
Question about table sizes

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May 28, 2002
Are minute differences in table sizes noticable? Would anybody be able to notice the difference between a 55% table and a 58% table? Would the fire be the same as far as the naked eye is concerned? I only ask this b/c I've noticed that although the preferred Ideal table range is usually 54%-57%, diamonds with tables 58-59% are fairly discounted for falling outside that mathematical range. Would a novice be able to notice the difference?
I can not pick the difference when all other proportions are the same :)
Years ago Lazare Kaplan did a comparison of table size. They had figured that about 55% was best and to stay as near that as possible. They exhibited this as the "cone of brilliance" and the comparison was from slightly titled angles (off memory 10 and 18 degrees). This is where the light fall off was exhibited. Now the printed comparison I saw was comparing a 55% to a 65% table. The cone of brilliance changed from 20 degrees with a 65% table to 36 degrees with a 55% table.

With this being said. I agree with Garry that a degree or two would be difficult to see when all other factors are the same.
I too have noticed the discount for diamonds with a table greater than 57%.

The reason frequently given for why cutters cut a table greater than 57% is that they are able to retain more weight by doing so, which translates to a higher selling price.

But this is not true. Diamonds with tables at or under 57, all other things being equal, sell for a premium.

So why are cutters still cutting stones with the larger table?
So does this mean that a 58% table will still produce firey results? I know that a table around 55% is the most desirable, but at what point do you really start to notice a difference? I love fire in a diamond, but I'm unsure what limits I should set should push come to shove with the budget. I know I'll shoot to keep the depth between 60%-63%, but some people say I could go as high as 60% with the table and still get a lot of fire. As far as novice noticability goes (not professional or mathematic aspirations), what limits should I set for the table %?
I understand that the "cone of brilliance" has been written in Gems and Gemology". You heard it first here on Pricescope!
Can you get the issue / voluume # please Steve? Or anyone else?
I believe it is Summer 2002.
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