
Question on baguette settings and where to find them ?


Dec 4, 2007
Question on baguette settings and where to find them (reasonably) ?

You know the one, basic head in the middle and two baguettes on each side.

First, do the side baguettes fall out more often then a round side stone may? I just bought one of these settings (used, stones seemed tight) and one baguette fell out. Fortunately, I found it.

Any ideas on where to find theses settings? I guess no one has good prices nowadays due to the price of gold. I'm looking at LOGR but the baguettes are a bit small (.08) and the price he gave me with a few customizations started to get a bit crazy. American Set has one but the baguettes are even smaller, .05, (on their cheapest).

Any ideas?

Thanks so very much.
Yes, search on the keywords "baguette" and the shape of your stone "pear" "princess" "round", they have several settings like that available in single metals or two-tone.

Thanks Laura !
sonomacounty said:
First, do the side baguettes fall out more often then a round side stone may?

No, they don't fall out easier, but they are easier to break and those sharp corners need to be well protected or they will chip if you look at them wrong.

Any ideas on where to find theses settings? I guess no one has good prices nowadays due to the price of gold.

The price of gold doesn't have as much of an effect as many people think it does. On an average setting the price of the gold in the setting is about 25% of the cost of the setting or less, with the remainder being the costs of setting stones, finishing work and profit to keep the business running. This also has very little effect on this style of setting. The main problem with these settings being made in greater quantities and at lower prices is that the sizes of the side baguettes vary greatly and these settings need to be very closely sized to the baguettes being used. With prong settings you have maybe .5mm leeway in sizing, but with the baguettes you only have maybe .1mm at the very most. Couple that with the fact that a certain carat size of baguette can be all sorts of different sizes and it puts this style of setting squarely in the "custom" bracket and outside of the realm of the inexpensive E-bay sellers, (unless you can find some in which they are providing the side stones).
Daniel M does baguette settings; I'd consider shooting him a message.
I was looking for exactly this setting a few weeks ago with bigger baguettes. I contacted Daniel M and his quote was excellent. However, he wanted me to send him the centre stone which to me isn't possible so I'm having to have it made locally instead.
Thanks all.

Thanks Mike - great info from "the inside".

Thanks Indy - will do. Much appreciated.

L.D., will contact Daniel for sure. Still want to know if that (amazing) fluorescent pear you put pictures up of the other day is yours?
Yes it's mine. I've re-set it though and it now has pear sides. This is it now! Thank you for your lovely words.

Diamond Pear8_1_1.JPG
Fantastic, L.D. You have some amazing pieces. I like it better this way. It has a more timeless feel. Very Elegant.

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