
question for ladies about proposal

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Nov 28, 2006
so I already posted my plan in the other forum

but my main question I have for the ladies in waiting here is this: if your boyfriend planned a nice surprise dinner at home for a proposal, would you care that you stumbled on it when you weren''t dressed up at all, or even coming home from the gym or something (not necessarily all sweaty or anything, just a little grungy)? My girl is pretty laid back, and I don''t think she would care if she isn''t dressed up, since we will be in our home, I just didn''t know if this would bother most women.


Sep 30, 2006
Nope, wouldn''t bother me, actually it would be nice to be comfy instead of all stiff and made up! But then, I''m a jeans-and-a-tshirt girl.


Nov 2, 2006
Your lucky gf is going to be so happy that she won''t care what she looks like! But- have a camera available anyways!


Feb 20, 2006
Wouldn''t bother me at all. But, you know your fiance to be better than anyone. Is she the kind of person who runs in and takes a shower immediately after the gym before doing anything else? Does she hide when she doesn''t have any make-up on? Some women are perfectly put together at all times and would want to be so during their proposal. However, I think most women would be so happy that what they were wearing would never cross their mind.

Good luck! And keep us informed.


Nov 16, 2005
I don''t think your gal would be thinking of anything besides the proposal!! I know I wouldn''t!

If you think she might want some dressier pictures of the event why not plan to go get a celebratory drink at the local bar/pub/restaurant -- or maybe go out for dessert? And then give her time between dinner and going out to get made up a bit.

That way you can have the comfortable -just the 2 of you time and also the dressed up "we are celebrating" time.


Sep 21, 2006
i think she won''t mind b/c you buys will be home and she''s laid back. but if you''re cooking some nice romantic dinner she may want to "feel" more prepped, so a nice idea could be to choose a nice outfit out of her closet (something simple like a dress or nice top with jeans) and leave it on the bed for her to quickly change into (you can her to make a quick change and to come back out for dinner). Maybe that only works in the movie..i recall richard gere always buying the perfect "outfit" for his leading ladies in a few of is movies..


Sep 7, 2005
Actually, it WOULD bother me, but I may be a completely different person from your gf....I would feel gross like a total slob. I had an idea...I dont'' know if she likes baths but what if the first part of your evening involved your drawing her a nice bath with some scented oils or rose petals and pampering her in this way prior to dinner? It would be so sweet of you and would ensure that she would feel relaxed and fresh for the big question. Good luck!!


May 23, 2006
Date: 11/29/2006 6:17:00 PM
Author: Kit
Actually, it WOULD bother me, but I may be a completely different person from your gf....I would feel gross like a total slob. I had an idea...I dont'' know if she likes baths but what if the first part of your evening involved your drawing her a nice bath with some scented oils or rose petals and pampering her in this way prior to dinner? It would be so sweet of you and would ensure that she would feel relaxed and fresh for the big question. Good luck!!
I agree with that bath suggestion with scented oils... that sounds so nice and she would feel fresh and ready for dinner. You could just finish up dinner while she took her bath and got dressed, so everything would be all ready when she was. Another great thing is that you could take her to go pick out what scents she wanted at the mall so you got exactly what she liked (tea tree oil is a great one for relaxation and rejuvination since it''s a really fresh and clean scent (my fav!)). Good luck!



Mar 6, 2006
I'm an old married ladie, but I would not mind. If its at home I'm sure she will be thrilled with the surprise. Just don't plan it when she is all sweaty coming back from the gym or a run or something.


Apr 10, 2006
I think it really depends on the girl, and only you know her, but atleast make plans for afterwards and tell her to get in the shower and get pretty then.


Apr 10, 2006
I wouldn''t mind so much it if was just when I came home, but if I came home from the gym I think I would mind, I wouldn''t want to sit and eat a nice dinner after the gym, but if I was out shopping in sweats or something that wouldn''t be so bad. I have some friends who would be totally not happy if it happened like that though.


Jan 20, 2006
It wouldn''t bother me at all...but I''m also pretty laid back about these things. Plus you KNOW you will catch her completely off guard! I say go for it if you think she won''t know her best anyway!

How exciting!!!



Oct 29, 2006
Where is she coming back from that she''ll most likely be wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants? Because that makes a difference too... or at least for me it would :) I personally wouldn''t want it right after I got home from work or from the gym, I take a shower right after I get home from those two places, and get slightly irritated if I''m required to do anything inbetween the time I get home and the time I can hop into the shower... After I take a shower, it wouldn''t matter to me what I''m wearing.. but something to think about it... if you do the bath thing, if she thinks it''s just another night, is she the type to just put on a pair of pj''s and settle in for the night? If thats the case, maybe set up the bath like suggested, but also lay out an outfit you know she loves to wear when going out (if you plan to go out after dinner) Or if you''re staying in, buy her a pair of silk pajamas, or bathrobe or something else thats comfy but sexy, to put on after her relaxing bath.

Personally, I''ve always kinda wished that when I get proposed to, it''s on a friday night, and we can spend the entire night in, alone. Then Saturday we morning we can go visit our parents and let them know the good news, and at night get together with all of our friends and family to celebrate!!!

ok, I''m getting a little carried away.... but those are my thoughts on the issue! :D

Good luck with whatever you decide to do, and remember, the most important thing to her will be you asking her to marry you!


Nov 28, 2006
wow, lots of responses. I post in the proposal idea forum and get no feedback, but here in LIW there are plenty of responses! I guess there are more women waiting for the proposal here than there are men trying to figure out how to do it!

anyways, thanks for the responses. Like I said, she is pretty relaxed and I don''t think will care. I am planning on doing it on a friday night, and she always goes and babysits some little cousins of hers for a couple hours, they usually end up playing outside, so she won''t be sweaty or anything, but just not dressed up. Since we live together it''s my only real chance to set something up, so hopefully it all works out.

Thanks for the bath idea and all that, it''s not bad, but my only problem is I would rather just do it right when she gets home and surprise her. If she goes up to change and bathe first, she''ll see the whole setup, she''ll know what''s going on (she for sure knows it''s coming soon), so I would rather catch her off guard, seems more fun that way, at least for me!

thanks for the responses though, really, this stuff stresses us guys out! And if any of you want to let me know how my whole plan sounds, feel free to respond to my other thread


Nov 2, 2006
Could you tell her you have a big night planned or that you''re having dinner with your boss and his wife at a nice restaurant and that you''re going to pick her up from babysitting? Say there won''t be enough time for her to go home and get ready and ask if she can get ready there. Then you can say you forgot your wallet or cell phone or something and go home to get it. You can act like you''re going inside to get it and light the candles etc while she''s in the car. Then call her from inside and have her come in. She''ll be dressed up and she''ll find your suprise. You can take care of most of the cooking before hand and keep it warm in the over and then just sear the fish when you get home.


Sep 29, 2006
I would not care when or how it happened as long as it happened! lol
If your girlfriend is the type that would like something private then what you have planned is perfect!


Jan 21, 2006
It wouldn''t bother me and I''m sure she will be just thrilled that you are proposing!!''s an idea. How about proposing as you planned, but then getting dressed up to go out afterwards for dessert or cocktails to celebrate with friends or just the two of you? Then you can have your "fancy" celebration pictures as well. Just a thought, you know your gal better than all of us as to what she would like.


Jun 17, 2005
I would not need to be glammed up and dressed up, but I would not want to be sweaty and have just come from a work out. Comfy is one thing, but clean is another! I love to get dressed up and made up but am also happy in my sweats and a pony tail without makeup, but there is a fine just be aware that she might like to at least be showered!


Nov 28, 2006
she won''t really be sweaty, and I don''t think she will want to be "dressed up", but maybe want to change into something comfortable. So here is my plan, after feedback, and abbreviated:

- I will be picking her up, so I''m going to have a cd playing in the car with a few of "our songs". not so much as a hint, but just to kinda get her in the right frame of mind, and primed up for the big event, if you know what I mean

-the drive is only a couple minutes, so before I leave, I''ll have the dinner mostly made, I''ll light candles, get some music playing, etc. I''m also thinking of having some sort of appetizer out.
- she''ll walk in, see the set up, swoon (hopefully, haha), and I''ll get her a drink, and give her the card (as I mentioned in the other thread, I want a card on her plate, and inside I''ll write some gooey stuff, ending in this line (yes, I already wrote the card, at least draft number one): "....but once I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I knew I wanted the rest of our lives to start as soon as possible. And it can, all you have to do is answer one question...." (a little bit of a rip off of harry met sally, I know I know...and I just admitted I''m a guy who knows harry met sally....but I blame scrubs, if you watch that show)
- at this point, she''ll look at me, I''ll have the ring out, ever so suavely, and I''ll propose.
-"YES!" cue hugs, kisses, tears (mostly mine I''m sure, I''m the sentimental one), a nice toast with champagne (a pop of the cork always seems so celebratory to me, you know?)
- then, I''ll say I am going to go finish the dinner, why doesn''t she go change if she wants to, come back down, and we can have a dinner together to celebrate and to gaze longingly into each others eyes?

sappy? most definitely. probably won''t work this way exactly? most likely. but it sounds good to me, and will let her change while still maintaining the element of surprise.

sound good? thanks for all the input!
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