Hi, I have been looking for a loose diamond and after 3 month. The B&M stores have good service but it has been very frustrating trying to talk about hearts and arrows and cuts. Eventually decided to give the Internet a go and came across a few 'technically' lovely stones that is nudging me to give online buying a go. Contacted the store but am finding it hard to 'communicate' with the sales person on the other side of the continent. I shortlisted four stones and sent an email asking her opinions (as she can view them and I can't) as I can't buy all four (much as I would love to!)and a reply came back saying she does not understand what I meant. Tried telling her that I needed to 'borrow her eyes' but again came back with 'do not understand'.
Has anyone done purchasing over the Internet and how exactly did you do it. I am across the continent in Oz and am finding it very difficult to find a H&A stone here (kept getting shown Aurias diamonds which are exorbitantly expensive and when viewed under the h&a scope, seems to show a fuzz of everything)! Kept telling the sales people the h&a diamonds I have seen in HK but kept getting told that they have been in the business for years and a GIA rating of vg in symmetry and proportion is the best there can be and if it is an aurias, I should be on top of the world and thus price tag is justified; makes it very difficult to shop for a stone here.
Please help!

Has anyone done purchasing over the Internet and how exactly did you do it. I am across the continent in Oz and am finding it very difficult to find a H&A stone here (kept getting shown Aurias diamonds which are exorbitantly expensive and when viewed under the h&a scope, seems to show a fuzz of everything)! Kept telling the sales people the h&a diamonds I have seen in HK but kept getting told that they have been in the business for years and a GIA rating of vg in symmetry and proportion is the best there can be and if it is an aurias, I should be on top of the world and thus price tag is justified; makes it very difficult to shop for a stone here.
Please help!