
Quizz : where is(are) the inclusion(s) and how would you grade the clarity of that stone ?

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Dec 9, 2002
under 25x magnification
this stone shows a pretty good H&Arrows pattern...even if it''s not
an H&A.......

Good luck


Hey Tichrome:
Taking into consideration that the stone has been cleaned thouroughly I seem to spot an inclusion at the top left around 11
0 around the edge along with a faint feather around the center of the table. Also vaious pinpoint inclusions throughout the left side of the stone. I would guess under this kind of magnification si1-si2?

Cool Quiz
Josh Rioux
Sitka, Alaska
Your first assumption was not right lol

The stone was not that clean....

What you see in the bottom left is just minute particles of dust on the surface....

now for the other 2 inclusions (the one at 11oclock) and the feather in the center...
hmmm.....let's wait for more answers before I give the answer.

Feather in the center, and crystal at 11 o'clock? Who graded it and what size is the diamond? Off hand I'd guess SI1 give or take a grade.
Is it fracture filled at 4 o'clock on the table?
Being the non-expert that I am - but an expert puzzle solver, I take a broad stroke guess. Gosh I love quizzes!

All in the outer crown area of the stone:

something at approx. 1 O'clock

A longer line at approx. 4 O'clock (reaching back toward table 3:30)

Another line something at 5 O'Clock

something again at about 5:30 (possibly a couple of somethings)

something at about 9:30 and 11:30

In the table area:

Alot of somethings from 7-O'Clock

An Vs2 for clarity is the grade as this is 25x mag.

But if I'm ALL wrong I want to state that everyone knows you shouldn't grade a diamond that is set!!


edited to cleanup the $!@% smiles at the O'Clock's
BTW - When does the answer get posted?

I'll give the answer tomorrow...

I agree that it is not easy...

A clue : there's nothing (no inclusions) outside the table area.... all what you see over
there is only dust..

So..... in the table area.... is there something ????? hmmmmm.....
and if there is something, will it make the stone an SI, VS1, VS2 or IF ????.

Let"s see tomorrow.


BTW : Lights used for this picture are very special.... It's a combination of
ambient winter light, focal white light and neon light....
On 3/8/2003 7:50
5 PM trichrome wrote:

and if there is something, will it make the stone an SI, VS1, VS2 or IF ????.


Well, I know it does't make it IF
I'd say pretty darn difficult to find under 10x.

Let's go with VVS2.


p.s. No fair posting a stone that's dirty as hell. Looks like you dropped it in the sandbox!
I would say a VS2
I was at work so I had not a lot of things under my hand to clean the stone.

So here is the answer.

The thing that is a little bit red at 11oclock close to the edge of the table is simply
an artefact.

In this stone, there's only one inclusion located at 11oclock very close to the center of the
table area. It's like an inverted smile... medium length but very thin... difficult to
find under 10x... it's not a feather, more like a cloud.... and it was graded VS1
by GIA. I agree with this even if the inclusion is right in the center of the stone but it's
very small so that's why it's a VS1 and not a VS2.

Happy grading to all of you!!!!

This was actually pretty fun. How about some more where you don't give us a dirty picture :P

And what's an artefact in diamond grading terms?
I agree - a guess the inclusion and grade quiz on-going.
We need to start a "New" Glossary of Terms and add:
artefact and warped
the way it is shown ,It looks like an si2!!!not considering all the lint that is shown on the stone!!!
I agree that the stone was dirty!!!!

An artefact is just something you see in a picture or an Xray for
example that is not really there... it is cause by some unusual light
or superposition of objects...

Why not continue this sort of quizz with better pics!


On 3/10/2003 9:37:53 AM trichrome wrote:

Why not continue this sort of quizz with better pics!


I dont' know why not Tri. Don't you have diamonds that are cleaner :P

halo at 10;45 pinpoints@7;00 feather or reflection?si2
dog nabbit i swore si2 neever thought lint
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