 said:
I personally can't stand a cathedral setting-- don't know why-- just hate them.

I do like the second one ac117 posted.

But I like the original most of all...

Whitewave, I know you have the best intentions, but this ring isn't for you. If the OP states he doesn't like cathedral settings, then I would understand your comment. But right now, it's counterproductive. Same with the comments re: fluorescence. Let's stay focused on helping the OP.
WasatchWarrior said:
Okay so I am probably being too stubborn when it comes to insisting on platinum. One thing though that played a role in wanting platinum is that I was was told it normally doubles the setting cost and on the setting I originally posted it was only $300 more or <30% so that seemed like too good of a deal not to spring for the platinum.

Also her friend got back to me and she was indeed referring to the halo marquise when she said she didn't think it was a good choice and looked too princess-ish. I completely disagree with the princess comment but I also respect her opinion on what my intended would like. What was interesting though in talking to her was that we both agreed that our favorite part of that setting was the floral style basket and her friend said that since you can only see that from the side then it isn't worth chosing that setting over the filigree type one. That seems like a really good point to me so considering all of that I think I now back to leaning towards my original setting choice. Gosh this is hard lol, regardless I am going to need to sleep on it for a few days before I buy.

In regards to the sale...I'm assuming it is only 25% off of the setting, not the stone, but you said 25% off of iirc and I don't know what "iirc" stands for...can you clarify? Not sure if you saw my other post but I looked on JA and it doesn't seem like 25% off of my setting price would be enough to get me to a .8 or close to .9 stone given the apparent jump in prices from a percentage standpoint when you go above .75 carat. Am I correct?

(IIRC= if i remember correctly) hmm, you are absolutely correct about stone size. Probably right to go ahead now, there is a significant jump at .75 and then 1ct. Definitely listen to her friend! Glad you have someone to help you out with all the options we are throwing at you. :lol:

i don't want to confuse you any more but i think a great option to maximize your budget is ID Jewelry. lots of people come here looking to work with a tight budget and Yekutiel and staff do an amazing job getting the most of their money. Call! Many posters come back with the stone recommendations IDJ made and the experts here weigh in on them so you get some feedback.

With that in mind, i browsed a bit and what do you think of these? Please tell me if i'm off the mark! i'm trying to find real life pics of the settings. (I love Gabriel & Co, their settings are really lovely) :love: :love:
Yeah, was totally going to recommend ID Jewelry, too. Loyts of vintage and halo settings on their site with a romantic and early vibe.
ac117|1478278613|4093698 said:
whitewave|1478278400|4093697 said:
I personally can't stand a cathedral setting-- don't know why-- just hate them.

I do like the second one ac117 posted.

But I like the original most of all...

Whitewave, I know you have the best intentions, but this ring isn't for you. If the OP states he doesn't like cathedral settings, then I would understand your comment. But right now, it's counterproductive. Same with the comments re: fluorescence. Let's stay focused on helping the OP.

It's ironic because I feel you are leading him on a wild goose chase when his first setting is lovely. I feel like you are muddling this to the extreme for him, which is counterproductive. He didn't ask for anyone to change his setting. He asked about the diamonds that he picked out and to see if anyone could find a better diamond.

As for my point about cathedral, I was incomplete and unclear. Yes, I personally *hate* a cathedral, which is why OP really needs to somehow figure out exactly what his intended wants. If my finace gave me a cathedral ring, I would be horribly disappointed. That's the point.

OP, I'm leaving this discussion now. You came here wanting to know if the first setting is wonderful and it is. It is also the setting her friend said she would like. Keep the search simple. You wanted to use James Allen, so use James Allen. The three photos of the rings, while few, don't show antique, IMO. Modern, not a solid shank and with something around the stone, like a bezel or halo.

I think you made a terrific first choice, and my opinion is that you stick with what your gut told you in the first place (since it was affirmed by her friend as well).

Good luck, and I want to see photos! Proposing on top of a mountain sounds wonderful!
ac117|1478278140|4093693 said:
Did you see this option I posted for you - you could afford platinum? You could ask them to add milgrain (I think they do that for free) for a bit of vintage flare. See recent purchases below the setting and there are a couple of examples with milgrain and two with .70ct stones

ETA: Kb1gra has the setting above with a .8 stone and it's lovely...picture shared on this thread: [URL=''][/URL]

I also like this option posted:

The first setting is very pretty. Set with a .8 and it is very stunning. You're right about the milgrain! Adds a subtle bit of vintage flare! Sorry for not responding to it before, I did see it when you first posted it and that along with the 2nd setting you said you liked were ones I ran by her friend along with the setting Lady suggested and neither were ones she thought my girlfriend would prefer. As for cathedral settings I think they are super nice and wouldn't have an issue going that route. :)

Farrahlyn: Those are super nice real life photos of what the settings actually look like in person! I texted both to her friend so we will see what she says. :) Appreciate the input. I think it is cool that each of those has >.3 caret weight so if I get a .7 stone then the total ring is >1.0 in diamonds! Maybe that is a silly thing to like, but for a laymen such as myself I find it pretty appealing lol. I get what people are saying with the either get more for your money or you just get a much cheaper setting without sacrificing how pretty it looks. One concern with both of those pictures though....the center stones look awfully big, that makes me worry that a stone like .6 or .7 might not look as nice as what is in the photos...any idea how big those rocks are?

Whitewave: you have been very kind and very helpful. I appreciate your input and kind words. I'm leaning towards the mountain but I will post pictures when it is all said and done. :) I think everyone has been super helpful and doing their best to try and help me and I can't thank everyone enough for how generous they have been with their time in order to help me.

Regardless of what her friend says about the two settings Farrahlyn posted I think I need to sleep on it. Also part of me is considering going to the intended's mother and getting her opinion. On the one hand I think that would be a pretty good way to get the exact setting that my girlfriend will love but on the other hand I don't know if the intended would like that I did that. Not that they don't have a great relationship or anything, she just might not like the idea that her mom picked out the setting, not that she would be the one picking out the setting, rather guiding me, or helping choose from a short list. But I do worry if that is kind of like cheating, if that makes sense.
WasatchWarrior|1478283756|4093738 said:
ac117|1478278140|4093693 said:
Did you see this option I posted for you - you could afford platinum? You could ask them to add milgrain (I think they do that for free) for a bit of vintage flare. See recent purchases below the setting and there are a couple of examples with milgrain and two with .70ct stones

ETA: Kb1gra has the setting above with a .8 stone and it's lovely...picture shared on this thread: [URL=''][/URL]

I also like this option posted:

The first setting is very pretty. Set with a .8 and it is very stunning. You're right about the milgrain! Adds a subtle bit of vintage flare! Sorry for not responding to it before, I did see it when you first posted it and that along with the 2nd setting you said you liked were ones I ran by her friend along with the setting Lady suggested and neither were ones she thought my girlfriend would prefer. As for cathedral settings I think they are super nice and wouldn't have an issue going that route. :)

Farrahlyn: Those are super nice real life photos of what the settings actually look like in person! I texted both to her friend so we will see what she says. :) Appreciate the input. I think it is cool that each of those has >.3 caret weight so if I get a .7 stone then the total ring is >1.0 in diamonds! Maybe that is a silly thing to like, but for a laymen such as myself I find it pretty appealing lol. I get what people are saying with the either get more for your money or you just get a much cheaper setting without sacrificing how pretty it looks. One concern with both of those pictures though....the center stones look awfully big, that makes me worry that a stone like .6 or .7 might not look as nice as what is in the photos...any idea how big those rocks are?

Whitewave: you have been very kind and very helpful. I appreciate your input and kind words. I'm leaning towards the mountain but I will post pictures when it is all said and done. :) I think everyone has been super helpful and doing their best to try and help me and I can't thank everyone enough for how generous they have been with their time in order to help me.

Regardless of what her friend says about the two settings Farrahlyn posted I think I need to sleep on it. Also part of me is considering going to the intended's mother and getting her opinion. On the one hand I think that would be a pretty good way to get the exact setting that my girlfriend will love but on the other hand I don't know if the intended would like that I did that. Not that they don't have a great relationship or anything, she just might not like the idea that her mom picked out the setting, not that she would be the one picking out the setting, rather guiding me, or helping choose from a short list. But I do worry if that is kind of like cheating, if that makes sense.

definitely sleep on it! no need to rush! i like the idea of proposing on the mountain, a nice quiet setting. I believe someone recently posted their finished ring here and related the proposal which was on a mountain. the pictures were gorgeous!

i think if she has a good relationship with her mom, then there is nothing wrong with that. i think it's very sweet that you're working so hard to make sure it's a setting she likes. Your original pick IS beautiful and while it's not super vintage imo, i do think it's an organic look and from what you said i think it "fits" her. The .70 diamond looks really great in it, too. The pics i posted, yes those are larger stones but i couldn't begin to guess the size. The second one....i dunno, itmay not be quite as large as you think... Both settings are a substantial halo and will give some nice finger coverage. I would think the .7 stone would look great. IF you like one or the other and are considering going that way, you could always call up IDJ and if they have the setting(s) in stock, ask to see a pic with a stone that size in the setting. All they can do is say no, right?
I do not think the original setting is a good choice. I think the filigree shank would be vulnerable to getting dented. You want a more solid shank.

I do think this one would maximize the size of your diamond and give the stone a larger appearance, but go for platinum, please:

I personally think this is beautiful..

I can't imagine why she wouldn't want a wedding band? Most women do or else you just look perpetually engaged!
WasatchWarrior - consider giving IDJ a call. They are really great at maximizing a budget, and with regard to virtual stones like those listed on JA's site, they usually do better price-wise. Also take a look at Gabriel and Co's website - they have some fantastic halos as well!

Whitewave - don't leave the thread. WRT ac117 - let me begin by saying that she is one of my bestest friends, and has one of the biggest hearts and sharpest minds of the humans I've met, so I tend to read all her posts injected with wisdom and love. :love: I believe that her intent was not to derail from OP's original setting ideas, but to offer up additional options that OP may not have thought of... Sometimes when we are making emotional purchases, like buying engagement rings, it's hard to make decisions with objectivity and a clear head. With this objective of "putting more options on the table" for OP to consider, I can see how when another poster points out things that he/she personally doesn't like, this can be counterproductive and muddle things up more for the OP. Two different approaches, two different posters with the end goal of helping WasatchWarrior get the most bangin' bling - isn't this forum fantastic? :appl:
WW, how are you doing? How is the journey to engagement going?