
Questions for our Britts regarding Prince Harry


Apr 30, 2005
Since he quit, why is he still shown in the line of succession?
This screen capture from Wikipedia shows him a 5th in line.


If he requests so, can he be removed from the line?
Alternatively, can he be removed from the line even if he wants to remain in the line?
Do you think he should be removed from the line?

Next, gay marriage is legal in UK.
If the monarch declares he/she is gay, can (s)he still reign?
If so, what if they do not produce an heir?

Serious questions.
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Oct 1, 2015
They are not working royals but Harry and his children are still in the line of succession. The only way Harry could be removed is by passing legislation through an Act of Parliament.

The problem for a gay monarch is that the Church of England does not recognize gay marriage. Theoretically, the king can marry a man in a civil ceremony and have his marriage recognized as legal. But this would cause problems because the king is supposed to assume the title “Defender of the Faith”. The Church of England would either have to approve gay marriage or separate the Crown and the Church (both highly unlikely). Before the child of a king in a same-sex marriage could succeed, changes would have to be made by Parliament to the laws of succession because at the moment a child born via surrogacy cannot inherit the throne.

The best, and oldest, source of information on the British nobility is Debrett’s Peerage. If your name isn’t in it, you’re not one of the nobs. The book has been the bible of who’s who in the British aristocracy since the 1670s. Now of course it’s all available on line!

You might even find my name somewhere in those website pages under “aristocratic betrothals” as my engagement was once announced in The Times to a scion of the Barons Amherst of Hackney (who I, thank god, did not end up marrying!). I believe his family were rather horrified that their darling, Eton educated, eldest son might marry a common chit whose parents grew up on a council estate in Peckham. Oh how I laughed when he actually ended up marrying (briefly) a Russian prostitute he “acquired” from a sticky floored dive bar in Dubai. Good times!


Feb 24, 2017
In answer to your last question, if the Monarch does not produce an heir, it goes to the next in line, i.e., if Charles had not produced an heir, next in line (at the time) would’ve been Prince Andrew. Since Charles’ generation, things have changed, and that is why Charlotte is now in line, whereas Anne wasn’t. Previously a male heir, even if younger, trumped their female siblings


Apr 30, 2005
Thanks. :wavey:

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
They are not working royals but Harry and his children are still in the line of succession. The only way Harry could be removed is by passing legislation through an Act of Parliament.

The problem for a gay monarch is that the Church of England does not recognize gay marriage. Theoretically, the king can marry a man in a civil ceremony and have his marriage recognized as legal. But this would cause problems because the king is supposed to assume the title “Defender of the Faith”. The Church of England would either have to approve gay marriage or separate the Crown and the Church (both highly unlikely). Before the child of a king in a same-sex marriage could succeed, changes would have to be made by Parliament to the laws of succession because at the moment a child born via surrogacy cannot inherit the throne.

The best, and oldest, source of information on the British nobility is Debrett’s Peerage. If your name isn’t in it, you’re not one of the nobs. The book has been the bible of who’s who in the British aristocracy since the 1670s. Now of course it’s all available on line!

You might even find my name somewhere in those website pages under “aristocratic betrothals” as my engagement was once announced in The Times to a scion of the Barons Amherst of Hackney (who I, thank god, did not end up marrying!). I believe his family were rather horrified that their darling, Eton educated, eldest son might marry a common chit whose parents grew up on a council estate in Peckham. Oh how I laughed when he actually ended up marrying (briefly) a Russian prostitute he “acquired” from a sticky floored dive bar in Dubai. Good times!

What she said.

However, I couldn’t read & run on the last bit. I gagged a laugh out loud! SOOOOO FUNNY!!!!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
i notice you only asked Brits Kenny
dont forget the King is soverign to more than just the UK

any change in legislation -like the 2013 Succession of the Crown Act (the one that stopped the future young Louis leap frogging the future Charlotte ) has to be also made by all the parliments in the other realms

The Act was passed in 2013 to put in place changes that were agreed in 2011 by the 16 Realms. However, the date that the main provisions of the Act take effect needed to be coordinated with the other Realms, once they had all made the necessary arrangements, such as passing similar legislation.
“It’s important that the legislation came into force in a co-ordinated way with the other Realms. All Realms, including New Zealand, must have the same succession laws,”

Princess Anne is still in the line of succesion, HRH has just moved a long way down the list as her younger brothers' families continue to grow, i think she is now about 17th
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Since he quit, why is he still shown in the line of succession?
This screen capture from Wikipedia shows him a 5th in line.


If he requests so, can he be removed from the line?
Alternatively, can he be removed from the line even if he wants to remain in the line?
Do you think he should be removed from the line?

Next, gay marriage is legal in UK.
If the monarch declares he/she is gay, can (s)he still reign?
If so, what if they do not produce an heir?

Serious questions.

the gay marrage thing i think could prove tricky, i forget the European monarchy that have allowed it, maybe the Belgiums ?
anyway a child in the line of succession must be born of the mother's body, ie not by a surrigate, so the issue isnt just one of gay marrage and the church,

regarding Harry, parliment would have to pass legislation to remove his title and or line of succession, its not just what the King does or does not want, i beleave a back bencher may have tried to introduce a bill doing this but it didnt even get past its first reading in parliment, parliment really has more important things to think about than a 5th in line to the throne who will move further and further away from that throne as William's children get married and have children of there own (yes - no illigitimate children allowed in the list either)
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