I have been reading a lot of expert opinions on what the best range is for Table% and Total Depth% of an emerald cut stone. Some site says the best range is Table: 61%-65%; Depth: 60%-65%. Some says it should be Table:59% - 69% and Depth:59%-69%. Some then says it really is Table: 65%- 75% and Depth: 60%- 75%.
What is the most accurate range for a ideal cut emerald cut? Also, what is an ideal porportion between the Table and Depth ration?
Thanks to you all! GiGi
I have been reading a lot of expert opinions on what the best range is for Table% and Total Depth% of an emerald cut stone. Some site says the best range is Table: 61%-65%; Depth: 60%-65%. Some says it should be Table:59% - 69% and Depth:59%-69%. Some then says it really is Table: 65%- 75% and Depth: 60%- 75%.
What is the most accurate range for a ideal cut emerald cut? Also, what is an ideal porportion between the Table and Depth ration?
Thanks to you all! GiGi