
Purple Tourmaline from Afghanistan?


Oct 14, 2019
Hello everyone! I recently acquired this parcel of Purple Tourmaline labeled from Afghanistan. The total ct weight written on the case was 3.1 which when weighed was 3.1grams... The parcel was from an estate sale and was said to have been locked up in a safe for over 20 years. There were other larger stones in the 3-6ct range in the sale I'm going back for. This parcel is being sent to a lab tomorrow.

Does anyone know anything about any purples from Afghanistan? Thanks!20191014_205437.jpg20191014_205634.jpg20191014_205437.jpg20191014_205634.jpg
very pretty .Are you sure they are Tourmaline from Afghanistan? I thought that it was only a rare and small find of the purple? Hopefully the lab will be able to confirm type if not origin for you.
very pretty .Are you sure they are Tourmaline from Afghanistan? I thought that it was only a rare and small find of the purple? Hopefully the lab will be able to confirm type if not origin for you.

Just as about as sure as the 3.1cts that was actually 3.1grams. I'm hoping the lab report can tell me more. Either way though I'm super happy with them.
The timing of the afghan find aligns with these being older. Does anyone know if the Afghan ones were copper bearing?
Best guess is amethyst in the wrong box but maybe you've ruled that out already. Who, knowing that this is Afghan tourmaline, would "confuse" grams and cts? Although a few of the emerald-cut look dark for amethyst...
I know we’re not supposed to ID stones from a photo, but they scream Amethyst to me.
Inclusions under the scope look like tourmaline but im not trained in any way. Just off of past experiences.
And the c axis seems a little closed on them so im thinking tourmaline.
How can you tell it’s a closed axis without seeing a side view? They could just be overly dark amethyst.
And the c axis seems a little closed on them so im thinking tourmaline.
They could just be overly dark amethyst.
Yeah - Since you seem to have the ability to weight them, check the sg?
Inclusions under the scope look like tourmaline but im not trained in any way. Just off of past experiences.
Are they quite included? I have a purple tourmaline with an AGL report and it is very included. It looks like an amethyst, so much so that the person I sent it to for a recut of the pavilion thought it was an amethyst, but AGL says it’s purple tourmaline. I don’t know the origin of mine, but is not copper bearing and wasn’t very expensive. Your stones are pretty!
Here’s a screenshot from All That Glitters that talks briefly about the possibility of purple Afghan tourmaline and has a couple of photos of stones said to be from there. 2B59129C-0398-4093-8265-3136011B31EF.jpeg
The timing of the afghan find aligns with these being older. Does anyone know if the Afghan ones were copper bearing?
To my knowledge,
Here’s a screenshot from All That Glitters that talks briefly about the possibility of purple Afghan tourmaline and has a couple of photos of stones said to be from there. 2B59129C-0398-4093-8265-3136011B31EF.jpeg
Those have reddish undertones that purple tourmaline I’ve seen usually has. The OP’s tourmaline are flatter in color.
Grape purple copper bearing tourmaline from Mozambique, just for color comparison. This has a GIT memo.C314C50A-2C0D-4ADD-B841-8B876538BDA5.jpeg
Your purple tourmaline is gorgeous @T L ! I tried to get a decent photo of mine with my iPhone and out of 50 pictures, this was the best one, and it’s not really what I am seeing in person.. It’s hard to photograph! It’s not the best quality stone, but I love all things purple and wanted a purple tourmaline for my collection. I think there are still a couple available from the person I bought mine from on Loupe Troop
But back to the original posters question, did the wording on the description of the stones for sale at All That Glitters seem to question that purple tourmaline was actually found in Afghanistan? That was the way I read it.
Grape purple copper bearing tourmaline from Mozambique, just for color comparison. This has a GIT memo.C314C50A-2C0D-4ADD-B841-8B876538BDA5.jpeg
Why don’t you heat it? It most likely will turn blue. I think it would turn a lighter blue, as it’s tone is a little light.
Grape purple copper bearing tourmaline from Mozambique, just for color comparison. This has a GIT memo.C314C50A-2C0D-4ADD-B841-8B876538BDA5.jpeg

Lovely purple tourmaline.

Did the GIT memo state that it was copper bearing?
The OP's stones don't look quite right for tourmaline to me. Could it be scapolite?
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The OP's stones don't look quite right for tourmaline to me. Could it be scapolite?
Good guess!! We shall soon see.
Why don’t you heat it? It most likely will turn blue. I think it would turn a lighter blue, as it’s tone is a little light.

Hi Gene, who would I send it to heat? I actually think it’s unattractive as it is. I thought only the violet ones turn blue. Thanks.
Your purple tourmaline is gorgeous @T L ! I tried to get a decent photo of mine with my iPhone and out of 50 pictures, this was the best one, and it’s not really what I am seeing in person.. It’s hard to photograph! It’s not the best quality stone, but I love all things purple and wanted a purple tourmaline for my collection. I think there are still a couple available from the person I bought mine from on Loupe Troop
But back to the original posters question, did the wording on the description of the stones for sale at All That Glitters seem to question that purple tourmaline was actually found in Afghanistan? That was the way I read it.

Thanks, but I don’t like my stone. Is your tourmaline Mozambique copper bearing?
Thanks, but I don’t like my stone. Is your tourmaline Mozambique copper bearing?
Aw, that’s to bad. I think yours is pretty, but maybe Gene can help you find someone to heat it so you will think it’s pretty too :)). No, I don’t think mine is copper bearing and I don’t know it’s origin. It just came with an AGL Brief. It’s not an overly attractive stone, but it wasn’t very expensive and I plan to try making silver jewelry someday and thought I would make a teardrop pendant with it.
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From my experience heating the Mozambique material, the purple gray stones heat well. The darker the stone, but the better the final color.

You could send it to your favorite gem cutter! He has a programable oven and would cook it for free, as long as you assume the risk. Generally the survive the heating well. Stones from Nigeria are another story, as I have had quite a few of them crack from heating.
From my experience heating the Mozambique material, the purple gray stones heat well. The darker the stone, but the better the final color.

You could send it to your favorite gem cutter! He has a programable oven and would cook it for free, as long as you assume the risk. Generally the survive the heating well. Stones from Nigeria are another story, as I have had quite a few of them crack from heating.
Thanks Gene!! This is grape purple though. I also have a grayish violet copper bearing tourmaline, but I’m too afraid of that one cracking because it’s a very rare color.
Got the verbal confirmation today that they are non copper bearing tourmaline!
That's great news! Did you go back for the larger stones? If you did, please share pictures!