
Random acts of kindness -- in the spirit of "Show me the ring!"

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Oct 25, 2007
Hi all,

The other day I found myself running a bunch of errands and popping in and out of various stores, and a number of salespeoples' rings caught my attention! I never usually do this, but I decided to tell each one how beautiful they looked. After a few "Wow, your ring just looks fabulous", I left the stores smiling, and it really made my afternoon. One woman stopped everything she was doing and told me the whole story of how she chose her setting, etc., and I found myself wondering if I'd discovered another secret PS'er... hee hee. Does anyone else ever find themselves commenting on others' rings? Cheers to random acts of kindness!

When people comment on my rings, I always feel really good. So I'm going to turn the tables and start offering compliments.

Thank you for this.
Hee hee me too! I''m doing it all day tomorrow too :)
I do this all the time! People always seem so shocked when you mention their rings, too - like it doesn''t happen very often. How sad! This is a great idea, I hope everyone does it.
Just this morning at breakfast I complimented a woman on her HUGE ring. It must''ve been 3 or 4 carats.
I cant help myself...i always stop people and ask about their jewelry and watches...done it for 30 years and dont plan on stopping...i get a real thrill when im asked about my jewelry or watches and its a real conversation starter with new people.Today at church I asked two men about their watches(one was a Rolex Sub and the other was an older Tag...both inquiries recieved big smiles and a hardy handshake)
Lane, I love that! Cheers to Random acts of kindness
I will make sure to do that
Isn''t it fun? Over the holiday I was standing under a tree (where the keg was
) with a woman wearing and incredible emerald cut three stone ring with traps (maybe trilions). It was stunning, but when I said so she said "Oh, thanks, how embarrassing"
. It was either very well cut or very clean or both, and not an unusual size but she clearly didn''t want to talk about it.
. Too bad, it sure was pretty!
Date: 7/14/2008 9:33:50 AM
Author: mercoledi
Isn''t it fun? Over the holiday I was standing under a tree (where the keg was
) with a woman wearing and incredible emerald cut three stone ring with traps (maybe trilions). It was stunning, but when I said so she said ''Oh, thanks, how embarrassing''
. It was either very well cut or very clean or both, and not an unusual size but she clearly didn''t want to talk about it.
. Too bad, it sure was pretty!

In some areas people just don''t comment on others rings much, I live in one myself. However, I am never embarrassed when I DO get the random comment, but it does always surprise me!
Yeah, this is pretty icy social climate but hey, if you can't make small talk at a keg on the 4th, when can you?

Boston has some big rocks, but this wasn't one of them. Maybe because I was blingless (what with the ocean and all). Whatever.

Besides, I know the host has a friend who works for GIA in Cali and purportedly has an awesome, fiery old-cut round. Wouldn't want to miss meeting her!

Hmm, I can't seem to make it to any of the GTG's, maybe this is how I can ferret out my local PSers? See who doesn't recoil in horror when complimented?

Most people's wedding jewelry is more of a token than a hobby I guess.
Unfortunately, outside of PS, the majority of people focus more on size than quality so when I spot one that you can tell is a high quality diamond, I’ll go out of my way to say something. Some people do get embarrassed so I’ll try to just say “you have a beautiful ring, congrats on the engagement (if w/out band)” or simply “what a beautiful ring” Even though in the back of my mind I want to ask for the stats LOL
I have to admit, I have an eye in the back of my head when it comes to someone else's jewelry and giving them a compliment. Sometimes people blush and sometimes it will strike up a whole conversation concerning jewelry. Either way, I am happy to compliment....... it is in my blood!!!
...and I don't do it to get compliments in return. I genuinely enjoy doing it! Great Thread Lane!! Why I never knew that these compliments where considered a random act of kindness. Even more reason to keep complimenting!!!!! It could really make someone's day!!
I do. I work in a pharmacy and see lots of hands wearing rings. When time permits (I usually have a long line of patients with Rx''s to type in) I will comment on the pretties. Some simply say thankyou, but others will launch into their story!
I comment on other people''s fabulosity all the time!!!

BUT, to be honest with you, I actually find it kind of embarrasing when people point out my jewelery... and you''ve got me thinking. I think I feel guilty sometimes that I have what I have. I''m one of 5 children. My mom says stuff to me all the time like "you''re so spoiled" and "how can you let him spend money on you like that"... and you know what? I think I may have some issues with spending money on myself!!! LOL!!! My kids have the best stuff, and my husband has 3 times more clothes than I do... and anything I have that is nice... someone ELSE got it for me!

I think I may need some therapy... ETA- RETAIL therapy... hmmm.... I wonder what Michael Kors is putting out right now
I love cameos (as you can tell from my avatar) & the other day a woman sitting at the next table at a cafe was wearing a pair of beautiful 19th century cameo earrings, winged cupid heads. I said, "What amazing earrings!" She looked startled--I live in NYC, where it''s considered a little rude to interrupt other people''s privacy without a very good reason--but also pleased. She said, "Thank you. They''re pretty special, you have a good eye." I guess that might sound boastful or self-congratulatory, but I knew what she meant. Not many people know enough about cameos to recognize just how wonderful they were, so she probably wasn''t used to getting the compliments they deserve.
I find that personally I can be rather modest so sometimes it''s hard to accept compliments. If someone says "your hair looks nice today" I really have to think hard about my response - my gut is to say "Oh, I just tossed it up" or something. I think it stems from now wanting to appear too into myself. I dunno.

Anyway... compliments are always nice about everything, including jewelry.
If we can''t spread happiness around the subject of JEWELRY...c''mon...what''s wrong with this planet??
Think of it as "paying it forward" PS style....
Hey, is the keg still under the tree? I''ll meet you there!
It''s something I do quite often when I see something that catches my eye. I know people appreciate the compliments, at least I hope they do!
Date: 7/14/2008 10:02:38 AM
Author: mercoledi
Yeah, this is pretty icy social climate but hey, if you can''t make small talk at a keg on the 4th, when can you?

Boston has some big rocks, but this wasn''t one of them. Maybe because I was blingless (what with the ocean and all). Whatever.

Besides, I know the host has a friend who works for GIA in Cali and purportedly has an awesome, fiery old-cut round. Wouldn''t want to miss meeting her!

Hmm, I can''t seem to make it to any of the GTG''s, maybe this is how I can ferret out my local PSers? See who doesn''t recoil in horror when complimented?

Most people''s wedding jewelry is more of a token than a hobby I guess.
LOL!! Maybe....
Date: 7/14/2008 7:33:21 PM
Author: Ellen
Date: 7/14/2008 10:02:38 AM

Author: mercoledi

Yeah, this is pretty icy social climate but hey, if you can''t make small talk at a keg on the 4th, when can you?

Boston has some big rocks, but this wasn''t one of them. Maybe because I was blingless (what with the ocean and all). Whatever.

Besides, I know the host has a friend who works for GIA in Cali and purportedly has an awesome, fiery old-cut round. Wouldn''t want to miss meeting her!

Hmm, I can''t seem to make it to any of the GTG''s, maybe this is how I can ferret out my local PSers? See who doesn''t recoil in horror when complimented?

This is HILARIOUS! I love all the positive thoughts on this thread!! I was simply struck at how good it made me feel to say aloud what I was thinking -- but I will keep in mind to not sound over the top, as I wouldn''t want to embarrass anyone. But I LOVE the idea of ferretting out PS''ers -- Imagine this:

Me: "Your ring looks so lovely in this light!"
Me (interrupts: Would you like to "Show me the ring" (winks)
Her: AHHH! I KNEW IT!!!!
Date: 7/14/2008 9:05:24 PM
Author: Lane

Date: 7/14/2008 7:33:21 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 7/14/2008 10:02:38 AM

Author: mercoledi

Yeah, this is pretty icy social climate but hey, if you can''t make small talk at a keg on the 4th, when can you?

Boston has some big rocks, but this wasn''t one of them. Maybe because I was blingless (what with the ocean and all). Whatever.

Besides, I know the host has a friend who works for GIA in Cali and purportedly has an awesome, fiery old-cut round. Wouldn''t want to miss meeting her!

Hmm, I can''t seem to make it to any of the GTG''s, maybe this is how I can ferret out my local PSers? See who doesn''t recoil in horror when complimented?

This is HILARIOUS! I love all the positive thoughts on this thread!! I was simply struck at how good it made me feel to say aloud what I was thinking -- but I will keep in mind to not sound over the top, as I wouldn''t want to embarrass anyone. But I LOVE the idea of ferretting out PS''ers -- Imagine this:

Me: ''Your ring looks so lovely in this light!''
Me (interrupts: Would you like to ''Show me the ring'' (winks)
Her: AHHH! I KNEW IT!!!!

Me: ''My goodness, your ring sparkes beautifully!''
Her: ''OH REALLY! But I haven''t even cleaned it yet today!
Me: (interrupts: OMG, I just happen to have the website link to an Ultrasonic Cleaner on my cell phone! (winks)
what a nice idea! i LOVE it when people comment on my ring! Always brings a smile to my face because i love it so much and it''s nice when someone else does too! i always tell my fiance and it makes him smile too, it''s so cute, you can see the pride in his face like "yeahhhh...i picked it."
LOL! I think this is so cool! I''m going to have to start complimenting people on their jewelry!

I usually don''t say anything when I see someone with a beautiful piece of jewelry, just because (as some others have mentioned above) they may feel uncomfortable. Usually, I just "rubberneck" to get a better look! LOL!

This reminds me of something that happened to me right after DH and I got engaged. I work for a law firm, and one of our clients is a very sweet little old lady. I had to meet with her one day shortly after I got my ring, and she noticed it immediately. She said, "That engagement ring is just BEAUTIFUL! That''s one of the classiest engagement rings I''ve ever seen!" I thought it was so sweet of her to say that, and I still remember it even though it happened almost four years ago!
Date: 7/14/2008 10:25:15 AM
Author: fieryred33143
Unfortunately, outside of PS, the majority of people focus more on size than quality so when I spot one that you can tell is a high quality diamond, I’ll go out of my way to say something. Some people do get embarrassed so I’ll try to just say “you have a beautiful ring, congrats on the engagement (if w/out band)” or simply “what a beautiful ring” Even though in the back of my mind I want to ask for the stats LOL
I do the same thing.

My BF told me a new gal they hired at work had "the biggest rock he''d ever seen." When I met her, I couldn''t help noticing the giant cloudy rock on her finger. He even said, "Look, look at her ring!" I was at a loss for words. I just said "yeah, you were right.... pretty big."

I had to explain to him later that sure, her diamond was huge, but it was also a big piece of crap.

What do you say when someone shows you a ring they bought purely b/c of size and not quality? I tend to say "Jeez, that''s quite a rock." But then I feel like I''m encouraging this, um.. er.. ''uninformed consumer behavior.''

Does this post sound entirely too snarky?
Date: 7/14/2008 7:22:51 PM
Author: GemALLogist

Hey, is the keg still under the tree? I'll meet you there!


The keg(s) didn't even make it to sundown! But what a great place to check out bling! Filtered light + busy hands! Gotta remember that one.

You ladies are so funny!
Terry, I've been complimented by my pharmacist! I'm a bit of a rambler

Lane, LS
Someday it'll work! Mostly I think it'll go like this:

Me: Oh! I love your Tacori- that setting is so ornate!
Them: Go away stalker.

Right now I think a friend is probably within a year of getting engaged and I'm trying to scheme my way into the process. Is that evil?
I hope not.
When I see a ring that I like I always compliment the person wearing it!

I have an ulterior motive though- although it makes them feel good, it always gets me a better and closer look at their ring!!

I love this thread!

I complimented a sales girl''s ring during the craze of Christmas sales last year, and she was absolutely BEAMING! Despite being ridiculously busy, she took a few seconds to tell me that her man picked it out all by himself and she couldn''t wait to tell him that I noticed it! She also told me that she''d had a hard week, and I made her day by calling out her lovely ring.
I used to be a mail carrier, and I found some great stories from customers over the years. There was a brown OMC that was the only piece of jewelry a woman had left because her home had been broken into five times, it had belonged to her late M-I-L. The newly engaged girl whose friends sniffed at the ring because it was ''just'' a carat, but the color and cut were so good it literally blinded you from across the yard...she was crying happy tears to hear me gush over it. Then, there was a woman with a four carat princess cut, who loved trying on my much smaller marquise, and raved about the perfection of the setting, and told me how they saved for years and traded in a lot of rings to get hers...(they also had matching vintage Mustangs they showed)...she chided me to ''wear more of your have good taste and who cares if it is with work clothes? Diamonds can be cleaned...'' The older woman with a BEAUTIFUL 5-stone anniversary band for her 50th who griped her husband only bought it because he was cheap until I could tell her that the quality of the stones made the value higher than she thought (the husband looked grateful)
Every jewelry box is a woman''s (and often a man''s) history.
I can really relate to what your saying!Being in the jewelry trade,talking with people about their jewelry is a daily thing...just like on PRICESCOPE...People love to share about their lives and jewelry that they wear everyday is a part of that life.its a great way to get to know people and form relationships.
style="WIDTH: 98.3%; HEIGHT: 70px">Date: 7/15/2008 2:32:57 PM
Author: glitterbug
I love this thread!

I complimented a sales girl''s ring during the craze of Christmas sales last year, and she was absolutely BEAMING! Despite being ridiculously busy, she took a few seconds to tell me that her man picked it out all by himself and she couldn''t wait to tell him that I noticed it! She also told me that she''d had a hard week, and I made her day by calling out her lovely ring.

I love that! I can really see how it''s a point of pride when a man (with not much outside help) picks out a real stunner. I can think of very few men I know that would pick out something I''d love to wear.

Yet another reason to compliment beautiful rings.... you never know if you might make someone''s day (or week!)

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