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Jun 25, 2007
quotes, lyrics, things you''ve heard, anything that you think is cool ie:

"so I like to fantasize and watch the sun rise, like it''s a big surprise"

"life moved and I stopped to taste it"

"you should see the world inside my head"

"strange is just a different point of view"

anything that gave you an aha or wow moment. Just for fun, we might all find inspiration as well....

btw the above are all from one song....
Good idea for a thread, Dragonfly!

I "randomly" love LaraOnline''s quote: "And then a plank in reason broke..." --Emily Dickinson (Oh, I hope I have that all correct, if not feel free to smack me.) I just love that line, and every time I see her posts I get this little "random" happy feeling.
I have had "Dayman" from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.

Fighter of the Nightman
Champion of the sun!
You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.
Monarch - me tooooo

I''ve been enjoying my more.... deep random music as I call it.

"It''ll all work out eventually" - Tom Petty

and go listen to a river runs in you, it makes me happy :)
Date: 4/3/2009 3:50:18 PM
Author: dragonfly411
Monarch - me tooooo

I''ve been enjoying my more.... deep random music as I call it.

''It''ll all work out eventually'' - Tom Petty

and go listen to a river runs in you, it makes me happy :)
Oh, Tom Petty is brilliant, isn''t he? I love that song, "Wildflowers." Someone once put that on a "mix tape" he made for me. (Dragonfly, a "mix tape" was like an ipod playlist nowadays, I think. LOL)
"La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la laaaa

Doo doo doo doo doooooooooo....


"Loving You" by Minnie Ripperton.

You did say random.....
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM
Author: ladypirate
I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.

Fighter of the Nightman
Champion of the sun!
You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.
OMG my fiance and I bought the Dayman shirts. I seriously crack up in public every time I think about it. AWESOME!
A picture's worth a thousand words, but a feeling paints a thousand pictures
- said to me by a guy on a chair lift in Aspen last week

Ride it 'till the wheels fall off
- said to me by the IT guru in my office
- I swear I'm gonna use this as the title of my second novel! (now if only I could figure out what to do with the first one... !)
Date: 4/3/2009 6:48:38 PM
Author: Kelli

Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM
Author: ladypirate
I have had 'Dayman' from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.

Fighter of the Nightman
Champion of the sun!
You're a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.
OMG my fiance and I bought the Dayman shirts. I seriously crack up in public every time I think about it. AWESOME!
LOL--seriously! I love that show.

Another random--here's a picture of a [ETA: fire-breathing] man tuna that I drew:

Man Tuna.jpg
Absolutely anything by Emily Dickinson...

'I died for beauty' - one of my early favourites...

linky to poem

the soul selects her own society...

linky to poem

on a happier note:
my life it stood a loaded gun...
link to fabulous poem

and of course, an age-old favourite...
'I felt a funeral in my brain...'

Here it is, in full (for some scholarly reason, the last stanza is sometimes omitted, tragically, i think...)

I felt a funeral in my brain,
And mourners, to and fro,
Kept treading, treading, till it seemed
That sense was breaking through.

And when they all were seated,
A service like a drum
Kept beating, beating, till I thought
My mind was going numb.

And then I heard them lift a box,
And creak across my soul
With those same boots of lead, again,
Then space began to toll

As all the heavens were a bell,
And Being but an ear,
And I and silence, some strange race,
Wrecked, solitary, here.

And then a plank in reason, broke,
And I dropped down and down--
And hit a world at every plunge,
And finished knowing--then--
Lara - I loved ALL of those

I love this one by Jewel, makes me think of something I''d write.
I have blonde hair
I pluck my eyebrows
I have my father''s nose,
my mother''s hands
I have crooked teeth
and green eyes
I play guitar
I used to get sick alot
I like the color of wine
I''ve cheated on boyfriends
I''ve owned fake ID
But my hair is still blonde
and my teeth are still crooked
and I probably won''t always like
the color of wine
I have firm breasts
I have lips that always smile
I have veins that bleed
I laugh when I''m nervous
I feel the pain of others
but cry for no reason
I like open flame
I''ve been selfish since a child
I''m from Alaska
but hate the cold
I''ve cheated on diets
I''ve faked applications
But I still bleed
and my lips still smile
and my breasts won''t
always be firm
I have strong shoulders
I have olive skin
I have a Swiss face I
borrowed from my grandmother
I have long nails on my right hand
which break regularly
My little toe is strange
I write
I used to make wreaths from dandelions
I brush my hair before bed
I cheated on tests
I faked flirtatious French accents
But I still have gold skin
and my nails still break
and I probably won''t always have
strong shoulders
and I may not always write
But maybe I''ll start
making wreaths
from dandelions again

Some more sister hazel

"The dance on my street
Was elegant and wild
Her lips were salty sweet
Hidden in a flawless smile

"And this kind of faith is so unshakeable
It''s unmistakable
It''s bigger than me"

"Well everybody gets a little paralyzed sometimes
The epidemic of our insanity"

"What do you think about maybe,
Staying around because lately
All I can think about''s you"

"So I nervously asked you your name
And that''s when the world seemed to stop"

Everything falls out of focus
You walk through the door
And one thing that''s clear to me
Helplessly hopeless
I''m all right with that
In a room full of people
Everything else disappears"

"We talked for hours
About the sun and moon
How it chases her round and round
It''s just trying to light up her face"

"And we sat on your car
While the light from the stars
Poked holes in the sky"

"After all of these lifetimes
You still take my breath away"

"You left your words on my lips
The sweetest little song and I taste every little bit"

"You know when pushing come to shove
You''ve got me hypnotized my love"

And so it is
The same you''ve not been since
One hit and you were lit up like a firefly
Be careful what you wish"

"Would you think I was crazy
If I stripped on down to my skin or
Would you think I was free as a bee" - one of my favs

"And oh yeah I might be crazy -
but that''s not the same as insane"

"We are just children understand
We''re two in a million
but precious grains of sand
We slip through the fingers
and dancing on the wind
We find each other"

A star made a wish on us tonight
Hangin'' out in heaven
inspired by our light"

"Lend me your car
and we''ll go chase down a falling star"

"I wanna tell everybody everybody
If they touched your hand then they''d never want to let you go

"You are so tempting my dear
You strip away my useless fears
No you don''t care that I''m weird
And that''s amazing yeah"

The following was one I listened to over and over after my ex linky

Those are my main favs
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM
Author: ladypirate
I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.
Fighter of the Nightman
Champion of the sun!
You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!
Cracks me up every time.
Hahahaha, OMG, I can''t tell you how often FI and I sing that song, we love it. "You gotta pay the troll toll..."
Date: 4/3/2009 6:42:25 PM
Author: platinumrock
''La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la laaaa

Doo doo doo doo doooooooooo....


''Loving You'' by Minnie Ripperton.

You did say random.....
OMG, I remember that! How long ago did she release that single? Gawd I''m old!!

OK, here''s my offering:

"Life is not a dress rehearsal" Courtesey of my high school English teacher, the wonderful Joy Redshaw

"Democracy is letting him have your way" As seen on the back of a packet of England''s Glory matches (I wish I''d kept that box!)
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM
Author: ladypirate
I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.

Fighter of the Nightman
Champion of the sun!
You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.
I sang this ALL DAY! Thanks, ladypirate!
Date: 4/5/2009 9:29:44 PM
Author: gummibear
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM

Author: ladypirate

I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.



Fighter of the Nightman


Champion of the sun!


You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.

I sang this ALL DAY! Thanks, ladypirate!

I kid you not--last night we were out doing karaoke. As we left, the four of us burst into a rendition of Dayman and about 10 random people on the street started singing it and dancing with us!!!

Best. Night. Ever.
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM
Author: ladypirate
I have had 'Dayman' from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.

Fighter of the Nightman
Champion of the sun!
You're a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.

The 'Charlie's Musical' (was it called "Nightman Cometh?") episode made me laugh so. hard.
Date: 4/6/2009 12:28:42 AM
Author: EBree
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM

Author: ladypirate

I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.



Fighter of the Nightman


Champion of the sun!


You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.

The ''Charlie''s Musical'' (was it called ''Nightman Cometh?'') episode made me laugh so. hard.

You gotta pay the toll troll...
Date: 4/4/2009 6:32:34 PM
Author: Gailey

Date: 4/3/2009 6:42:25 PM
Author: platinumrock
'La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la laaaa

Doo doo doo doo doooooooooo....


'Loving You' by Minnie Ripperton.

You did say random.....
OMG, I remember that! How long ago did she release that single? Gawd I'm old!!

OK, here's my offering:

'Life is not a dress rehearsal' Courtesey of my high school English teacher, the wonderful Joy Redshaw

'Democracy is letting him have your way' As seen on the back of a packet of England's Glory matches (I wish I'd kept that box!)
Gailey, I'm a 90's baby, but I grew up with older siblings. So everything was 70's and 80's music in my house.

What's your favorite 80's song?

I can't tell you when Minnie Ripperton released that single, but I recognize it when I hear it!
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM
Author: ladypirate
I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.



Fighter of the Nightman


Champion of the sun!


You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.
Oh my god. I''m going to have this in my head ALL NIGHT!!!

That''s probably my favorite episode to date. I like to sing different versions. ie. I sing to my cats and say "Daycat.... Fighter of the Nightcat...."

That''s pretty sad. I probably shouldn''t have admitted that.
Date: 4/5/2009 11:38:56 PM
Author: ladypirate

Date: 4/5/2009 9:29:44 PM
Author: gummibear

Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM

Author: ladypirate

I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.



Fighter of the Nightman


Champion of the sun!


You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.

I sang this ALL DAY! Thanks, ladypirate!

I kid you not--last night we were out doing karaoke. As we left, the four of us burst into a rendition of Dayman and about 10 random people on the street started singing it and dancing with us!!!

Best. Night. Ever.
That''s the most awesome thing I''ve ever heard! That show is pure genius.
Date: 4/6/2009 8:50:18 PM
Author: Travel Goddess
Date: 4/3/2009 3:19:05 PM

Author: ladypirate

I have had ''Dayman'' from It''s Always Sunny in Philadelphia stuck in my head for the last two days.



Fighter of the Nightman


Champion of the sun!


You''re a master of karate (and friendship!) for everyone!

Cracks me up every time.

Oh my god. I''m going to have this in my head ALL NIGHT!!!

That''s probably my favorite episode to date. I like to sing different versions. ie. I sing to my cats and say ''Daycat.... Fighter of the Nightcat....''

That''s pretty sad. I probably shouldn''t have admitted that.

LOL!!! I totally do that to our cats, too! (Especially since one is white and one is a dark brown tabby).
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